宋李瑞芳,美籍華裔學者,祖籍台山,是美國華人問題研究的先驅、紐約市立大學榮休教授。 維基百科出生資訊: 1924 年 10 月 3 日(98歲),美國馬里蘭州巴爾的摩學歷: 伊利諾大學厄巴納-香檳分校But most Chinese Americans ultimately became fully acculturated, she said — although she saw limits to that process. “I think the Chinese will never be fully assimilated as long as there is physical identity or physical differentiation,” she said.
Betty Lee Sung, Pioneering Scholar of Chinese in America, Dies at 98
U.S.-born, she lived for a time in China and then fled as Japan invaded. She later broke academic ground in New York in the study of the Asian American diaspora.
By Sam Roberts
Betty Lee Sung, an American-born daughter of Chinese immigrants who was taken back to China by her parents during the Depression, escaped the invading Japanese as a teenager and then made her way back to the United States, where she pioneered research into the Asian diaspora, died on Thursday at her home in Silver Spring, Md. She was 98.
Her death was confirmed by her daughter Cynthia Sung.
In 1970, Dr. Sung founded an Asian American studies program at the City College of New York, billed as the first in the Eastern United States. She was the chairwoman of the department of Asian studies there when she retired in 1992.
She was also the author of nine books, from “Mountain of Gold” (1967), a historical account of Chinese immigration and assimilation in the United States, to a memoir, “Defiant Second Daughter: My First 90 Years” (2015).
“As the youngest girl, I always knew I was the least important person in our family,” she wrote. “I did not feel less important, and I found it difficult to act so.”
U.S.-born, she lived for a time in China and then fled as Japan invaded. She later broke academic ground in New York in the study of the Asian American diaspora.
By Sam Roberts
Betty Lee Sung, an American-born daughter of Chinese immigrants who was taken back to China by her parents during the Depression, escaped the invading Japanese as a teenager and then made her way back to the United States, where she pioneered research into the Asian diaspora, died on Thursday at her home in Silver Spring, Md. She was 98.
Her death was confirmed by her daughter Cynthia Sung.
In 1970, Dr. Sung founded an Asian American studies program at the City College of New York, billed as the first in the Eastern United States. She was the chairwoman of the department of Asian studies there when she retired in 1992.
She was also the author of nine books, from “Mountain of Gold” (1967), a historical account of Chinese immigration and assimilation in the United States, to a memoir, “Defiant Second Daughter: My First 90 Years” (2015).
“As the youngest girl, I always knew I was the least important person in our family,” she wrote. “I did not feel less important, and I found it difficult to act so.”
2010年1月18日 · "現場唯一的政治人物 林濁水,以書寫民進黨八年執政史的《歷史劇場》獲獎。他一身大衣、貝雷帽現身,他謙稱本書不像評審讚譽的深具反省力,他只是想當個吟遊詩人,雖然書中寫的「英雄豪傑」已像流星殞落,但曾經鼓舞他們戰鬥的精神,沒有在台灣消失,「這是我活下去最大的意義。」"