2016年3月31日 星期四

滅火器:台湾の人気バンド「前に進もう」 いま、東北に応援歌;【島嶼天光】奪金曲獎;4.10 唱畢《島嶼天光》(Island's Sunrise) 太陽花學運 創作歌曲 去「出關播種、遍地開花」

東日本大震災で多額の義援金を寄せてくれた台湾。今度は著名バンド「滅火器Fire EX.」から応援歌「継続向前行(前に進み続けよう)」が贈られました。バンドが昨年迎えた危機の時期に日本から招請の話があり、人生の再スタートのイメージが被災地の復興と重なって、一気に描き上げた曲です。



天色漸漸光 咱就大聲來唱著歌
一直到希望的光線 照著島嶼每一個人
天色漸漸光 咱就大聲來唱著歌
日頭一(足百)上山 就會使轉去啦…
現在是彼一工 勇敢的台灣人!

【民報】【島嶼天光】奪金曲獎年度最佳單曲 滅火器:獻給318學運

「看見台灣新力量 不願被染紅的民主黑潮」
一早打開大紀元 就被這個版面給感動
太陽花運動 刺激我們思考反省 代議制度的弊端
默認非藍即綠的政治 帶領我們走向黑箱
忽視民意的元首 成為一黨獨大的獨裁領袖
就是現在 台灣人站出來 你我責無旁貸
自己國家 自己救


〈島嶼天光〉(Island's Sunrise) 太陽花學運 創作歌曲

Published on Mar 29, 2014
­了專頁,預計未來會有後續新計畫,作為聲援此次太陽花學運的方式。希望收到進一步消息­的朋友們請加入島嶼天光facebook專頁 另外,國際版本英文MV將在今晚於專頁與4am網頁合作釋出。 https://www.facebook.com/IslandsSunrise

6小時 ·
【TEWA 新聞】壓不住的民意燦然暴發----法媒從「島嶼天光」介紹台灣年輕世代與台灣認同
法國費加洛報(le Figaro)從台灣奪回國會運動(太陽花公民革命)初期即持續注意本事件,四月七日介紹本次運動戰歌「島嶼天光」並附MV。法媒描述有不少台灣音樂創作者從運動一開始就站出來相挺,滅火器樂團這首歌在行政院佔領行動失敗後四十八小時內完成,奪下立院學生也加入歌唱行列。
法媒也報導,中國對表態反服貿的台灣歌手祭出制裁手段,台灣天團五月天與歌手張懸的作品從三月二十二日起從中國最大電台被消音。這正好顯現中國以經濟獨裁 手法來斲害台灣尚稱年輕的民主制度。台灣反服貿人士擔心的,正是如上例子,一旦台灣在經濟上過度倚賴中國,北京將可要求政治上做讓步。
新聞出處 :
法國費加洛報在法國時間晚間近十點左右,引用法新社消息,報導了台灣佔領立院學生週四將結束對抗北京示威活動 :
===(TEWA編按):法國費加洛報從台灣佔領國會行動開始就持續追蹤報導, 請大家敲敲鍵盤,點入以上法媒原始連結,點一下文章左邊的臉書標誌,即可按讚(like),以支持用心的媒體與記者朋友。(另外,為了讓島嶼早日看到天 光,讓我們繼續柔性勸導小店轉換頻道與換報/送報行動,讓不盡職的媒體退場吧, 感謝。)

台大新聞E論壇新增了 2 張相片。
1 小時 · 編輯紀錄 ·


出關播種》盛情難卻 安可再唱《島嶼天光》

2014-04-10 20:59 〔本報訊〕太陽花學運學生撤離立法院,活動將告一段落。就在立法院外的群眾們手持太陽花合唱第一次《島嶼天光》後,數萬群眾鼻酸落淚,仍對活動依依 不捨,活動單位對於民眾盛情難卻,順應要求,再度合唱《島嶼天光》,並同時感性呼籲群眾散場,表示需要群眾離去「出關播種、遍地開花」,替太陽花學運推向 全國社會各角落。

6小時 ·
「太陽花從播種到開花是 60 天,花開的時候,就是我們再次集結的時候!我們佔領議場的這段時間,台灣已經佔領了我們的心。」

訪閔福德(John Minford 1946-)﹣﹣前生自是中國人 (郭梓祺), 廣東話、中國文化

訪閔福德(John Minford   1946-)﹣﹣前生自是中國人 (郭梓祺), 廣東話、中國文化
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Minford is a sinologist[1] and literary translator. 

Early years and education[edit]

Professor John Minford 閔福德 was born in Birmingham, UK, in 1946. Being the son of a diplomat, he had lived in many countries around the world before he attended Winchester College in England to study Ancient Greek, Latin and classical literature.
He obtained first class honours in Chinese Literature from University of Oxford and did his PhD at the Australian National University.[2]


He held a number of teaching posts in mainland China, Hong Kong and New Zealand, including those of Chair Professor of Chinese atUniversity of Auckland[3] and Chair Professor of Translation at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Minford is currently professor of Chinese at The Australian National University.


Professor Minford is married to Rachel May, who is the daughter of noted sinologist David Hawkes. Hawkes was also Minford's teacher at Oxford University. Together, the two co-translated Cao Xueqin's The Story of the Stone, with Hawkes translating the first eighty chapters (Volumes 1-3) and Minford the last forty (Volumes 4-5).

Main publications[edit]

  • 1980 Miao Yüeh 繆越, The Chinese Lyric 論詞, in Soong ed., Song Without Music: Chinese Tz’u Poetry, Hong Kong, Chinese UP, 25-44
  • 1982 Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹 & Gao E 高鶚, The Story of the Stone 紅樓夢, vol 4, The Debt of Tears. Penguin Classics & Indiana University Press, 400 pp.
  • 1984 (with Stephen C. Soong 宋淇) Trees on the Mountain: An Anthology of New Chinese Writing, Chinese University Press, Hong Kong, 396 pp.
  • 1986 (with Geremie BarméSeeds of Fire: Chinese Voices of Conscience 火種, Far Eastern Economic Review, Hong Kong, 347 pp.
  • 1986 Cao Xueqin & Gao E, The Story of the Stone 紅樓夢, vol 5, The Dreamer Wakes. Penguin Classics & Indiana University Press, 385 pp.
  • 1987 (with Siu-kit Wong) Chinese: Classical, Modern and Humane - Collected Essays of David Hawkes, Hong Kong, Chinese University Press, 327 pp.
  • 1987 (with Pang Bingjun & Séan Golden) One Hundred Modern Chinese Poems 中國現代詩一百首. Commercial Press, Hong Kong, 348 pp.
  • 1995 Pieces of Eight: Reflections on Translating The Story of the Stone, in Eoyang and Lin eds., Translating Chinese Literature, Indiana University Press, 178-203.
  • 1997 Louis Cha (Jin Yong 金庸), The Deer and the Cauldron: A Martial Arts Novel 鹿鼎記, The First Book. Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, xxxiii & 475 pp.
  • 1998 The Chinese Garden: Death of a Symbol, in Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes (vol 18, no. 3), 257-268.
  • 1999 Death in Macau: In Defence of Orientalism, in Günter Wohlfart et al. eds., Translation und Interpretation, Munich, Wilhelm Fink, 143-156.
  • 1999 Louis Cha (Jin Yong 金庸), The Deer and the Cauldron: A Martial Arts Novel, The Second Book. Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, xxxi & 564 pp.[4]
  • 2000 (with Joseph S.M.Lau) Chinese Classical Literature: An Anthology of Translations. 1st vol, New York & Hong Kong, Columbia UP & Chinese UP, lix & 1176 pp. 2nd vol, forthcoming.
  • 2002 Sunzi, The Art of War 孫子兵法. New York, Viking Books. Lvi & 325 pp. (subsequent paperback, Penguin Classics, 2003)
  • 2002 Louis Cha (Jin Yong 金庸), The Deer and the Cauldron: A Martial Arts Novel, The Third Book. Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, xlix & 535 pp. With Rachel
  • 2003 (with Rachel May) A Birthday Book for Brother Stone: For David Hawkes at Eighty. Chinese University Press, xi & 365 pp.
  • 2005 Soong Hsun-leng 宋訓倫, The Fragrant Hermitage 馨菴詞稿. Twenty-nine Lyric Poems, translated from the Chinese, Taiwan, SKS. 5-86.
  • 2006 Pu Songling 蒲松齡, Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio 聊齋誌異, London, Penguin Classics, xxxviii + 562 pp. (including lengthy introduction, glossary and bibliography)
  • 2007 (with Brian Holton and Agnes Hung-chong Chan) Leung Ping-kwan, Islands and Continents. Hong Kong University Press, xviii and 128 pp.
  • 2008 Thirty Classical Chinese Fables (Monte James, Beijing)
  • 2014 The I Ching: Book of Change 周易: A New Translation, New York, Viking/Penguin.
    • Forthcoming, Laozi, Daodejing 道德經: A New Translation (commissioned by Viking/Penguin Classics, New York)

著名漢學家閔福德(Prof. John Minford)接受本刊專訪時直言,香港年輕人對廣東話的態度,令他震驚。「我請學生用廣東話念詩,他們都念得很快,彷彿感到羞家——學校的教育令他們以為廣東話是次等語言。於是我對年輕人說:不是這樣,請慢慢念,樂在其中、自豪地朗讀,因為廣東話很動聽,是珍貴的中國文化。」
漢學家閔福德:廣東話悅耳 簡體唐詩冒犯我
著名漢學家閔福德(Prof. John Minford)接受本刊專訪時直言,香港年輕人對廣東話的態度,令他震驚。「我請學生用廣東話念詩,他們都念得很快,彷彿感到羞家——學校的教育令他們以為廣東話是次等語言。於是我對年輕人說:不是這樣,請慢慢念,樂在其中、自豪地朗讀,因為廣東話很動聽,是珍貴的中國文化。」
Android揭頁版: https://bit.ly/hkejmonthlyandroid
廣東話與港人身份認同密不可分,本身也具文化價值。閔福德對香港不陌生,八十年代起在澳紐、中港台的大學教中國文學和翻譯,前前後後在港生活15年,分別於理大、嶺大、港大和中大翻譯系任教,曾翻譯多部香港文學作品。他能聽懂粵語,認為是中文的一種美麗形態(a beautiful form of Chinese)。「也斯每次朗讀自己的作品,都是用廣東話。他認為廣東話是動人的語言,也接近古韻,我很同意。用廣東話念唐詩會押韻,非常悅耳。」
他認為,當前不少內地人希望多閱讀繁體,惟繁簡體已成政治敏感議題,遭當局全力遏止。「我有預感,未來50年愈來愈多字會復繁。隨着城鎮化,教育程度高的城市人有增無減,他們應該學繁體字。 They deserve the best China.」


2016 年 03 月 20 日


翻譯者常常隱身於作品背後,名字容易給人忘記,身世就更鮮為人知。閔福德(John Minford)是英國漢學家和翻譯家,七十年代曾跟其師霍克思 (David Hawkes)一起翻譯《紅樓夢》,之後翻譯的中國古典文學有《聊齋誌異》和《孫子兵法》等,香港文學則包括西西、也斯和劉以鬯的作品。他近日來港,於恒生管理學院做了一系列講座,解釋理雅各(James Legge)、翟理斯(Herbert Giles)、偉利(Arthur Waley)和霍克思幾位翻譯先行者的傳承關係,特別喜歡從各人的師友交遊等軼事,顯見其性格和志趣。

有緣跟閔福德談天,前段聽他說最初接觸中文和《紅樓夢》的淵源,很離奇;後段他多講兩年前出版的英譯《易經》,一譯十二年,無法不想起他在講座屢次引用的對答﹣﹣有人問米高安哲羅,天才是什麼,他回答:永恒的耐性(Eternal Patience)。







身為六十年代典型的年青嬉皮士,我跟自己說,最愛的是「樹木」。那時我們都愛四處閒蕩,見樹就抱。於是便想到讀樹林業,將來可當樹木專家。那時沒互聯網,找了本選科手冊,一看卻發現,樹林業要求在高考先修讀了物理、化學和園林學。沒理由離開大家再讀兩年高中,一時下不了決定,清楚記得那天坐了在飽蠹樓(Bodleian Library)外的矮牆,拿著那厚厚的選科手冊,閉上眼,隨意翻,一指,便是中國研究學院。第二日我就到了那系,問可否讀中文,作了很多原因,例如那是我畢生宿願等,但我對中文當然是一無所知。他們說,好,但你只有兩年,要努力直追。我答應了。




















郭:使我想起“In search of you I find myself”一語。








那時我也會用 《易經》占卦問翻譯《易經》此事。最常得到的回應是「漸」卦,要慢慢來。我覺得不止翻譯,做人也是這樣,我是現在到了七十歲,才漸漸自覺從心所欲,說對的話,做對的事,也慶幸仍可做自己喜歡的事,例如翻譯。


閔:翻譯中國文學作品,覺得他們雖然如此獨特,卻如理雅各說的,可接觸那“Universal Chinese Mind”,所以我很喜歡「人同此心,心同此理」那句話。人的外表可能不同,但基本的慾望、熱情、恐懼、志向往往相近,都想自己好一點,想超脫,接觸到更大的東西,譬如是「大我」而非「小我」,就如剛才說的「道心」與「人心」。

例如我譯一首宋詞,起初可能覺得他很異樣,關於一個歌女,或其實是一個男人代入歌女的語氣,在高樓上遙望,思念剛離去的情人,背景或許是杭州,全都如此「中國」。但慢慢翻譯下去,便發覺那也可在倫敦或巴黎發生,因為潛藏的主題就是人的處境,是寂寞、是愛、是違棄、是覺得人生如夢的感覺,這就不止限於某人,而是人類的事情。《聊齋》也是這樣,那些狐狸精和鬼怪如何奇特,但最終講的仍是人。翻譯家的工作就是要把這發掘出來,每次譯完不同作品,我也覺得自己的人生更豐富,因他們已進入了我的經驗。向這樣陌生的東西躺開心靈可能危險,卻有很大得著,就像跟一堆奇人異士做朋友,還使他們變成自己的一部份,結果不斷在別的書、別的語文裡去探索自我,雖教人疲累不已,卻也很刺激,正正如你剛才提到的 “In search of you I find myself”。



Harriet Mills (1920-2016) 在中國接受「思想改造」

Harriet Mills, Scholar Held in ‘Brainwashing Prison’ in China, Dies at 95


Harriet Mills, a Fulbright scholar from New York who was imprisoned as an American spy in Communist China for more than four years and was widely believed to have been a victim of brainwashing, died on March 5 in Mitchelville, Md. She was 95.
紐約富布賴特(Fulbright)學者哈麗雅特·米爾斯(Harriet Mills)於3月5日在馬里蘭州米特徹維勒去世,享年95歲。米爾斯曾被當作美國間諜在共產主義中國監禁四年多,被廣泛認為是洗腦的受害者。
The cause was complications of dementia, said her sister, Angie, her only immediate survivor.
When she was released in 1955, Ms. Mills described herself as an unpaid “espionage agent” for the United States and Britain, called Americans “warmongers” and said she believed that the United States had engaged in germ warfare during the Korean War.
“The Communists had a perfect right to arrest me,’’ she said. “I confessed from the very day I was arrested.”
She never publicly recanted, her sister said, but made clear that she been indoctrinated by the Chinese.
“In the conversations I had with her,’’ Angie Mills said, “she said this is something they pressured her to do, something that had been drilled into her, that she was spouting what they said.”
Ms. Mills later wrote a magazine article saying the Chinese government was engaged in the “greatest campaign in human history to reshape the minds of men.”
Writing in The Atlantic Monthly in 1959, she said the “complex interplay of psychological and personal factors gives the technique its special character and power,” and concluded that “to be unprogressive in China is not simply a political verdict; it is social suicide as well.”
1959年,她在《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic Monthly)撰文稱,「心理及個人因素之間複雜的相互作用,讓這種手段有了特別的個性和力量,」並斷定,「在中國,落後不僅僅是一種政治判決,也是一種社交自殺。」
After leaving China, Ms. Mills spent two years recovering from tuberculosis and rarely discussed her captivity.
She later taught at Columbia, Cornell and the University of Michigan, specializing in Chinese language and modern literature, before her retirement in 1990. She returned to China for academic conferences in 1976, 1989 and 1999.
Harriet Cornelia Mills was born in Tokyo on April 2, 1920, to Presbyterian missionaries, Wilson Mills and the former Cornelia Seyle.
長老會傳教士米爾斯(Wilson Mills)和科妮莉亞·賽勒(Cornelia Seyle)於1920年4月2日在東京生下了哈麗雅特·科妮莉亞·米爾斯。
She attended American schools in Nanjing and Shanghai, graduated from Wellesley College in 1941 with a degree in English literature, and earned a master’s and doctorate from Columbia University in Chinese. She was a Fulbright scholar and studied at what was then called Peking College of Chinese Studies and Peking University.
她在南京和上海的時候就讀於美國學校,於1941年從威爾斯利學院(Wellesley College)畢業,獲得英語文學學位,並在哥倫比亞大學拿到了中文碩士及博士學位。她是一名富布賴特學者,曾在當時名為燕京華文學校和燕京大學的學校學習。
When the Korean War erupted in 1950, she and two other Fulbright scholars applied for exit visas, but were rejected.
In July 1951, they were arrested as counter-revolutionaries, in part because they were being paid by the United States government as Fulbright scholars and possessed a shortwave radio.
According to her sister, Ms. Mills was periodically restrained in handcuffs or ankle chains after repudiating one of her confessions, was denied contact with her family until the fourth year of imprisonment and was subject to “thought reform.”
But when she reached Hong Kong on Oct. 31, 1955, she said that she had been treated “with the utmost consideration and courtesy” and that the Chinese government had “a genuine desire for peace.”
Her release followed intense lobbying by her parents, the American Red Cross and the State Department. The two other Fulbright scholars arrested with her had been released in October 1954 and September 1955.
在米爾斯的父母、美國紅十字會(American Red Cross)和國務院(State Department)的大力遊說下,米爾斯獲釋。其他兩名同時被捕的富布賴特學者分別在1954年10月和1955年9月獲釋。
Her recollections about being interrogated were said to have been delivered to Dr. Harold Wolff, a Cornell neuropsychiatrist, who studied Chinese and Soviet indoctrination techniques for the Central Intelligence Agency.
米爾斯有關受審經歷的回憶錄據稱交給了康奈爾大學神經精神病學家哈羅德·沃爾夫(Harold Wolff),他曾為中央情報局(Central Intelligence Agency)研究中國和蘇聯的洗腦手段。
In his 1956 book, “Brainwashing: The Story of the Men Who Defied It,” Edward Hunter, a propaganda specialist for the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, wrote that Ms. Mills’s prison “mind reform” had continued for more than two years, making her “one of the longest occupants of the brainwashing prison.”
在二戰戰略情報局宣傳專家愛德華·洪德(Edward Hunter)1956年出版的《抗拒洗腦者的故事》(Brainwashing: The Story of the Men Who Defied It)一書中寫道,米爾斯在監獄的「思想改造」持續了兩年多,她因此成為「在洗腦監獄關押時間最長的人之一」。
By cooperating, Mr. Hunter said, she was given more responsibility and, after a visit by British Labour Party leaders changed nothing, she became more resigned to her fate, assumed a new sense of belonging and began singing Communist songs.

Tashi Tsering (1929-2014),倪玉兰,周麗芳。

Voa chinese Ni Yulan 4oct10.jpg
英文名Yuanlan Ni
國籍 中華人民共和國


拔周麗芳世大運執行長職 柯P:職務分派
新頭殼newtalk | 劉奕霆 台北報導
發布 2015.07.22 | 10:42 AM










Obituary: Tashi Tsering
Between two worlds
Tashi Tsering, exemplar of the dilemmas of modern Tibet, died on December 5th, aged 85
Dec 20th 2014 | From the print edition

THIS was the way things were, and always had been. The great mountains reared their heads above Tashi Tsering’s childhood village; his stone house, with animals below and family above, stood among the rocks; his shaven-headed paternal aunts, Buddhist nuns, helped to churn the butter and to weave his thickly padded clothes. In autumn the lentils were crushed from their yellow pods; in summer the yaks trudged up to high pasture. Year-round, prayer-flags fluttered in the thin, clear air. For centuries on the highTibetan plateau, nothing had changed.

Foreigners exalted the place as a Shangri-La. It was far from that. This brutal world was divided between the nobility, lay and religious, and the common herd, who bowed when their superiors passed. Or, as one aristocrat put it to him once, the world was divided into “those who’ll eat tsampa [roast barley meal, stirred into salty tea] and those who’ll eat shit”.

Peasant families like his did whatever they were asked to do. They grew the food, dug the roads and paid tribute to the Dalai Lama, their spiritual leader, in silver coins, tea bricks and yak butter, which the other high-ups would rifle as they pleased. When he was ten, his parents gave Tashi himself to the Dalai Lama as a member of his ceremonial boy dance troupe in Lhasa. His mother cried for days, to no avail. This was the way things had always been.

Yet the seed of different thinking had been planted in the boy. Though the rest of the village was illiterate, sometimes his father would mix ink, carefully fill an inkwell, sharpen his bamboo pen and trace signs on paper. In his eagerness to imitate him, young Tashi put up with his daily beatings at the dance school (though at 14 he escaped, crossing the 4,800-metre Gampa La pass before he was dragged back). He tolerated even the monk-official who used him, as the tradition was, as a passive sexual partner, because the monk also encouraged him to read and write.

No other acquaintances saw any point in this. Why should a peasant write or read? At best, his efforts would lead to a lowly desk-job from which he could rise no higher. Even after he had scraped together money in 1957 to go to India to learn English, the Tibetans he met there, aristocrats no more literate than himself, would not admit this witty, wiry young rustic to their circle. They treated him, instead, as their menial and runner of errands.

These Tibetans were now exiles. In 1950 the Chinese had entered eastern Tibet; in 1959 Lhasa rose up against their savage occupation and the Dalai Lama fled to India, taking with him enough silver coins to fill a room which, for weeks, Mr Tsering silently guarded. The exiles longed to fight China, but he was not so sure. Much had impressed him about the Chinese in Lhasa: how quickly they built hospitals, bridges and the first-ever primary school, and how they did not take “as much as a needle” from the people. Even as they mocked and destroyed the culture, they also seemed to offer a route to the modern world.

Not liberty, but equality

Something else impressed him, too. The Chinese invaders talked about egalitarianism and the brotherhood of man. Mere propaganda perhaps, echoing through the megaphone in Lhasa, but he liked the sound of it. In 1960, a chance meeting in India allowed him to study briefly at the University of Washington; there he started to read Marx and Lenin and learned that Europe, too, had once been as feudal as Tibet. Slowly but surely, communism drew him. It was clear that Tibet needed revolution if it was ever to change. Perhaps that revolution had come in Chinese boots.

In his enthusiasm he taught in a remote Chinese school for a while, and even became a Red Guard. When the Cultural Revolution broke out his American sojourn was used against him, and he was immured as a spy for 11 years. This was time enough to wrestle with his dilemma: that he wanted reform, and also wanted his beloved land to survive. Its language, its Buddhism and the better parts of the culture had to be preserved. That included, for him, the practice of polyandry, by which his mother had slept contentedly with two brothers, one upstairs and one down, and he had never cared which man his father was. It included too, the dance rituals that had been beaten into him, which still brought him solace in captivity until, in 1978, he was rehabilitated and released.

Once again, though, reading and writing were the key to wealth, social progress and Tibetan identity. After his return to Lhasa he taught a night class in English, then unique in Tibet, and started to compile his masterwork, a Tibetan-Chinese-English dictionary. Yet he saw himself first of all as the voice of voiceless people. With his owlish specs and winning smile and his “Be Optimystic” cap, he devoted most of his energy to setting up, with Chinese efficiency, rural schools where children could learn written Tibetan, science, painting and commerce. By his death he had opened 77 of these, funded by donations, his own carpet business and his wife’s sales of barley beer. The schools were built willingly by peasant hands, and outside them over the years thousands of wind-tanned and rosy-cheeked pupils—his children, as he thought of them—lined up in the sunshine, smiling, as the great mountains stood sentinel behind.


a Tibetan refugee  on charges of obstructing police

Taiwan to help arrested Tibetan-Taiwanese arrested at Japan torch relay
Taipei (dpa) - Taiwan said Saturday it would provide legal assistance to a Tibetan man with Taiwan citizenship who was arrested while trying to disrupt the Olympic torch relay in Japan earlier Saturday.

"We have contacted Japanese police and will provide necessary legal assistance to Tashi Tsering. When his 48-hour detention incommunicado is lifted, our representative in Japan will visit him," Phoebe Yeh, acting spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry, said.

detention incommunicado

"Our representative office in Japan has already got in touch with Japanese police. The office will consult a lawyer to study Tsering's case and to provide assistance," she added.

Tashi Tsering, 38, a Tibetan refugee, came to study in Taiwan from India in the 1980s and has obtained Taiwan citizenship.

He runs a Tibetan antique shop in Taipei and sometimes organizes anti-China protests as the vice chairman of the Taiwan branch of the Tibetan Youth Congress, the India-based group fighting for Tibetan independence.

On Saturday morning, Tsering tried to snatch the Olympic torch from the torch bearer in Nagano, Japan, but was overpowered and arrested by police.

He is being detained at Nagano's central police station on charges of obstructing police.

Before Saturday's incident, some Taiwan-based Tibetans and their supporters had travelled to other foreign cities to disrupt the Beijing Olympic torch relay and condemned China's suppression of the Tibetan people.

They have China to hold talks with the Dalai Lama who has been living in exile in Dharamsala, north India, since 1959.



Tashi Tsering is the founder of the corresponding education organization with headquarters in Lhasa (Tibet), as well as the author of the trilingual dictionary (English, Chinese, Tibetan) “New Trilingual Dictionary” and an autobiography titled “The Struggle for Modern Tibet” (first published in 1999 by M.E. Sharpe). Born in 1929, Tashi Tsering at the age of 10 was given the opportunity to join the Dalai Lama’s personal dance troupe. This “membership” also provided him access to education, which at that time was only available to the very elite. After completion of his duties in the dance troupe, Tashi Tsering worked for some time as an official at the Potala Palace. In order to expand his knowledge and horizon, in 1957 Tashi began his studies at the St. Joseph’s School in Darjeeling (India) which he then continued in 1960 in the United States at the Williams College in Seattle and the University of Washington.

In 1964, Tashi returned to Tibet with the objective of making a contribution to the standard of living and level of literacy in Tibet. At the same time, he taught English language courses at the Tibet University in Lhasa.

In the late 1980s, Tashi initiated his largest project: the construction of elementary schools in remote and rural areas with limited access to education. Thus far, 77 such schools have successfully been opened and are funded to a large extent through the earnings from the sale of carpets, the operation of a restaurant, private and institutional donations, as well as the support from local communities and authorities.

The school’s curriculum does not only include courses in Tibetan language and culture (e.g. the traditional craftwork of Buddhist paintings) or other elementary subjects, but also more practical topics of hygiene and recycling. These skills provide useful everyday knowledge and are sometimes passed on to the children’s parents.

The organization of Tashi Tsering has set itself the objective of not only supporting the Namling region (hometown of Tashi), but all areas of Tibet with a particular focus on providing education to children in the most remote areas as well as making a contribution to the preservation of the Tibetan culture and language.

藏語教育倡導者 扎西文色(Tashi Wangchuk)被控煽動分裂國家


Gilles Sabrie for The New York Times
這名企業家叫扎西文色(Tashi Wangchuk),現年30歲,被關押在中國西部青海省玉樹的主要看守所里。他與年邁的父母就住在玉樹。如果罪名成立,他可能面臨長達15年的監禁。
扎西文色的案件已引起國際社會的關注。美國國務院的官員知道他遭到了羈押,加拿大記者言論自由協會(Canadian Journalist For Free Expression)的代表說,該組織已啟動了一個呼籲釋放他的請願活動。習近平主席本周將來到華盛頓參加討論核問題的峰會,歐巴馬總統可能會在期間向他提到人權問題。
黃安偉(Edward Wong)是《紐約時報》北京分社社長。
Sarah Li、Mia Li對本文有研究貢獻。
