2021年2月27日 星期六

Jeremy Lin林書豪:N.B.A. Investigating After Jeremy Lin Said He Was Called ‘Coronavirus’... the Brooklyn Nets 籃網; “我必須變得更好”

隨著NBA開放球隊和自由球員簽約,籃網今宣布和台裔球星林書豪正式簽約,雖然球團並未透露合約細節,但先前已經報導過是份3年3600萬美元合約,林書豪簽約後也自拍影片告知已經簽約,還透露將來包奇多火辣味粟米脆條(Flamin Hot Cheetos)慶祝。籃網總管馬克斯(Sean Marks-- . He is currently the general manager of the Brooklyn Nets)發表聲明表示:「我們非常興奮地歡迎林書豪來到布魯克林,他是1個性格很好且很有競爭力的球員,他適合我們球隊未來的文化,他也適合亞特金森(Kenny Atkinson)教練的打法,林書豪是個證明過自己的有經驗後衛,他有著很好的領導力,他很明顯適合球隊體系和這座城市。」林書豪在上季例行賽平均出賽26.3分鐘繳出11.7分、3.2籃板和3助攻,季後賽平均攻得12.4分、2.3籃板和2.6助攻。(陳雍仁/綜合報導)
Analysis  2013
Lin Does a Lot by Not Doing Too Much
Jeremy Lin has been a solid if unexceptional contributor for the Rockets, as his 12.8 points a game through Friday attest.


不過,報導也指出,林書豪和隊友「大鬍子」哈登(James Harden)之間,顯然還需要更多化學作用。火箭隊前鋒巴森斯(Chandler Parsons)就認為,哈登是主控性很強的球員,林書豪必須學會如何作更好合作。


紐約州格林堡——NBA新賽季即將開始,林書豪將是聯賽中最受矚目的球員之一。2月,尼 克斯隊(Knicks)球員林書豪一夜成名,紅遍全球。林書豪現效力於休斯頓火箭隊(Houston Rockets)。火箭隊的隊員都很年輕,在一定程度上,這支隊伍是圍繞着林書豪進行重建的 。
現在,《GQ》雜誌11月刊把林書豪作為封面人物,並對他進行專題報道。這反映了林書豪所受到的持續關注。在這篇由威爾·利奇(Will Leitch)撰稿的文章中,林書豪詳細回憶了他所經歷的一系列讓他眩暈的事件。他回憶了他是如何迅速從NBA的邊緣人物,變成尼克斯隊的首發後衛,今年 夏天又驚人地離開尼克斯隊,因為火箭隊願意為他支付自由球員的價格,而尼克斯隊則拒絕開出同樣的價錢。

林書豪在採訪中說,當他在火箭隊的聘用協議上簽字時,火箭隊告訴他,他們相當確定尼克斯隊會匹配這個報價。林書豪說,尼克斯隊沒讓他留下,他感到很 吃驚。尤其是在這之前,就在他還有一周就要變成自由球員時,他曾在洛杉磯與卡梅隆·安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)、泰森·錢德勒(Tyson Chandler),和邁克·伍德森(Mike Woodson)教練共進晚餐,他們都告訴他說,認為他能留在尼克斯隊。





基督教浸信會懷恩堂 今晚林書豪奇蹟之夜我看網路直播…..


The Media Equation

Media Hype for Lin Stumbles on Race

Jeremy Lin's hot streak for the Knicks over the past week has threatened the tabloid supply of puns and superlatives, where "Lincredible" was just the beginning.


Ecstatic Taiwanese claim Knicks' Lin as their own
Chicago Daily Herald
AP AP By AP TAIPEI, Taiwan — With only a handful of foreign embassies, and a political leadership forced into international invisibility, it's not surprising that the 23 million people of Taiwan feel their island home doesn't always get the respect it ...
'Linsanity' hits Taiwan as Jeremy Lin conquers NBA
BBC News
Halfway across the world, in Lin's ancestral home of Taiwan, he has become a local hero. Lin is the first American basketball player of Taiwanese descent to play in the NBA. Not only has he made it into a league that sees few Asian players, ...
See all stories on this topic »

BBC News
Taiwan Captivated by 'Linsanity'
Voice of America
February 16, 2012 Taiwan Captivated by 'Linsanity' Ralph Jennings | Taipei Taiwan seldom has an opportunity to celebrate a sports hero as one of its own. So people on the island are not missing any chances to cheer the rapid, surprising success of ...
China and Taiwan vie for a piece of Jeremy Lin
CNN (blog)
But basketball's latest wonderboy may now find himself caught in a competition of a different sort, as both China and Taiwan seek to claim the Asian-American as one of their own. Lin's parents were born in Taiwan, but Communist Party officials in China ...
Jeremy Lin is Taiwanese, family insists
Taipei Times
The family of basketball sensation Jeremy Lin (林書豪), who announced he would visit Taiwan to take part in a basketball camp after the NBA season wraps up, is adamant that he is of Taiwanese heritage, the New York Times reported yesterday.

Lin plans Taiwan visit after 'Lin-sanity' season
Gulf Times
Jeremy Lin says he plans on going to Taiwan after this NBA of 'Lin-sanity' is complete, the new NBA Asian-American star saying he would return to a basketball camp he took part in last year. Lin, whose parents are from Taiwan and whose grandmother is ...
Pride and politics for Asian fans of NBA sensation Lin
By Wally Santana, AP Fans at a sports bar in Taipei, Taiwan, watch Jeremy Lin play against the Kings. Taiwan is embracing the emerging Knicks' Taiwanese-American point guard as one of their own. By Wally Santana, AP Fans at a sports bar in Taipei, ...
封面引言寫道:「1976年以來,從未有球員在生涯前五場先發攻下比林書豪高的分數。他拿下的分數甚至比「籃球之神」喬丹(Michael Jordan)高,也比「小皇帝」詹姆斯(LeBron James)高。」
林書豪也將躍上本月20日發行的最新一期「運動畫刊」(Sports Illustrated)封面。(譯者:中央社張雅亭)2012/02/16

倒數0.5秒3分球 逆轉屠龍6連勝// 絕殺 上帝降「林」
NBA首位台裔球員林書豪(左)藝高人膽大,在暴龍當家後衛卡德翁面前穩穩投進三分球。 (歐新社)

雙十演出 零輸豪贏球保證
林 書豪挾著東部「單週最佳球員」獎項肯定,率領尼克戰友北征降龍,二十七分、十一助攻的「雙十演出」技冠全場,雖有八失誤卻瑕不掩瑜,而終場前關鍵跳投更一 劍封喉,藝高人膽大的壓軸單打秀,不只把兩隊動輒千萬美元年薪的大咖球星全比下去,也再度轟動全美各大運動媒體,堪稱尼克贏球保證的「零輸豪」。
今戰國王 領軍挑戰7連勝
「感 謝上帝!我很享受這樣的壓力。」信仰虔誠、流著道地台灣血統的「豪小子」,天助自助拚出贏球慶祝行情,生涯先發前五場總計一三六分,也打破「俠客」歐尼爾 保有的一二九分紀錄,榮膺聯盟史上第一人。今天回到麥迪遜廣場花園迎戰不善客場出擊的沙加緬度國王(台灣時間上午八時半,衛視體育台、愛爾達轉播),「林 來瘋Lin-sanity」可望藉著地主優勢持續發飆,挑戰七連勝以及更多不可思議的紀錄。
連投帶罰 拿尼克最後6分
最後一擊 向教頭要求攻堅
「最 後一擊是我向教練要求的。」當雙方八十七平手僵持不下時,林書豪主動請纓執行攻堅重任,總教練丹東尼也放心同意,要求眾大牌球星全讓開,儘量給他單打發揮 空間,「這小子狀況好到不必叫暫停。」最後球兒在空中畫出一道勝利弧線,頭號功臣林書豪仍不改其謙和態度:「我要感謝教練、隊友,因為他們在比賽結束前, 放心把球交到我手上。」

Best of 2012: A Year of Jeremy Lin

Because even though we're an arts magazine, it's irresponsible to do Best of 2012 coverage without mentioning Jeremy Lin.
by Ada Tseng, Xi Ao
Date Published: 12/29/2012
Jeremy Lin fans caught up in Linsanity.

Asia Pacific Arts' Year of Jeremy Lin Video
 Video edit by Craig Stubing

Click here for APA's Top Ten Jeremy Lin Media moments




February 9, 2012 Lin's Success Surprising to Everyone (NY Times)
February 9, 2012 Fung Brothers video, "The Jeremy Lin effect"
February 10, 2012 For He is the Lin Beneath My Wings (Wall Street Journal)
February 10, 2012 Love Jeremy Lin Without the Asian, Harvard, NBA Stereotypes (Bloomberg): "This was the week when the productivity of Asian-Americans across the country slowed to a near-halt."
February 10, 2012 Jeremy Lin still sleeps on his brother's sofa (Daily Mail)
February 10, 2012  Kobe bryant asked about Jeremy Lin. I don't know who he is, what did he do?
February 10, 2012 Kobe Bryant is asked about Jeremy Lin. "I dont' know who he is.... What did he do?"
February 10, 2012 Lin scored a career-high of 38 points in a 92-85 victory against the Lakers. He outscored the Lakers' Kobe Bryant, who had 34 points.
February 11, 2012 "Kobe Knows Who Jeremy Lin Is Now" (Yahoo Sports)

Lady Gaga’s French bulldogs...Lady Gaga did it her way! Lady Gaga Performs The National Anthem At Joe Biden’s Inauguration

Assailants shot Lady Gaga’s dog walker and stole two of the pop superstar’s French bulldogs, prompting her to offer a half-million-dollar reward for their return.

Ryan Fischer, who was shot by two men who attacked him and stole the US singer's two French bulldogs, is expected to recover, his family says.


"Sorry I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy." --Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga performs during halftime of Super Bowl LI.

Daily Mail
Lady Gaga did it her way! 💯

The platinum blonde rocked several costume changes as she rocked the…

2021年2月7日 星期日

美國前國務卿喬治·舒爾茨George Pratt Shultz去世,享年100歲。名作家 Iris Murdoch 個案。阿爾茨海默症可預測嗎?寫作測試也許提供了答案。One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence

“It turns out that if you respect things that deserve respect, when you're critical of something, it carries more weight.” -George Shultz
The former U.S. secretary of state and Stanford scholar who wielded profound influence on American public policy died Feb. 6 at 100: http://stanford.io/2OlsnLZ

Shultz 對照片講出許多感人故事,包括"蘇聯外貿部長 Nikoloi Patolichov 在列寧格勒一起出席紀念二戰英靈的獻花儀式,我們相偕而行,一向艱忍剛毅的 P 部長,在描述死於列寧格勒戰役的士兵人數時,突然老淚縱橫....."
去)2020)年12月舒茲歡度百歲生日,華盛頓郵報刊登了他寫的 “ 信任是領域的硬幣 (Trust was the coin of the realm )”一文,回顧他一個世紀以來的人生經驗:
“ 當信任在房間裡時,無論是在家庭、學校、教練室、辦公室、政府與軍事場所,好事就會發生。當信任不在房裡時,好事不會發生,其餘的都是細節。”
1973年我擔任財政部長,與蘇聯外貿部長 Nikoloi Patolichov 在列寧格勒一起出席紀念二戰英靈的獻花儀式,我們相偕而行,一向艱忍剛毅的 P 部長,在描述死於列寧格勒戰役的士兵人數時,突然老淚縱橫,連他的傳譯也哽咽啜泣。當我們要離去時,我告訴 P部長,“ 我也參加過二戰,也有同袍在我身旁死去 ”,望向墓園,我說 “ 畢竟,這些都是抵抗希特勒的軍人 ”,面朝墓地,我以陸戰隊的行禮方式致意,P部長對此特別申謝。
“ 身為國務卿,有天我呈送一份總統外交政策演說的講稿給白宮核閱,雷根總統看過後,在頁邊空白處寫下 “ story ”, 我不解其意,請示總統是何意思?他說 “ 那是最重要之處,加一段相關的故事,與聽眾交流。如此一來,你不只是說之以理,也動之以情。
他讓我知道說故事,讓你想表達的東西不再抽象。一個故事,可以成為情感的扭帶,情感能建立信任。”Owen Hsieh

One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence - Stanford ...

About. Artificial Intelligence graphic. The One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence, or AI100, is a 100-year effort to study and anticipate how the effects of artificial intelligence will ripple through every aspect of how people work, live and ...

名作家 Iris Murdoch 個案

|13 | •阿爾茨海默症可預測嗎?寫作測試也許提供了答案。一項新研究使用人工智能程序,對受試者的寫作測試進行分析,從而預測出誰將患上阿爾茨海默症,準確率達75%。研究顯示,患病者會出現語法錯誤、用詞重複等問題。 ( 閱讀本文中文版



George Shultz, then secretary of state, testifying to Congress during the Iran-contra affair in 1986.

George Pratt Shultz (/ʃʊlts/; December 13, 1920 – February 6, 2021) was an American economist, statesman, and businessman. He served in various positions under three different Republican presidents and is one of only two people to have held four different Cabinet-level posts.[1] Shultz played a major role in shaping the foreign policy of the Ronald Reagan administration. From 1974 to 1982, he was an executive of the Bechtel Group, an engineering and services company. In the 2010s, Shultz was a prominent figure in the scandal of the biotech firm Theranos, continuing to support it as a board member in the face of mounting evidence of fraud.

Born in New York City, he graduated from Princeton University before serving in the United States Marine Corps during World War II. After the war, Shultz earned a Ph.D. in industrial economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He taught at MIT from 1948 to 1957, taking a leave of absence in 1955 to take a position on President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Council of Economic Advisers. After serving as dean of the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, he accepted President Richard Nixon's appointment as United States Secretary of Labor. In that position, he imposed the Philadelphia Plan on construction contractors who refused to accept black members, marking the first use of racial quotas by the federal government. In 1970, he became the first director of the Office of Management and Budget, and he served in that position until his appointment as United States Secretary of the Treasury in 1972. In that role, Shultz supported the Nixon shock (which sought to revive the ailing economy in part by abolishing the gold standard) and presided over the end of the Bretton Woods system.

Shultz left the Nixon administration in 1974 to become an executive at Bechtel. After becoming president and director of that company, he accepted President Ronald Reagan's offer to serve as United States Secretary of State. He held that office from 1982 to 1989. Shultz pushed for Reagan to establish relations with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, which led to a thaw between the United States and the Soviet Union. He opposed the U.S. aid to rebels trying to overthrow the Sandinistas using funds from an illegal sale of weapons to Iran that led to the Iran–Contra affair.

Shultz retired from public office in 1989 but remained active in business and politics. He served as an informal adviser to George W. Bush and helped formulate the Bush Doctrine of preemptive war. He served on the Global Commission on Drug Policy, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's Economic Recovery Council, and on the boards of Bechtel and the Charles Schwab Corporation.

Beginning in 2013, Shultz advocated for a revenue-neutral carbon tax as the most economically sound means of mitigating anthropogenic climate change.[2][3][4][5][6] He was a member of the Hoover Institution, the Institute for International Economics, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, and other groups.
