2020年5月19日 星期二

紀念漢寶德先生 2020:談他的歐美日遊記 (3)《域外抒情》1978兩處藝術瑰寶,卻無附圖:韋茲萊教堂 Vézelay Abbey、 Glasgow School of Art

Did you know you can experience the wonders of our city from home?
The Independent
has assembled a lockdown-friendly tour of Edinburgh’s most iconic locations to enjoy online. Cruise around, watch a live comedy show, or toggle through a 360 degree view of Arthur's seat!


漢寶德先生讀過的哈佛、普林斯頓兩大學,藝術、建築、設計等領域的藏書豐富,譬如哈佛設計研究所自己的圖書館 ,已有70多萬本專業藏書,所以他們上藝術史時,可以參考許多專題專著。《域外抒情》的許多參觀,是用腳實際去體驗以前書中介紹的世界藝術傑作。《域外抒情》1978兩處藝術瑰寶,卻無附圖:韋茲萊教堂 Vézelay Abbey、 Glasgow School of Art 。

書有它的限制,文字幾乎無法表達圖像,譬如說,記參觀Charles Rennie Mackintosh( 請參考Wikipedia的相關資料,YouTube更可貴)設計的Glasgow School of Art ,約有2頁文字,沒讀過相關資料、圖片、影片等,可能很隔。讀過的人,可以看出漢先生的觀察力和" (藝術)史識"......

Maria Herrity


Book ten of the Yellow Book, the reason that I sought out this edition was for two of the artists, Frances Macdonald and Margaret Macdonald, unfortunately the cover has been stained!

From the CRM society


The group known as ‘The Four’ comprised Charles Rennie Mackintosh, James Herbert MacNair (1868 - 1955), and the sisters, Margaret Macdonald (1864 - 1933) and Frances Macdonald (1873 - 1921).

The artists met as young students at Glasgow School of Art in the mid 1890s. Mackintosh and MacNair were close friends and fellow apprentice architects in the Glasgow practice of Honeyman and Keppie, and the sisters were day students at Glasgow School of Art. They formed an informal creative alliance which produced innovative and at times controversial graphics and decorative art designs which made an important contribution to the development and recognition of a distinctive ‘Glasgow Style’.

In 1899 MacNair and Frances Macdonald married and moved to Liverpool. Mackintosh and Margaret Macdonald married the following year, remaining in Glasgow till 1914."


Vézelay - France - Tourist Guide by Travel & Discover

漢寶德採用梵滋雷(Vezelay) 讀音 近 維茲雷

La Basilique Sainte Marie-Madeleine

Vézelay Abbey

Vézelay Abbey

韋茲萊教堂 法國韋茲萊


Wikimedia | © OpenStreetMap

人口動態 人口 市: 492人(1999年

人口密度 978人/km2

地理 座標 北緯47度27分59秒 東経3度44分54秒

面積 市: 21.83km2 (2 183ha)

它位於山丘上,還有聖馬德琳大教堂,該大教堂聲稱已轉移了抹大拉的瑪利亞(頭骨)的遺骸[2]。 它於1979年被註冊為聯合國教科文組織世界遺產,名稱為“韋斯利教堂和山丘”。 中世紀的自由城市之一。 聖伯納德在那裡提出了第二次十字軍東征。 羅曼.羅蘭(Romain Rolland,一八六六~一九四四)


小鎮街道上嵌入的扇貝圖案是前往聖地牙哥德孔波斯特拉聖地的嚮導。 這條路很遠,穿過比利牛斯山脈到達西班牙。 這是一條從維澤萊(Vezelay)跨境到伊比利亞半島西北部的朝聖之路。 這條道路也被列為世界遺產,是“法國聖地亞哥德孔波斯特拉的朝聖之路”。



出版社: 廣西師範大學出版社
圖第5. 27.34. 35. 36. 49. 80. 51. 53. 57.64. 107. 169. 199. 200. 203. 204 .208. 209. 210. 211. 219. 221. 222. 223. 243. 244. 248. 257等,都取自韋茲萊教堂 Vézelay Abbey

Chartres and Bible;嘯聲 《柱頭上的〈聖經〉》;Capitelli, colonne, Ordini in dettaglio

André Malraux
Extract from The Metamorphosis of the Gods, Writings on Art, Pléiade t.2, p. 189-190.

[...] the unit which most symbolizes the ,Roman genius: the sculpture of Vézelay. It owes to a prestigious mannerism the decorative success which ensures its glory. It has been the tolerated art of centuries which disdained Romanesque art, of the century which hid out of contempt - and inadvertently saved - the tympanum of Autun. His brilliantly Romanesque writing teaches us how much of a Romanesque genius is not a writing. His imposing Christ of chaser possesses the majesty of the Christs of that time, and an admirable magnitude which belongs only to him; but the more the characters around him move away from him, the more poetry replaces the veneration of Autun and Moissac. The tympanum represents the sending of the apostles to the nations, the very subject which had aroused the disturbing figures of Byzantine sculpture. Yet the preachers become ornamental flames there; they evangelize pygmies, dog-men, those whose feet are small benches and those who wrap themselves at night in their big ears ... This evangelization of chimeras does not take place between Moissac and Autun, but above of the cloister bestiary - of which it is the masterpiece.

The genius of Romanesque sculpture merges with that of this Christ, not with that of his fabulous people [...]

Vézelay 寺田直子『フランスの美しい村を歩く』東海教育研究所、2016年、90頁。ISBN 978-4-486-03796-5

