馬政府需要林毅夫「叛國」無罪2014-01-28 | ||
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随着去年台湾《军事审判法》修法, |
林毅夫 叛逃 如想回中華民國 國防部拉不下臉 要辦他 林毅夫(英文名:Justin Yifu Lin,1952年10月15日-),生於台灣宜蘭縣,原名林正義,後改林正誼,投奔中國大陸後改為今名。現任世界銀行首席經濟學家兼負責發展經濟學的高級副行長,與妻子陳雲英育有兩名子女,定居於北京,現為中華人民共和國公民。而在台灣的中華民國政府(國防部等)方面迄今堅持認定他仍是依法通緝中的叛變逃亡的軍官,其刑事責任並不因其取得大陸地區人民身分而得免除。
Taiwanese-Americans complain of interference
By William Lowther / Staff Reporter in Washington
A large group of Taiwanese--Americans has formally complained to the White House about what it sees as US interference in the nation’s recent presidential elections.
In an open letter to US President Barack Obama, the group expresses its “collective disappointment” with lapses in the political neutrality of his administration.
The letter said that despite multiple assurances of impartiality from the US State Department, “the actions of your administration in the weeks and months leading up to the election imparted a decidedly different impression.”
Signed by the presidents of twelve Taiwanese--American organizations, the letter listed a number of instances — including statements by an anonymous White House official to the Financial Times — that strongly indicated Washington’s preference for the re-election of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT).
“This series of statements and actions by your administration during a politically sensitive time led virtually all observers, American and Taiwanese alike, to reach the unavoidable conclusion that the US government preferred the re--election of the incumbent administration in Taipei,” the letter said.
It added: “As Taiwan-born American citizens who learned to cherish liberty and civil rights after we immigrated, our community has long looked up to the US as a model for democratic self-governance. It therefore pains us to see the US act contrary to its own founding principles by choosing sides in another nation’s democratic elections.”
Mark Kao (高龍榮), president of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs — and one of those who signed the letter — said later that the actions of the Obama administration amounted to an “external distortion” of the political playing field in Taiwan.
He added: “The US needs to be more supportive of our hard-won democracy instead of undermining it. If the US wants to support democracy in East Asia, it needs to ensure that the people of Taiwan have full freedom to choose their future — free from outside interference.”
In an open letter to US President Barack Obama, the group expresses its “collective disappointment” with lapses in the political neutrality of his administration.
The letter said that despite multiple assurances of impartiality from the US State Department, “the actions of your administration in the weeks and months leading up to the election imparted a decidedly different impression.”
Signed by the presidents of twelve Taiwanese--American organizations, the letter listed a number of instances — including statements by an anonymous White House official to the Financial Times — that strongly indicated Washington’s preference for the re-election of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT).
“This series of statements and actions by your administration during a politically sensitive time led virtually all observers, American and Taiwanese alike, to reach the unavoidable conclusion that the US government preferred the re--election of the incumbent administration in Taipei,” the letter said.
It added: “As Taiwan-born American citizens who learned to cherish liberty and civil rights after we immigrated, our community has long looked up to the US as a model for democratic self-governance. It therefore pains us to see the US act contrary to its own founding principles by choosing sides in another nation’s democratic elections.”
Mark Kao (高龍榮), president of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs — and one of those who signed the letter — said later that the actions of the Obama administration amounted to an “external distortion” of the political playing field in Taiwan.
He added: “The US needs to be more supportive of our hard-won democracy instead of undermining it. If the US wants to support democracy in East Asia, it needs to ensure that the people of Taiwan have full freedom to choose their future — free from outside interference.”

美國在台協會台北辦事處 (Photo: 美國在台協會)
美國在台協會在維吉尼亞州的阿靈頓,設有華盛頓總部 (AIT/Washington) ,在其對等組織駐美國台北經濟文化代表處 (TECRO) 及美國各政府單位間,扮演聯絡的角色。
請按此查閱 美國在台協會 (AIT) 與駐美國台北經濟文化代表處 (TECRO) 協定資料庫。
美 國在台協會台北辦事處 (AIT/Taipei) 共有職員超過四百五十人以上,從事各種與美國利益相關的工作,包括商業服務、農產品銷售、旅遊服務及文化交流。美國在台協會也有一華語學校、貿易中心及圖 書館。美國在台協會台北辦事處在高雄設有分處 (AIT/Kaohsiung) ,負責當地商業推廣、旅遊服務和新聞文化工作。
美國在台協會主席薄瑞光 (Raymond F. Burghardt) 將於2012年1月29日(週日)抵達台北,此行將在台北停留至2月2日(週四)。
薄瑞光先生曾在1999年至2001年期間擔任美國在台協會台北辦事處處長。在他傑出的公職生涯期間,曾擔任美國駐越南大使、美國駐上海總領事以及 服務於美國駐亞洲和拉丁美洲的大使館。在華盛頓,他曾擔任國家安全會議幕僚。目前他同時還擔任夏威夷檀香山東西方中心的研討部主任。
會薄瑞光// 美牛進口 馬立場鬆動
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馬英九總統(右)昨在總統府接見美國在台協會理事主席薄瑞光(左)。面對負責來台要求開放美牛進口的薄瑞光,馬英九主動表示,新內閣六日上路,對於美方希望解決美牛進口問題,「會有新的閣員與新的做法」。 (中央社) |
馬允重啟談判 爭議將再起
薄瑞光此行 全為美牛而來
瘦肉精若解禁 豬農要抗爭
但 另一方面,農委會○六年公告瘦肉精為「動物用禁藥」,禁止製造、 輸入、販賣肉類檢出,成為對美、加等廿六個允用瘦肉精國家的肉品輸台另一貿易障礙;衛生署於○七年一度研擬開放並預告瘦肉精檢出標準,卻引發國內豬農及消 費者反彈而胎死腹中。這兩年更又頻頻傳出進口牛肉被檢出瘦肉精,遭到擋關而退運,今年春節更高達數百噸。
馬政府曾於○九年十月廿二日與美國 簽署美國牛肉輸台議定書,同意美牛六大高風險部位得以進口台灣,引發軒然大波。二○一○年一月,朝野立委立場一致,立法院通過食品衛生管理法修正案,明定 十年內發生過狂牛症地區的高風險部位牛肉,不得進口。隨後,AIT發出聲明表達不滿,指責台灣單邊終止議定書,破壞誠信。馬親自出面危機處理,強調台美議 定書依然有效,無重啟談判問題。
陳揆:任何談判 都有壓力
針 對美方是否給台灣很大壓力?新任行政院長陳(沖)昨拜會立法院長王金平時表示,任何談判一定都有壓力,若無壓力,就沒有談判的必要。馬總統已與他通過電 話,說明與薄瑞光會面的情況,美牛議題在行政院內部牽涉農委會、衛生署及消費者保護相關單位,他將請這三個單位參考國際規範,秉持各自專業進行研究。其 中,即將上任的農委會主委陳保基是這方面的專家,相信可把這個問題處理得很好。
經濟部長施顏祥昨也證實,在外交部安排場合中,兼任經濟部經 貿談判代表辦公室總談判代表的次長梁國新及農委會等單位,已針對美牛與薄瑞光進行非正式討論。衛生署與農委會已召開過多次專家會議,盼找出解決方案。 TIFA會議召開最大關鍵即是美牛,因此「能夠早點處理好最好」,但必須要與民眾進行溝通,要社會支持。