2020年3月19日 星期四

美國國家科學院(National Academy of Sciences)表彰李遠哲:捍衛人權的科學家

李遠哲前院長獲美國國家科學院(National Academy of Sciences)表彰:
美國國家科學院表示,李遠哲無論是在國際或臺灣的領導職位中,皆增進了科學與人權之間聯繫,並致力於強化科學以造福社會。他在擔任中研院院長期間(1994-2006),協助使「國際科學院與學術社群的人權網路(International Human Rights Network of Academies and Scholarly Societies)」更加健全,並在全球的科學自由面臨威脅時,確保中研院參與其中。
推進權利與自由 — 科學與自由─科學、人性尊嚴及諾貝爾獎展覽
英國生物化學及分子生物學家,Richard J. Roberts
剛果醫師,Denis Mukwege
義大利神經生物學家,Rita Levi-Montalcini
美國分子生物學家,Peter Agre
法國病毒學家,Françoise Barré-Sinoussi
蘇聯原子物理學家,Andrei Sakharov
印度經濟學家,Amariya Sen
肯亞社會運動者,Wangari Maathai
英國化學家,Harold Kroto
瑞典神經科學家,Torsten Wiesel
Former Academia Sinica President Yuan Tseh Lee has won acclaim from the United States National Academy of Sciences for his renowned contributions towards human rights, in addition to his scientific achievements. In recognition of his efforts, the National Academy of Sciences has chosen Dr. Lee as one of ten Nobel Prize awardees to be included in the exhibition “Advancing Rights and Freedoms: Science, Human Dignity, and the Nobel Prize” for their efforts in enhancing human rights. The exhibition, which begins in March, features the awardees’ human rights contributions and photographic portraits, in order to raise public attention on the issues of science and human rights.
With his dedication to improving science and strengthening the ties between science and human rights, Dr. Lee has been included in this exhibition for his preeminent role both internationally and in Taiwan. During his service as President of Academia Sinica from 1994 to 2006, Dr. Lee helped promote the International Human Rights Network of Academies and Scholarly Societies, and ensured the participation of Academia Sinica when the world’s scientific freedom was under threat.
The exhibition will take place from March 11 to June 1 at the National Academy of Sciences. http://www.cpnas.org/exhibitions/current-exhibitions/advancing-rights-and-freedoms.html

