2023年7月12日 星期三

樂觀經濟學家 (Optimistic Economist)諸多感人的故事: Julian Simon (1932~1998), 編輯 'The State of Humanity,' (1995)......地球,"人新世" (a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene) ,


樂觀經濟學家 (Optimistic Economist)諸多感人的故事: Julian Simon (1932~1998), 編輯 'The State of Humanity,' (1995)......地球,"人新世" (a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene) ,


The State of Humanity,' (1995) 近700頁,索引有 Taiwan於19歲以下入學率 (70年資料)。熱帶,傳染病等.


  當然當時沒 chip war. 人口老化問題,大型戰爭, 氣候變遷等等挑戰......



“他相信世界需要問題,因為它們讓我們變得更好,”休斯敦能源研究所所長小羅伯特·布拉德利 (Robert L. Bradley Jr.) 說。 “問題讓我們比從未發生過的情況更好。”



他認為,人類將通過設計新技術來應對任何挑戰和問題,不僅能夠應對,而且能夠繁榮發展。 “無論人口增長率是多少,從歷史上看,糧食供應的增長速度至少與人口增長率一樣快,甚至更快。”

“對於這個星球來說是幸運的,”西蒙先生在回應《全球 2000 年報告》(1980)時說道,“這些關於資源和環境的悲觀斷言是毫無根據的。”

埃利希集團在 1980 年 10 月下注時,對五種金屬——鉻、銅、鎳、錫和鎢——下注了 1,000 美元,每種金屬的價格為 200 美元。西蒙先生同意,他將在 10 年後以 1980 年的價格將商定數量的金屬出售給埃利希集團。如果 1990 年收購這些金屬的總價格高於 1,000 美元,西蒙先生將以現金支付差額。如果價格下跌,艾利希集團就會付錢給他。

...然而,1990 年秋天,隨著金屬價格大幅下跌,埃利希先生向西蒙先生郵寄了一張 576.07 美元的支票。

西蒙先生回了一封感謝信,並提出將賭注提高到 20,000 美元的挑戰,賭注與任何其他資源和未來的任何其他年份掛鉤。埃利希先生拒絕接受他的新提議。


for 美華姐2023.7.12


我提示,我們台灣做semiconductor 的,她秒回:喔chip! tsmc !
I know your COUNTRY!👍😆

Julian Simon, 65, Optimistic Economist, Dies

''He believed that the world needs problems because they make us better,'' said Robert L. Bradley Jr., president of the Institute for Energy Research in Houston. ''Problems make us better off than if they had never occurred.''

The essence of Mr. Simon's view of man and the future is contained in two predictions for the next century and any century thereafter that are in ''The State of Humanity,'' a book he edited for the Cato Institute.

''First,'' he wrote, ''humanity's condition will improve in just about every material way. Second, humans will continue to sit around complaining about everything getting worse.''

He argued that mankind would rise to any challenges and problems by devising new technologies to not only cope, but thrive. ''Whatever the rate of population growth is, historically it has been that the food supply increases at least as fast, if not faster,'' 

''Fortunately for this planet,'' Mr. Simon said in response to the Global 2000 Report,(1980) ''these gloomy assertions about resources and environment are baseless.''

The Ehrlich group bet $1,000 on five metals -- chrome, copper, nickel, tin and tungsten -- in quantities that each cost $200 in October 1980, when the bet was made. Mr. Simon agreed that he would sell the agreed-upon quantities of the metals to the Ehrlich group 10 years later at 1980 prices. If the combined prices of acquiring the metals in 1990 turned out to be higher than $1,000, Mr. Simon would pay the difference in cash. If prices fell, the Ehrlich group would pay him.

...Yet in the fall of 1990, with the prices of the metals down sharply, Mr. Ehrlich mailed Mr. Simon a check for $576.07.

Mr. Simon wrote back a thank you note, along with a challenge to raise the wager to as much as $20,000, tied to any other resources and to any other year in the future. Mr. Ehrlich declined to take him up on the new offer.












