2019年8月20日 星期二

罷工名單只寫自己 國泰CEO被辭職 | Cathay Pacific airline boss Rupert Hogg quits after protest row 只交了自己的名字!. Peter Fonda,

中國民航局要求何杲交出參與罷工的員工名單時,「這位英國CEO只交出自己的名字,表明為員工罷工負責」。因此網上的推文大讚「他沒有出賣任何一名國泰員工!把責任全部自己扛了!請我們記住這位先生的名字:Rupert Hogg何杲先生!I salute you! 英國人做得到的,中國人永遠做不到」!

中共民航局要求國泰CEO(英國人)把員工名單交給中共,CEO只交了自己的名字!表明為員工罷工負責!辭職!他沒有出賣任何一名國泰員工!把責任全部自己扛了!這是值得記憶的名字:Rupert Hogg 何杲先生!
Actor Peter Fonda, best-known for his iconic role in the 1969 counterculture classic "Easy Rider," died Friday at his home in Los Angeles. He was 79.

On The Trail of Easy Rider. Actor Peter Fonda, the star of "Easy Rider," has died,

On The Trail of Easy Rider

  • CNN
    Actor Peter Fonda, the star of "Easy Rider," has died, his manager told CNN. He was 79.

Rupert Hogg has stepped down after "challenging weeks for the airline" amid the Hong Kong demonstrations.


Cathay Pacific airline boss quits after protest row

Just published: front page of FT Weekend, UK edition, Saturday 17 August https://on.ft.com/31ORvfH

