2021年10月17日 星期日

Sarah Gilbert莎拉·凱瑟琳·吉爾伯特女爵士 DBE她與牛津疫苗團隊共同研發的牛津-阿斯利康2019冠狀病毒病疫苗: Now let’s take on 12 more diseases

照片等   https://www.bbc.com/news/health-58898085

Prof Sarah Gilbert, Covid vaccine creator: Now let’s take on 12 more diseases

By James Gallagher
Inside Health presenter, BBC Radio 4

Medical science has transformed the pandemic, and the experimental technologies that helped develop vaccines in record time have strapped rocket boosters to scientific ambitions. Could we be entering a golden age of new vaccines?

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If you head to the cutting edge of vaccinology you will find Prof Dame Sarah Gilbert, from the Jenner Institute and the architect of the Oxford vaccine.

Using a revolutionary technology, the team at Oxford had a vaccine ready to start clinical trials in just 65 days. In partnership with pharma giant AstraZeneca, more than 1.5 billion doses have been distributed around the world.

You might assume that once you had reached the top of your professional tree you would be free to think profound thoughts that push the boundaries of human knowledge. Yet nearly every time I interview Prof Gilbert, I get the sense that a huge chunk of her time is taken up buying fridges and freezers. After all, if you can't keep viral samples and prototype vaccines cold then you can't do vaccine research.

莎拉·凱瑟琳·吉爾伯特女爵士 DBE(英語:Sarah Catherine Gilbert,1962年4月)為英國疫苗學家牛津大學 疫苗學教授及Vaccitech共同創立者。[2][3][4][5][6]吉爾伯特專攻於流行性感冒及新興病毒病源體疫苗開發。[7]並帶領研究及試驗廣效流感疫苗,該疫苗於2011年進行臨床試驗。吉爾伯特於2020年元旦知悉中國武漢有4人感染特殊不明肺炎,並於2週內在牛津大學設計出應對新病源體之疫苗。[8]2020年12月30日,她與牛津疫苗團隊共同研發的牛津-阿斯利康2019冠狀病毒病疫苗經批准,並於英國施打。[9]

