2012年12月18日 星期二

李應元, Jerome Alan Cohen孔傑榮

美國紐約大學法學院教授孔傑榮(Jerome Cohen)抵台,昨日前往台北榮總探視前總統陳水扁,會後大批聲援民眾包圍孔傑榮,盼要求馬英九放人。 (記者方賓照攝)
Jerome Alan Cohen is a professor of law at New York University School of Law, an expert in Chinese law, a senior fellow for Asia Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, and serves as "of counsel" at the international law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP.

孔傑榮於1930年出生在美國紐澤西州,父親是一個地方政府檢察官。1947年進入耶魯大學就讀。1951年以Phi Beta Kappa學生聯誼社成員身份畢業後,他接受福布萊特計劃的資助到法國研究國際關係。一年後,回到耶魯大學繼續攻讀學位,並於1955年獲得法學博士。在耶魯期間,他曾擔任《耶魯法律雜誌》的主編。1955至1956年,他先後在最高法院首席大法官厄爾·沃倫及大法官費利克斯·弗蘭克福特的手下當書記官。




2008年,中華民國前總統陳水扁貪污及洗錢案入獄,孔傑榮雖對陳及其的家人牽涉的金額感到「噁心」,但是他也認為此案也反映出臺灣過渡中的法律體制之部分缺失 ——法院該在保證他不會逃跑的條件下釋放他,也要保證他有適當的機會為自己辯護[7][12][13][14]。不過,馬英九隨後也公開澄清其對司法羈押的質疑[15][16]



李應元:台電應調降民營電廠購電價格 再談績效獎金
NOWnews – 2012年12月1日 下午2:59


 李應元Lee Ying-Yuan,1953年3月16日),雲林縣崙背鄉人,台灣政治人物,前行政院秘書長,前行政院勞工委員會主委,前雲林縣副縣長,現任第八屆立法委員。


2012年12月15日 星期六


山中伸彌日文:山中 伸弥,1962年9月4日),出生於日本大阪府東大阪市,日本醫學家,京都大學教授。成體幹細胞研究的先驅。2012年諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎得主[5]




山中さん、色紙に「初心」 授賞式から一夜明け抱負


 【ストックホルム=下司佳代子】ノーベル医学生理学賞を受賞した山中伸弥・京都大教授(50)が授賞式から一夜明けた11日朝、ストックホルムで記者会 見した。「今日は科学者として仕切り直しの朝だと感じている」と話し、「iPS細胞(人工多能性幹細胞)を創薬に役立てるという応用に向けて、これまで以 上に力を入れていきたい」と抱負を語った。




 また、「祖先を動物扱いされた」とする台湾人の主張に対しては「歴史的事実として紹介しただけで、原告の名誉を傷つけたとはいえない」と判断。NHKは 公平な放送をする義務があると訴えた視聴者らの主張についても、「NHKは視聴者ら個人に対する義務は負わない」と退けた。
 英国の博覧会に連れて行かれたのは台湾南部・屏東県高士村の先住民、パイワン族の人々だ。元村長の荘来金さん(53)は判決内容を聞いて、「取材を受け た者の意に反して一部だけ引用したのならNHKは謝るべきだ。でも裁判を続ければ互いに傷つく。理解し合う方がいい」と話した。


作為NHK驗證嚴格治理台灣,日本有失偏頗內容的節目NHK擁有10,000個觀眾和日本台灣尋求賠償日元,110在訴訟中,14,東京地區法院下達裁決,駁回了要求 編輯程序委託給NHK,編輯一個(新的不是任意的洋一說:”審判長小野





原居民村屏東縣台灣南部您帶來英國的論述排灣族Gyoka (53)NHK了解彼此互相傷害,如果保持的審判應該道歉如果報價只有一部分反對意志的判決內容採訪來到市長與我交談的人誰是好“

2012年12月13日 星期四

Oliver Stone,石錫勳《磺溪一老人》


 威廉·奥利弗·史東William Oliver Stone,1946年9月15日),美國電影導演編劇,同時還是一名演員。其電影多是政治或戰爭題材,其中《前進高棉》、《誰殺了甘迺迪》、《閃靈殺手》等都是公認的佳作。他的《前進高棉》、《七月四日誕生》、《天與地》三部越戰題材的作品被譽為「越戰三部曲」。由於他曾經參加過越戰並負傷,因而在其電影中注重利用暴力進行對社會的反思。這點與另外一名著名導演 昆廷·塔倫蒂諾 恰恰相反;後者的作品崇尚暴力美學,暴力在其電影中的目的往往只是娛樂觀眾。



「磺溪一老人」石錫勳病逝1985/9/22,享年 86歲
石錫勳,字逸南,1900 年出生於彰化街北門外(今彰化市中正路)。從小即跟父親石汝鏘研習「漢學仔」;「彰化第一公學」畢業後,考進「台北醫學校」,在學期間,即參予「台灣文化協會」的籌備工作,是該會創立時理事之一。
文協分裂後,他的立場仍循同鄉王敏川的路線,不過行動沒有以前熱衷;1931 年新文協遭到當局全力鎮壓,他倖免於難。從此專心經營石內科醫院及南亞製粉株式會社。
戰後,他被推舉為彰化市接管委員會主席及省轄市彰化市長,但不久即下台;後繼擔任國民黨彰化市黨部財務委員、三民主義青年團彰化分團主任,彰化市參議員。1947 年,黨團合併,他放棄歸隊登記,成了黨外人士。
石錫勳以參予民主運動為己任;1954 年,在「彰化縣政由彰化人自治」的呼聲下,他毅然參予第二屆縣長選舉,不幸以微差票數飲恨,而後,他屢敗屢起,先後再參予第三屆、第四屆彰化縣長及第三屆省議員選舉,每次都是「輸了選票,贏了民心」,使他成了民、青兩黨爭取的對象。

1968 年,青年黨提名他參加第六屆彰化縣長競選,他滿懷雄心,準備全力一搏的前夕,竟告神秘失蹤。2 月入獄,直到年底才被獲准保外就醫。
這位身負 7 年徒刑的「磺溪一老人」,從此退出政壇,避居高雄養老。1980 年,他返回彰化,曾有「殘骨終埋桑梓下,赤心難挽舊山河」的詩作。
1985 年今日,石錫勳以 86 高齡病逝。

2012年12月12日 星期三

Ravi Shankar, Sitar Master

Ravi Shankar, Sitar Master Who Spread Indian Music, Dies at 92

Tonight at 8 pm: Hear the Third Shankar Sitar Concerto, Recorded at Carnegie Hall in 2009

Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 10:50 PM

Ravi Shankar, the sitar player and composer who became India's most influential musician, died Tuesday evening in San Diego, CA. He was 92.
Shankar's death came after he underwent heart-valve replacement surgery on Thursday. He had been suffering from upper-respiratory and heart issues over the past year, said his New York-based representative.
Shankar is best known for having influenced the Beatles – and much of the youth counterculture – during the 1960s, performing at the legendary Woodstock and Monterrey Pop music festivals. He also put a distinctive stamp on classical music. Between 1967 and 1976 he made three "West Meets East" albums with the American violinist Yehudi Menuhin. Featuring the hypnotic interplay of Menuhin's violin and Shankar's sitar, the albums were critical and commercial successes and won a Grammy Award.
"Ravi Shankar has brought me a precious gift and through him I have added a new dimension to my experience of music," Menuhin once said.
Other Western classical musicians sought out the sitar player. Shankar collaborated with the flutist Jean-Pierre Rampal and the cellist Mstislav Rostropovich, among other soloists. He composed three concertos for sitar and orchestra: for the London Symphony Orchestra, the New York Philharmonic (led by Zubin Mehta) and theOrpheus Chamber Orchestra.
Shankar also worked with Philip Glass, whose minimalist aesthetic had an affinity with the patterns of North Indian ragas. Their collaborations included the 1990 album "Passages," and Orion for the Athens 2004 Cultural Olympiad. In a 1985 interview on WNYC's New Sounds, Shankar recalled meeting Glass at a recording session for the soundtrack to the 1966 film "Chappaqua." "He was so curious," Shankar said. "He was asking questions about ragas, talas and counting. In that period of six or seven sessions I told him as much as I could."
Although his health declined in recent years, Shankar remained active in music: he and his musician daughter Anoushka had been nominated for a 2013 Grammy in the world music category. In a statement, Shankar's family said, "Although it is a time for sorrow and sadness, it is also a time for all of us to give thanks and to be grateful that we were able to have him as a part of our lives. His spirit and his legacy will live on forever in our hearts and in his music."
Below is a video of Shankar and Menuhin performing in the 1970s.



2012年12月9日 星期日

司馬庫斯部落/gaga 舞

 一輛連司機共廿三人的中型巴士,下午三點多從新竹縣司馬庫斯部落出發準備返家,在行經泰崗部落和宇老部落間, 可能因為山區路況不熟,整輛中巴滑落三百五十公尺深的山谷。消防局據報後緊急派人前往救援,目前廿三人當中,有十三人死亡,另有十人分別受輕重傷。而戴姓 司機則是骨折被救起送醫,檢警也漏夜訊問相關人士,以查明這起意外發生的原因。(彭清仁報導)
據了解,這輛出事的中型巴士乘客,都是新北市的泰山國小十九屆的畢業校友,因為辦理戶外同學會,共有廿二人參加新竹縣尖石後山的司馬庫斯部落兩天一夜旅 遊。成員大都是五、六十歲的中老年人,九日中午吃完午餐從司馬庫斯出發返家,中型巴士在行經泰崗部落和宇老部落間,可能因為山區天候不佳和路況不熟,中型 巴士從右側滑落深達三百五十公尺的山谷,有多人被甩出車外,後方車輛發現後也立刻報警。
救難人員和山青先以繩索拉起,陸續抵達溪谷巴士翻覆現場,再以人力接駁搬運方式,以繩索將傷亡者從山谷拉起,整個救援過程相當困難耗時,而傷亡者也隨即以 救護車分送新竹縣市的大型醫院救治。據救難人員指出,由於中型巴士翻落過程,讓車內的乘客在激烈的翻滾撞擊下,才會造成重大的傷亡,多名死者身體肢離破 碎,現場慘不忍睹,中型巴士也扭曲變形橫躺在溪谷。至於戴姓司機目前骨折緊急送醫,檢警也連夜訊問中巴的駕駛,了解事發的原因。而焦急的死傷者家屬,九日 晚間陸續抵達醫院,對一場同學會造成昔日老同學幾乎是死傷各半,場面哀淒。

這片還有一2003脫離共同體的人物 他希望自己的後代可以有自己的土地房舍

Lady Gaga 看泰雅族的 gaga 舞

公視紀錄片司馬庫斯 部落首映

  • 2011-06-28
  • 【中央社】

 這裡是台灣最後一個通電,也是最後一個有路到達的原住民部落,直到1995年,對外道路才開通。早年生活困苦,許多人離鄉到都市生活,部 落頭目倚岕.穌隆不願放棄祖先留給他們的土地,帶領著族人在這裡辛勤工作、傳承文化、守護山林;這裡也是台灣唯一實行土地財產共有的地區。
 紀錄片為呈現壯麗的司馬庫斯紅檜巨木「YaYa」(泰雅語媽媽之意),更在台灣首次引進奧斯卡等級的加拿大高空繩索攝影團隊,呈現世界級 古老森林之美。兩位英國籍導演強生(Dean Johnson)和史密斯(Frank Smith)的眼裡,司馬庫斯宛如現代烏托邦一般,是十分特殊的社會實踐。

Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education



奧巴馬總統正在組建新的國家安全團隊,約翰·克里參議員(John Kerry)可能入主五角大樓,美國駐聯合國大使蘇珊·賴斯(Susan Rice)被認為是國務卿的最熱門人選。對國防部而言,克里是個優秀的人選。我完全不認識賴斯,所以我不知道她是否適合這份工作,但我認為,抓住她在利比 亞事件上的言論而作的牽強文章,肯定不應當剝奪她的資格。雖說如此,我心中的國務卿人選是現任教育部長阿恩·鄧肯(Arne Duncan)。
首先從明顯的地方說起。這份工作的一大部分是談判。就此而言,任何與芝加哥教師工會(Chicago Teachers Union)談判過的人,都會發現跟俄羅斯人和中國人談判輕鬆得很。鄧肯在去華盛頓任職之前是芝加哥公立學校學區(Chicago Public Schools)的首席執行官。教育部長(和國務卿)的一大部分工作,是讓盟友和對手在他們通常不會同意的事情上達成一致,同時讓他們認為這全是他們自己 的主意。相信我,如果你能與美國教師聯盟(American Federation of Teachers)主席蘭迪·溫加滕(Randi Weingarten)達成這種協議的話,你就能與弗拉基米爾·普京(Vladimir Putin)和比比·內塔尼亞胡(Bibi Netanyahu)達成協議。

這裡還有一個更深層次的理由:當今世界最大的主題是增長,而在這個信息時代,為更多年輕人改善教育結果,如今是提高經濟增長、縮小收入不均的最重要 槓桿。換句話說,教育現在是可持續實力的關鍵。如果有一名世界領先的教育權威擔任國務卿,那麼,每個人都會想與之交談。比方說,與哈馬斯(Hamas)領 導人談判(假如我們會與他們談判的話)的時候,如果國務卿能首先問“知道你們的孩子有多落後嗎?”可能會非常有益。這也許會比“你們為什麼不承認以色 列?”更管用。

“當今世界最大的課題是增長,而世界可分為兩個群體:一個群體懂得這一點,另一個群體不懂得,”約翰·霍普金斯大學(Johns Hopkins University)的外交政策專家邁克爾·曼德爾鮑姆(Michael Mandelbaum)說。“如果是與中東打交道,假如有人能告訴某些群體:他們走錯了道路,他們的問題並不是他們自以為的那些,而解決辦法也不是他們所 認為的,那可能真的會有所幫助。”

的確,伊斯蘭教是世界上最偉大的一神論信仰之一,但它不是當今阿拉伯發展的答案。數學才是答案。教育才是答案。讓中東關注到這一點,將比其他任何事 情更能促進美國的利益和他們的繁榮。正如我們在埃及所看到的,突然創立一個大眾民主體制,卻沒有改進大眾教育,那是非常不穩定的。

與此同時,隨着美國對外援助預算的縮減,越來越多的援助將由傳統資助轉為“力爭上遊”式(Race to the Top)的援助。鄧肯領導的教育部在美國的校園改革中首先倡導了這種方式。我們將不得不告訴有需要的國家,誰能拿出最好的主意來教育年輕女性和女孩、激勵 初創企業,或者加強法治,那麼該國就能獲得稀缺的美國對外援助。這種競賽將是對外援助的未來。

最後,自冷戰結束後,我們的國務卿累積的飛行里程超過了他們所創造的歷史,這是有原因的。1995年前,國務卿的工作涉及終結或避免超級大國之間的衝突,以及簽署大規模的軍備控制條約。那些都屬於英勇外交的範疇。幸運的是,如今要終結的大型戰爭少得多了,現在的宏大協議關注的是貿易和環境(這些協議 很難達成),而不是核武器。還有,今天的國務卿需要應對多得多的失敗或即將失敗的國家。希拉里·克林頓國務卿(Hillary Clinton)實際上不得不推動敘利亞各反對派形成一股具有凝聚力的力量,作為說服他們正確行事的必要前提。今天,國務卿要想創造歷史,就得先塑造出要 打交道的國家。

簡言之,美國仍然不可或缺,但問題要棘手得多。我們的盟友今非昔比,敵手也如此,他們與其說是超級大國,不如說是大權在握的憤怒男女。許多國家將需 要回到黑板、回到基本的人力資源建設,然後才能與我們進行任何的合作。因此,儘管我們不太可能讓教育部長去當國務卿,但讓我們至少明白,這為何並不是一個 荒謬的主意。

My Secretary of State

President Obama is assembling his new national security team, with Senator John Kerry possibly heading for the Pentagon and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice the perceived front-runner to become secretary of state. Kerry is an excellent choice for defense. I don’t know Rice at all, so I have no opinion on her fitness for the job, but I think the contrived flap over her Libya comments certainly shouldn’t disqualify her. That said, my own nominee for secretary of state would be the current education secretary, Arne Duncan.
Yes, yes, I know. Duncan is not seeking the job and is not the least bit likely to be appointed. But I’m nominating him because I think this is an important time to ask the question of not just who should be secretary of state, but what should the secretary of state be in the 21st century?
Let’s start with the obvious. A big part of the job is negotiating. Well, anyone who has negotiated with the Chicago Teachers Union, as Duncan did when he was superintendent of the Chicago Public Schools before going to Washington, would find negotiating with the Russians and Chinese a day at the beach. A big part of being secretary of education (and secretary of state) is getting allies and adversaries to agree on things they normally wouldn’t — and making them think that it was all their idea. Trust me, if you can cut such deals with Randi Weingarten, who is president of the American Federation of Teachers, you can do them with Vladimir Putin and Bibi Netanyahu.
A big part of the job of secretary of state is also finding common ground between multiple constituencies: Congress, foreign countries, big business, the White House, the Pentagon and the diplomats. The same is true for a school superintendent, but the constituencies between which they have to forge common ground are so much more intimidating: They’re called “parents,” “teachers,” “students” and “school boards.”
There is a deeper point here: The biggest issue in the world today is growth, and, in this information age, improving educational outcomes for more young people is now the most important lever for increasing economic growth and narrowing income inequality. In other words, education is now the key to sustainable power. To have a secretary of state who is one of the world’s leading authorities on education, well, everyone would want to talk to him. For instance, it would be very helpful to have a secretary of state who can start a negotiating session with Hamas leaders (if we ever talk with them) by asking: “Do you know how far behind your kids are?” That might actually work better than: “Why don’t you recognize Israel?”
“The biggest issue in the world today is growth, and the world is divided into two groups — those who get it and those who don’t,” said Michael Mandelbaum, the Johns Hopkins University foreign policy expert. “If you’re dealing with the Middle East, it might actually be helpful to have someone who can tell some of the parties why they are going in the wrong direction and how their problems are not what they think they are, nor are their solutions.”
Indeed, Islam is one of the world’s great monotheistic faiths, but it is not the answer to Arab development today. Math is the answer. Education is the answer. Getting the Middle East to focus on that would do more to further our interests and their prosperity than anything else. As we are seeing in Egypt, suddenly creating a mass democracy without improving mass education is highly unstable.
At the same time, as our foreign budget shrinks, more and more of it will have to be converted from traditional grants to “Races to the Top,” which Duncan’s Education Department pioneered in U.S. school reform. We will have to tell needy countries that whoever comes up with the best ideas for educating their young women and girls or incentivizing start-ups or strengthening their rule of law will get our scarce foreign aid dollars. That race is the future of foreign aid.
Finally, there’s a reason that since the end of the cold war our secretaries of state have racked up more miles than they’ve made history. Before 1995, the job involved ending or avoiding superpower conflicts and signing big arms control treaties. Those were the stuff of heroic diplomacy. Fortunately, today there are fewer big wars to end, and the big treaties now focus more on trade and the environment than nukes — and they’re very hard to achieve. Also, today’s secretary of state has to deal with so many more failed or failing states. Secretary Hillary Clinton practically had to forge the Syrian opposition groups into a coherent collective, as a necessary precursor to persuading them to do the right things. Today, to make history as a secretary of state, you have to make the countries to deal with first.
In short, we’re still indispensable, but the problems are much more intractable. Our allies are not what they used to be and neither are our enemies, who are less superpowers and more superempowered angry men and women. A lot of countries will need to go back to the blackboard, back to the basics of human capacity building, before they can partner with us on anything. So while we’re not likely to shift our secretary of education to secretary of state, let’s at least understand why it is not such a preposterous idea.


Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education—Biography

Photo of Secretary Arne Duncan
Print photo
Arne Duncan is the ninth U.S. secretary of education. He has served in this post since his confirmation by the U.S. Senate on Jan. 20, 2009, following his nomination by President Barack Obama.
Duncan's tenure as secretary has been marked by a number of significant accomplishments on behalf of American students and teachers. He helped to secure congressional support for President Obama's investments in education, including the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's $100 billion to fund 325,000 teaching jobs, increases in Pell grants, reform efforts such as Race to the Top and Investing in Innovation, and interventions in low-performing schools. Additionally, he has helped secure an additional $10 billion to avoid teacher layoffs; the elimination of student loan subsidies to banks; and a $500 million national competition for early learning programs. Under Duncan's leadership at the Department, the Race to the Top program has the incentives, guidance, and flexibility it needs to support reforms in states. The Department also has focused billions of dollars to transform struggling schools, prompting nearly 1,000 low-performing schools nationwide to recruit new staff, adopt new teaching methods, and add learning time. He has led new efforts to encourage labor and management to work together as never before, and their new collaboration is helping to drive reform, strengthen teaching, create better educational options, and improve learning. During Duncan's tenure, the Department has launched a comprehensive effort to transform the teaching profession.
In support of President Obama's goal for the United States to produce the highest percentage of college graduates by the year 2020, Duncan has helped secure increases in the Pell grant program to boost the number of young Americans attending college and receiving postsecondary degrees. He has begun new efforts to ensure that colleges and universities provide more transparency around graduation, job placement, and student loan default rates. With the income-based repayment program introduced during Duncan's tenure, student loan payments are being reduced for college graduates in low-paying jobs, and loans will be forgiven after 10 years for persons in certain public service occupations, such as teachers, police officers and firefighters.
Before becoming secretary of education, Duncan served as the chief executive officer of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS), a position he held from June 2001 through December 2008. In that time, he won praise for uniting education reformers, teachers, principals and business stakeholders behind an aggressive education reform agenda that included opening more than 100 new schools, expanding after-school and summer learning programs, closing down underperforming schools, increasing early childhood and college access, dramatically boosting the caliber of teachers, and building public-private partnerships around a variety of education initiatives. Duncan is credited with significantly raising student performance on national and state tests, increasing graduation rates and the numbers of students taking Advanced Placement courses, and boosting the total number of scholarships secured by CPS students to more than $150 million. Also during his leadership of CPS, the district was recognized for its efforts to bring top teaching talent into the city's classrooms, where the number of teachers applying for positions almost tripled.
Prior to joining the Chicago Public Schools, from 1992 to 1998, Duncan ran the nonprofit education foundation Ariel Education Initiative, which helped fund a college education for a class of inner-city children under the I Have A Dream program. He was part of a team that later started a new public elementary school built around a financial literacy curriculum, the Ariel Community Academy, which today ranks among the top elementary schools in Chicago. From 1987 to 1991, Duncan played professional basketball in Australia, where he also worked with children who were wards of the state.
Duncan graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1987, after majoring in sociology. He was co-captain of Harvard's basketball team and was named a first team Academic All-American.
Duncan is married to Karen Duncan, and they have two children who attend public school in Arlington, Va.

Sir Patrick Moore, astronomer and broadcaster, dies aged 89

Sir Patrick Moore, astronomer and broadcaster, dies aged 89


Sir Patrick Moore's contribution to the world of astronomy

Related Stories

British astronomer and broadcaster Sir Patrick Moore has died, aged 89, his friends and colleagues have said.
He "passed away peacefully at 12:25 this afternoon" at his home in Selsey, West Sussex, they said in a statement.
Sir Patrick presented the BBC programme The Sky At Night for over 50 years, making him the longest-running host of the same television show ever.
He wrote dozens of books on astronomy and his research was used by the US and the Russians in their space programmes.
Described by one of his close friends as "fearlessly eccentric", Sir Patrick was notable for his habit of wearing a monocle on screen and his idiosyncratic style.

Start Quote

Through his regular monthly programmes he was telling us what to look for and what was out there and that was a real inspiration”
Maggie Aderin-Pocock Space scientist
Sir Patrick presented the first edition of The Sky at Night on 24 April 1957. He last appeared in an episode broadcast on Monday.
A statement by his friends and staff said: "After a short spell in hospital last week, it was determined that no further treatment would benefit him, and it was his wish to spend his last days in his own home, Farthings, where he today passed on, in the company of close friends and carers and his cat Ptolemy.
"Over the past few years, Patrick, an inspiration to generations of astronomers, fought his way back from many serious spells of illness and continued to work and write at a great rate, but this time his body was too weak to overcome the infection which set in, a few weeks ago.
"He was able to perform on his world record-holding TV programme The Sky at Night right up until the most recent episode .
"His executors and close friends plan to fulfil his wishes for a quiet ceremony of interment, but a farewell event is planned for what would have been Patrick's 90th birthday in March 2013."
'Father figure' Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore was born at Pinner, Middlesex on 4 Mar 1923.
Heart problems meant he spent much of his childhood being educated at home and he became an avid reader. His mother gave him a copy of GF Chambers' book, The Story of the Solar System, and this sparked his lifelong passion for astronomy.
Sir Patrick Moore was the voice of the space age.
I recall as a child not following every detail of that famously rapid patter but I never minded - because like everyone who watched his broadcasts I was swept along by his extraordinary energy and excitement.
Here was someone who could catch the mood of a world enthralled by a heady mix of discovery and achievement.
With rockets launching satellites and then astronauts above Earth and beyond, there was no greater enthusiast to chronicle and illuminate an exhilarating new era of exploration.
Generations grew up with Patrick Moore as their guide and he proved hugely influential. Astronomy was no longer a niche activity.
The man with the monocle had touched people who had never even thought of stargazing.
When war came he turned down a place at Cambridge and lied about his age to join the RAF, serving as a navigator with Bomber Command and rising to the rank of Flight Lieutenant.
But the war brought him a personal tragedy after his fiancee, Lorna, was killed when an ambulance she was driving was hit by a bomb. He never married.
Sir Patrick, who had a pacemaker fitted in 2006 and received a knighthood in 2001, won a Bafta for services to television and was a honorary fellow of the Royal Society.
He was a member of the UK Independence party and, briefly, the finance minister for the Monster Raving Loony Party, and attracted some controversy for his outspoken views on Europe and immigration.
His other TV credits include the role of Gamesmaster in the 1990s computer games show of the same name.
BBC science correspondent Pallab Ghosh said Sir Patrick's appearance sometimes aroused as much comment as his astronomy: "He was six-foot-three, and was once described as having 'an air of donnish dishevelment', with his raised eyebrow, scarcely-brushed hair and poorly-fitting suits.
"His enthusiasm was unstoppable, and on occasions he would talk at 300 words a minute."
Queen guitarist Brian May, who published a book on astronomy written with Sir Patrick, described him as a "dear friend, and a kind of father figure to me".
The Sky At Night through the years
He said: "Patrick will be mourned by the many to whom he was a caring uncle, and by all who loved the delightful wit and clarity of his writings, or enjoyed his fearlessly eccentric persona in public life.
"Patrick is irreplaceable. There will never be another Patrick Moore. But we were lucky enough to get one."
Television presenter and physicist Professor Brian Cox posted a message on Twitter saying: "Very sad news about Sir Patrick. Helped inspire my love of astronomy. I will miss him!"
UKIP leader Nigel Farage said: "Since I first met Sir Patrick when he dominated a UKIP stage in 1999, he has been a friend and an inspiration - not only to us in UKIP, but across the country and around the world. Today we have seen the passing of a true great, and a true Englishman."
And Dr Marek Kakula, public astronomer at Royal Observatory in Greenwich, described him as a "very charming and hospitable man".
"When you came to his home he would always make sure you had enough to eat and drink. He was full of really entertaining and amusing stories.
"There are many many professional astronomers like me who can actually date their interest in astronomy to watching Patrick on TV, so his impact on the world of professional astronomy as well as amateur is hard to overstate."

2012年12月8日 星期六



天后張惠妹熱力開唱 High翻南台灣








台湾の女性トップシンガー・張惠妹(アーメイ)が、恋人のために店を建設。1.5億台湾ドル(約4億円)の資金をつぎこんだという。台湾メディアが報道した。(写真は「CNSPHOTO」提供) (サーチナ)
 アーメイの交際相手はバーテンダーのSAMと呼ばれる人物で、順調な付き合いを続けてきたとされる。最近は仕事よりもプライベー トを優先していたアーメイは、SAM氏を心から信頼し「新しいバーを作って共同経営者になりたい」という思いで、建設を決めたそうだ。2012年末に開店 予定のバーは、2人で内装を考え細かく意見を出すなど、恋人同士の熱い思いが込められているという。
 過去に恋愛関係にあった一般男性と金銭トラブルがあり、不愉快な経験を持つアーメイ。2度とそんな思いをしないよう、また金銭が らみで破局を迎えないよう、SAM氏との付き合いは気を付けているというが……結婚に向かっていくのか、2人の今後の関係が注目されそうだ。(編集担当: 饒波貴子)

張惠妹昨天在住處內的樓梯踩空跌落,右腳腳踝嚴重脫臼,菲傭還當場嚇哭,馬上送醫治療,醫生打止痛針後,喬回走位的骨頭,用板子固定右腳,更要阿妹五天內不能走路,但下週六的長沙演唱會,不受影響照常演出! 下週準備在大陸長沙開演唱會的天后張惠妹,週三中午卻從家裡 ...

倫敦首開唱 張惠妹熱舞獻粉絲

2012/05/01 09:24:00

台灣流行音樂天后張惠妹30日晚在倫敦知名的O2體育館首度開唱,阿妹一償在倫敦開唱宿願十分興奮。(中央社記者黃貞貞倫敦傳真 101年5月1日)




張惠妹以「Hello London」問候全場上萬歌迷,受到熱情的回應,現場不時聽到「阿妹我愛你」,甚至還有「阿妹我不能沒有你」,令她開心感動不已。








另一位來自台灣的鄭小姐說,從張惠妹一出道自己就是歌迷,「今晚非常非常的開心」,不管是阿妹還是阿密特,她的歌與她的表演已經成為我們生命的一部分,她 為我們每個人生命的高低潮唱出不同的主題曲,而我們唯一能為她做的事情,就是不管我們在世界的哪裡,都能聚在一起聽她唱歌。(本文附有照 片)1010430

zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hant/張惠妹 - 頁庫存檔
張惠妹90年代中期發跡於台灣,以高亢野性的聲音及舞台演繹張力十足著稱,1996年出道後,即在華語流行樂壇颳起一陣「妹力」,媒體曾以「旱地拔蔥」、「平地一聲雷」 ...

張惠妹吸金1.9億元 8萬粉絲掏錢朝聖

NOWnews.com 今日新聞網

2012年4月9日 07:15
  • 張惠妹連續8天攻蛋,吸金超過1.9億元。(圖/公關照)


阿妹創下台灣藝人新紀錄,一連在小巨蛋唱八場,共吸引8.8萬名觀眾觀賞,8場門票都以秒殺速度賣光,票房共累積達1.9億元,昨日(8號)是最後一場演 唱會,阿妹情緒激動的說:「真的捨不得,很累,每天早上都會練發聲,看看還有沒有聲音,我狀況非常好,可以再來20場。」

張惠妹打破樂團五月天連唱7場的新紀錄,從3月30開始,除了4月2、3日停機,一連8晚都在小巨蛋開唱4個多小時,驚人的記錄甚至被羅志祥封為「張八 蛋」。阿妹昨日開唱前,也向辛苦的工作人員精神喊話,全體人員8天一同奮戰,即將曲終人散,讓不少人忍不住落下不捨的眼淚,阿妹說:「好像公務員被開除 了!」



原文網址: 張惠妹吸金1.9億元 8萬粉絲掏錢朝聖 | 娛樂新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網 http://www.nownews.com/2012/04/09/37-2802653.htm#ixzz1rVyoi7aU

這篇沒標時間: 張惠 妹為同志族群唱了《彩虹》http://3cmusic.com/home/?p=2924

張惠妹在明天推出的全新專輯《阿密特》當中特別收錄了阿妹為同志族群唱《彩虹》,此曲原本想取名《我的同志男友》,因為阿妹身邊有很多同志朋友,和 她的感情就像男朋友一樣好;阿妹一向深受同志族群喜愛,這次阿密特演唱《彩虹》,她邊錄唱腦海裡邊浮現同志朋友穿裙子跳舞的景象。對於這張投入很多心血的 專輯,她非常滿意,並說拿到母帶之後,站著一口氣聽到最後一首歌《彩虹》結束,就哭了。
你整齊潔白的床 是我傾訴的地方
抱你哭著到天亮 你等待幸福的廚房
那次情人節晚餐 卻是我陪你嚐
衣櫃不算太寬 藏著你的天堂 依然歡迎我分享
我們的愛很像 都因男人而受傷 卻又繼續碰撞
當天空昏暗 當氣溫失常 你用巨大的堅強 總能抵擋
當尖銳眼光 當刺耳聲響 你用彩虹的浪漫 溫柔包裝
看我丟掉他的西裝 比我先紅了眼眶
笑我傻 陪我慌 當我找到幸福去向
幫我快樂的化妝 陪我傻 笑我慌

Taiwan homosexuals hold annual march to demand equal rights Oct 30, 2010, 14:20 GMT

Taipei - Around 30,000 Taiwan homosexuals and their supporters marched through Taipei on Saturday to demand equal rights.
Shouting slogans and waving rainbow flags, symbol of the gay rights movement, the participants began the Gay Pride March from the square in front of the presidential office building.
After circling the centre of Taipei, they returned to the same square to hold a concert to highlight discrimination faced by homosexuals and transgender people at work and in school.
Under the slogan Out & Vote, the organizers urged homosexuals to vote only for candidates who support gay rights in local elections next month.
Among Asian countries, Taiwan is one of the most tolerant towards gays. But homosexuals want the government do more to uphold their rights as well as legalize gay marriage.
Lin Bei-shan, a student from a nursing school outside Taipei, was attending the gay march for the first time, together with four schoolmates who are also lesbians.
'At my school, my classmates know I am a lesbian because I am dressed in a neutral tone. But once we graduate, we will face discrimination from society,' she told the German Press Agency dpa.
'So we demand the government recognize homosexual partnerships and legalize marriage between homosexuals,' she added.
Many Taipei residents lined the streets to watch the march pass by, taking photos and clapping to show their support.
'I think it is a good thing that they march. Society should give them more rights,' a Taipei lawyer, who gave only his surname, Liu, told dpa.
The march was the eighth since it was first held in Taipei in 2003.

