2018年4月10日 星期二

The Infuriating Innocence of Mark Zuckerberg. What is Mark Zuckerberg really up to? chief executive and a founder of Facebook,人要出名 豬要肥;人最有興趣的是其他人

The New Yorker 發表了 2 則更新。

The Facebook C.E.O. has spent most of his adult life apologizing, but he hasn’t managed to improve much.


Lawrence Jackson for The New York Times
• Mark Zuckerberg, in a suit and tie, met an army of cardboard look-alikes in “Fix Facebook” T-shirts when he arrived on Capitol Hill to begin testifying before lawmakers.
People lined up to try to get into the congressional hearing room to witness him being grilled by more than 40 senators on how the company failed to protect the data of millions of users, its vulnerability to fake and malicious stories and other issues. (Our tech columnist narrates this video about just how much Facebook knows about us.)
We’re following the events here. Expect theatrics more than revelations — or, as a former privacy adviser to the Senate put it, “The script is mostly known; the question is how it’s said.”

What is Mark Zuckerberg really up to?
The Facebook founder is traveling the country, reconnecting with religion and fast becoming an object of speculation that he could be preparing a run for the presidency.
By Abby Ohlheiser

Facebook is an empire of great power, size and influence. Yet its emperor has even bigger ambitions

Mark Zuckerberg is ready to fight for dominance in the next era of computing

Facebook's plan to transform how we interact with each other, and with the…


人要出名 豬要肥


Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) is an American ...
根 據慈善大事紀(The Chronicle of Philanthropy)統計,28歲的札克伯格去年捐出臉書股票1800萬股給矽谷社區基金(Silicon Valley Community Foundation),價值4億9880萬美元(約148億台幣),作為醫療與教育之用。這筆捐款也讓札克伯格夫婦成為去年美國捐款第二多的企業家。

Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive and a founder of Facebook, has agreed to donate $100 million to improve the long-troubled public schools in Newark, and Gov. Chris Christie will cede some control of the state-run system to Mayor Cory A. Booker in conjunction with the huge gift. This article is in The New York Times.


For Facebook, Movie Damage Control
Facebook executives have sought to discredit a new film's unflattering portrayal of CEO Mark Zuckerberg, even as they worked behind the scenes to influence it.

Facebook Inc. executives have sought to discredit a new film's unflattering portrayal of Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, even as they worked behind the scenes to influence the movie.
Those efforts range from attempting to massage the script, according to one of the film's producers, to promoting an alternative corporate history.
Facebook appears to be in damage control mode over the portrayal of founder Mark Zuckerberg in a new movie about the company, trying to deflect attention to Zuckerberg's $100 million gift this week to Newark's schools. Julia Angwin discusses.
The movie, "The Social Network," depicts Mr. Zuckerberg as a socially awkward egomaniac who may have stolen the idea for his company from fellow students while he was an undergraduate at Harvard University.
The film—which premieres Friday night and will be widely released Oct. 1 by Sony Corp.'s Sony Pictures—takes as its narrative framework two lawsuits over the company's origins. Facebook later settled the cases.
On Friday, Mr. Zuckerberg will announce on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" that he is donating $100 million to the public schools in Newark, N.J.— his first major act of philanthropy.
According to a person familiar with the matter, Facebook didn't time Mr. Zuckerberg's gift for the film's premiere.
Mr. Zuckerberg, through a company spokesman, declined to be interviewed for this article.
Facebook's efforts to combat the film stretch back to the 2009 publication of Ben Mezrich's book, "The Accidental Billionaires," upon which the film is based. "Ben Mezrich clearly aspires to be the Jackie Collins or Danielle Steele of Silicon Valley," Facebook's top communication and strategy executive, Elliot Schrage, told several news outlets in a statement last summer.

Editors' Deep Dive: Corporations Burnish Philanthropic Cred

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Mr. Mezrich defended his book Thursday, saying, "They haven't pointed out anything that isn't true."
The movie's producers made the film without attempting to secure rights to Mr. Zuckerberg's life story, because they felt they had enough research to back up the film without his cooperation.
The company didn't formally cooperate, either, but at least one executive engaged in detailed negotiations with the filmmakers over the script, an attempt to mitigate the damage the film could do.
Scott Rudin, one of the film's producers, said Facebook's Mr. Schrage read the film's script and gave guidance, some of which was incorporated into the final product. The company provided biographical background on Mr. Zuckerberg, helped the filmmakers portray the computer-programming and hacking processes and referred the filmmakers to speeches Mr. Zuckerberg gave that were online.

Damage Control History

Everett Collection
'Citizen Kane' (1941) Newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst tried to prevent the film's release; then prohibited mention of the movie in any of his publications.
Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection
'Roger & Me' (1989) General Motors tried to counter the film quietly, warning its ad agencies to stay away from 'Donahue' episodes featuring the film and sending critical reviews to the 'Tonight Show.'
Samuel Goldwyn Films/Courtesy Everett Collection
'Super Size Me' (2004) McDonald's ran an ad campaign for its salads, milks and juices that year. Before the film's release, the company said it would stop offering its supersized fries and soft drinks.
A Facebook spokeswoman said Thursday, "We found working with Scott Rudin and his colleagues to be a terrific learning experience. They do a wonderful job of telling a good story."
Mr. Rudin said a Facebook executive expressed worry the movie could hurt an initial public offering the company is considering. Even though any stock offering is likely at least a year away, the executive worried that skepticism over the company's origins could lower its valuation, currently north of $20 billion.
"They were trying to figure out a way not to tie Mark's personal identity to the identity of the company," Mr. Rudin recalled. "Because they were and are talking about an inevitable IPO and clearly want the company to be bigger than Mark Zuckerberg."
Over the summer, Mr. Schrage and Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg saw the movie and told Mr. Rudin they weren't happy about the way it portrayed their boss. Ms. Sandberg thought the depiction of Mr. Zuckerberg was not "sympathetic," said Mr. Rudin.
Other companies, including General Motors Corp. and McDonald's Corp., have had to address bad publicity generated by films such as "Roger & Me" and "Super Size Me." But popular movies don't always have impact on the operations of the companies they portray.
In recent months, Facebook has been supporting a book that offers a more flattering view of the company's origins. The company gave veteran technology journalist David Kirkpatrick extensive access to Mr. Zuckerberg and other Facebook executives for "The Facebook Effect." The author gave a talk about the book on Facebook's campus on June 24. The company has referred journalists to Mr. Kirkpatrick as an expert on Facebook's founding.
"Don't treat the movie as the history of Facebook," said Mr. Kirkpatrick, who has read the film's script but has yet to watch the film.
Mr. Zuckerberg himself has recently given interviews in which he said little about the film, but highlighted Facebook's social impact as it reached 500 million users world-wide. In a July interview with ABC News, Mr. Zuckerberg described the movie about his company as "fiction," adding: "the real story is actually probably pretty boring."
Mr. Zuckerberg has said in interviews that he had no plan to see the film.
The film ends with a disclaimer that says some events were created. The filmmakers say that's a boilerplate message, and aren't ceding any ground.
"Facebook keeps saying the movie is fiction, but they never say what is fiction," said Mr. Rudin.
It's been a week of headaches for Facebook. On Wednesday, some people couldn't connect to the site because of a problem with a third-party network provider. Facebook fixed the problem, but on Thursday it had another temporary outage.
Write to Lauren A.E. Schuker at lauren.schuker@wsj.com and Geoffrey A. Fowler at geoffrey.fowler@wsj.com

Read more: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704062804575510230514927218.html?mod=djemTECH_h#ixzz10UlzY8ai

Facebook創辦人查克伯格 人最有興趣的是其他人

作者:吳怡靜  出處:天下雜誌 459期 2010/11
二○○四年,哈佛大二學生查克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)跟幾個同學在宿舍架設了TheFacebook.com網站。六年後,Facebook(臉書)成了全球最成功的社群網站,今年七月的全球用戶數,突破了五億。


第二,必須建立一個好團隊。我花了非常多的時間在這上面,一定要找到能夠處理橫向擴張架構、最厲害的工程部主管;能夠跟每個人溝通產品計劃、最優秀 的產品部主管;以及最頂尖的業務主管。這個團隊的任何一個人都有本事管理整個公司,就算我哪天不見了,他們任何一個人都能搞定全公司的事。
外界形容我是億萬富翁,說我的公司價值二七○億美元,誰在乎這些?以後我只想住在公司附近,天天走路上下班。我們最近剛搬到新的辦公室,加州風景這麼美,我要求助理幫我在公司附近找新公寓,她找了好幾個禮拜,後來在我出差時打給我說,「我找到了一棟房子,我要租了!」我根本還沒看過那地方(笑),但 我不在乎,反正我只想要走路回家睡覺,再走路到公司上班。這就是我。
我大概不會去看這部電影,他們說我是為了追女生才創立臉書,但事實上,我從成立臉書之前,直到今天,都跟同一個女孩交往。(譯註:指華裔的Priscilla Chan)

