2009年5月28日 星期四

House, also known as House, M.D.

House, also known as House, M.D., is an American television medical drama that debuted on the FOX network on November 16, 2004. The program was co-created by David Shore and Paul Attanasio. The show's central character is Dr. Gregory House (British actor Hugh Laurie), an unconventional medical genius who heads a team of diagnosticians at the fictional Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital (PPTH). The show's premise originated with Attanasio, who was inspired to create a medical procedural show after reading an article in The New York Times. Shore co-created the title character following a visit to a teaching hospital. The show's executive producers include Shore, Attanasio, Attanasio's business partner Katie Jacobs, and film director Bryan Singer. Initially, Singer wanted an American to play House, but Laurie's audition convinced him that a foreign actor could play the role. The character has similarities to Sherlock Holmes; both are forensic geniuses, musicians, drug users, aloof, and largely friendless. The show is filmed in Century City and takes place in New Jersey.

Dr. House often clashes with his boss, hospital administrator and Dean of Medicine, Dr. Lisa Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein), and his diagnostic team, because his theories about a patient's illness are often based on subtle or controversial insights. House's only true friend is Dr. James Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard), head of the Department of Oncology. House's original diagnostic team consisted of Dr. Robert Chase (Jesse Spencer), Dr. Allison Cameron (Jennifer Morrison), and Dr. Eric Foreman (Omar Epps). At the end of the third season, this team is disbanded. From forty applicants, House gradually selects a new team, consisting of Dr. Foreman, Dr. Remy "Thirteen" Hadley (Olivia Wilde), Dr. Chris Taub (Peter Jacobson), and Dr. Lawrence Kutner (Kal Penn). Along with Foreman, the other members of the original team still appear in the series: Chase is a surgeon and Cameron is the department head of the emergency room.

House is critically acclaimed and has high viewership ratings. During the 2007–08 United States television season, the series was the most-watched scripted program. It ranked seventh in ratings, trailing only various iterations of American Idol and Dancing with the Stars.[1] The show has also received several awards and nominations, including a Peabody Award, two Golden Globe Awards, and three Primetime Emmy Awards. In 2008, Shore announced that a spin-off series, centering on Lucas Douglas, a recurring character introduced in season five, would be created.

House has ended its fifth season and has been renewed for a sixth, due to start screening sometime in September 2009.





"We knew the network was looking for procedurals, and Paul [Attanasio] came up with this medical procedural that was like a cop procedural. The suspects were the germs. But I quickly became to realize that we needed a character element. I mean, germs don't have motives."
David Shore to Writer's Guild Magazine [2]

In 2004, co-creators David Shore and Paul Attanasio, along with Attanasio's business partner Katie Jacobs, pitched the show (untitled at the time) to Fox Broadcasting Company ("FOX") as a CSI-style medical detective show,[3] a hospital whodunit in which the doctors investigated the causes of symptoms.[4] Attanasio was inspired to create a medical procedural drama after reading an article about obscure diseases in The New York Times.[2] FOX bought the show on the condition that there would be no "white coats going down the hallway".[5]

After the pilot was sold, the idea of a curmudgeonly title character was added.[4] As the writers explored the possibilities of such a role, the program concept became less of a procedural and more focused upon the title character.[6] Once the character was named "House", the show's working title, Chasing Zebras, Circling the Drain, was replaced by that name.[7]

Shore traced the concept for the title character to his background as an inexperienced young doctor at a teaching hospital.[8] Shore recalled that "I knew, as soon as I left the room, they would be mocking me relentlessly [for my cluelessness] and I thought that it would be interesting to see a character who actually did that before they left the room."[9] Another inspiration for Shore was the work of Berton Roueché, a New Yorker staff writer who chronicled intriguing medical cases between 1940 and 1990.[4]

A central part of the show's premise was that the main character would be disabled in some way.[10] House was originally to be confined to a wheelchair, but FOX rejected this idea. (Jacobs later expressed her gratitude for the network's insistence that the character be reimagined—putting him on his feet added a crucial physical dimension).[6] The writers ultimately chose to give House a damaged leg arising from an incorrect diagnosis, which would require him to use a cane and lead to additional problems for the character.[10]

References to Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes serves as an inspiration for the series.

Similarities between House and the famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes appear throughout the series;[11] Shore explained that he was always a Sherlock Holmes fan, and found the character's trait of indifference to his clients unique.[9] The resemblance is evident in several elements of the series' plot, such as House's reliance on psychology to solve a case, his reluctance to accept cases he finds uninteresting, and House's home address, Apartment 221B, a reference to Holmes' home).[12] In almost all House episodes, his investigatory method is to logically eliminate diagnoses which are proved to be impossible, Holmes uses a similiar method.[13] Other similarities between House and Holmes include the playing of an instrument (Holmes plays the violin, House the piano, the guitar, and the harmonica), use of drugs (House's addiction to Vicodin and Holmes' recreational use of cocaine) and House's relationship with Dr. James Wilson, whose name is similar to Dr. John Watson.[7] Robert Sean Leonard, who portrays Wilson, has said that House and his character were originally intended to play the roles of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in the series although he believes that House's team has assumed the Watson role.[14]

Several characters have names similar to those in the Sherlock Holmes books. In the season two finale "No Reason", House is shot by a crazed gunman credited as "Moriarty", which is the same name as Holmes's nemesis.[15] The main patient in the pilot episode is named Rebecca Adler, after Irene Adler, a female character from the first Sherlock Holmes short story.[16] David Shore said that Dr. House's name is meant as "a subtle homage" to Sherlock Holmes.[7][17] In the season four episode "It's a Wonderful Lie", House receives a "second edition Conan Doyle" as a Christmas gift.[18] In the Season 5 episode "Joy to the World", House receives a book by Joseph Bell, Conan Doyle's inspiration for Sherlock Holmes,[7] as a Christmas present from Wilson, along with a message that says "Greg, It made me think of you". Wilson names an Irene Adler as the alleged sender before taking credit for it.[19]

「怪醫豪斯」是一部獨樹一格的影集,與其說是一部關於醫院的影集;不如說是一部關於醫學探案的影集,只不過劇中的壞人是各種疑難雜症,而劇中的英雄 是一個粗魯無禮的天才。「怪醫豪斯」每一集像是「重返犯罪現場」一樣,豪斯醫生和他的團隊專門治療查不出病因的病人,他們要抽絲剝繭、循線追查出到底是什 麼樣的「犯人」-疑難雜症在作祟。

主 角格瑞利豪斯醫生行動不便,走路拄著柺杖,也許是因為要忍受身體的疼痛,他討厭面對人群、討厭繁文縟節、對病人沒有耐性,有時顯得很自閉。面對命在旦夕的 病患,必須與時間賽跑的豪斯醫生會使出所有手段以查出病因,有時會派團隊成員到病人家中搜尋線索,或是不斷嘗試各種療法,觀察病人的反應。豪斯醫生獨特的 醫療方式,常常造成爭議,但他常常在最不可思議的狀況下救人一命。





豪斯醫生這個螢幕上最具爭議性的英雄人物讓本劇充滿黑色幽默,據說偵探福爾摩斯是這個角色的藍本。「怪醫豪斯」在美國推出後,推翻了一般觀眾對醫院類影集 的刻板印象,犀利的台詞和巧妙的劇情,已經培養出一批死忠的影迷,該影集在美國推出後收視持續攀升,第四季已成為戲劇類收視第一名。

「怪 醫豪斯」自播出後每年都獲得艾美獎提名,並曾拿下最佳編劇、最佳導演獎。飾演豪斯醫生的演員休羅利更連續兩年榮獲金球獎最佳電視男演員獎。導演布萊恩辛格 (Bryan Singer)電影作品有《超人再起》《X戰警》《X戰警2》等。「怪醫豪斯」節目整體已獲得大大小小共25個獎項。

