2011年10月17日 星期一

Noah Webster


Today's Dictionary Day honors Noah Webster's birth

Today is Dictionary Day, aptly named for the birthday of the man who gave us the modern dictionary, Noah Webster. Here are five facts about the man.

Noah Webster's first dictionary was published in 1806, but a year later he began an expanded version that became what we know today as the modern dictionary.

During Webster's 27 years of researching and studying words and their origins for his dictionary, he learned 26 languages.

The dictionary contained 70,000 words and introduced an American way of spelling that simplified traditional British words. For example, colour became color and waggon became wagon.

Webster helped found Amherst College in Massachusetts.

In 1833, Webster revised the King James version of the Bible, correcting grammar, eliminating obsolete language and removing offensive words or phrases.

-- Holly Prestidge

