South Korean President Park says she will resign after lawmakers act
NOV 29, 2016
SEOUL – South Korean President Park Geun-hye on Tuesday asked parliament to find a way for her to give up power and decide when she should step down amid an influence-peddling scandal, but the opposition said she was just trying to avoid impeachment.
Park, 64, had apologized twice previously but until now resisted mounting public calls to quit, even as lawmakers readied to mount impeachment proceedings.
“I will leave to parliament everything about my future including shortening of my term,” she said in a brief televised speech.
“I will step down from my position according to the law once a way is formed to pass on the administration in a stable manner that will also minimize political unrest and vacuum after ruling and opposition parties’ discussion.”
The main opposition Minjoo Party rejected Park’s offer, calling it a ploy to escape being impeached, the Yonhap news agency said.
Park Kwang-on, a Democratic Party lawmaker, said it looked like she was trying to delay proceedings.
“She is handing the ball to parliament, when she could simply step down,” he said.
“She is asking the parliament to pick a date for her to resign, which she knows would lead to a discussion on when to hold the presidential election and delay everything.”
Shin Yul, a professor of political science at Myongji University, agreed.
“She doesn’t want the parliament to impeach her and she doesn’t think that the parliament can soon reach an agreement, so she is making things complicated and trying to shift some of her blame to the parliament,” he said.
Some lawmakers from Park’s own conservative Saenuri Party had asked her to resign under an agreement that would allow her to leave office with some dignity.
On Saturday, hundreds of thousands of South Koreans rallied for the fifth weekend in a row, calling for Park’s resignation. Organizers said the crowd totaled 1.5 million, while the police estimated the crowd at 260,000.
No South Korean president has failed to complete a term since the current democratic system was implemented in 1987. If Park is impeached or resigns, an election would be held in 60 days to nominate a president to serve a five-year term.
南韓總統朴槿惠深陷「閨蜜」親信崔順實醜聞風暴,日前在青瓦台對國民道歉,並表明願意接受檢察機關調查。(AP) 括在野黨6位潛在總統候選人在內的8名在野黨大老,20日在國會召開緊急會議,共同呼籲國會和三大在野黨討論啟動彈劾朴槿惠總統的程序。南韓檢方20日正式起訴涉及「親信門」醜聞風暴的3名朴槿惠親信,並指稱朴槿惠「涉嫌共謀作案」。 20日當天,共同民主黨前黨魁文在寅、國民之黨前黨魁安哲秀、首爾市長朴元淳、忠清南道知事安熙正、共同民主黨議員金富謙、城南市市長李在明、國民之黨前黨魁千正培、正義黨黨魁沈相奵出席會議,達成協議,指出朴槿惠犯罪事實明確且重大,已構成彈劾事由
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