2019年7月3日 星期三

鄺俊宇(Roy Kwong): Wei Shyy史維 香港科技大學校長:譴責暴力之餘 應探討事件成因


鄺俊宇英語:Roy Kwong Chun-yu,1983年2月9日),香港立法會議員、註冊社工、填詞人、作曲家、愛情小說作家。2007年以24歲之齡首次參選區議員,並成為新界最年輕區議員[2]。2016年以491,667票成為超區「票王」,晉身為香港立法會議員,並在立法會中擔任福利事務委員會主席。現任香港元朗區議會北朗選區民選議員、民主黨成員,他曾是新界最年輕區議員,以及民主黨最年輕的中央委員。

香港電台視像新聞 RTHK VNEWS

【科大校長史維:譴責暴力之餘 應探討事件成因】



Dear members of HKUST:
It is distressing and heartbreaking to see how the incident inside the Legislative Council Complex played out yesterday and this morning. As pointed out by many, violence should be condemned. However, observing how things unfolded over the past few weeks, the situation can’t be interpreted as a sign of temporary or single topic discontent only. We need to acknowledge that the protestors, many of them youngsters and students, would want to commit such acts even though they are fully aware of the consequences. While there are possible actions to be pursued by the legal system as well as judgment being rendered by the society, we should discuss the root cause to address the challenges we face. But first and now, appropriate steps must be taken swiftly to diffuse the tension.
It is essential that all parties, public or private, adopt an open and approachable attitude in listening to one another by means of direct conversation. It is difficult but this is what has to be done. Repeating identical statements or persistent confrontation will only bring more divide and can’t serve the interest of our home; and Hong Kong will be the ultimate loser.
Anyone caring for the future of Hong Kong should make an effort to forge such a conversation. As a concerned citizen and an educator, I stand ready to join hands with you to achieve this goal.
Yours sincerely,
Wei Shyy

Wei Shyy

說明史維,台灣裔美國人,航空太空工程學家,目前擔任香港科技大學第四任校長 。 出生於台灣,從新竹市國立清華大學取得理學士後,先後從密西根大學取得理學碩士和博士學位。其後,任職於佛羅里達大學及位處紐約的通用電氣研發中心,任職香港科技大學校長前是密西根大學Clarence L. 維基百科

出生: 1955 年(64歲),台灣

