2009年12月26日 星期六

Conrad Hilton

先有一系列的 Hilton Hotels

再另外Conrad Hotels定位為更高級的



Pittsburg's Hilton Hotel
Pittsburg's Hilton Hotel
Is there any room at the inn? Conrad Hilton answered yes to that question, and became one of the world's wealthiest men. When he was a child, Hilton helped his father welcome business travelers to the rooms they had set up in their home in San Antonio. He learned well what the travelers were looking for in a temporary home. In 1919, Hilton bought his first hotel and several years later he opened his first Hilton Hotel, the Dallas Hilton. America's first coast-to-coast hotel chain opened inns overseas in the 1940s. Conrad Hilton was born on December 25, 1887.


"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."Conrad Hilton

