2022年8月14日 星期日

128) 多少難忘的墓誌銘: SUMMUS FINIS。 這裡睡著一個無可隱而隱的老人。《努力、探尋、發現、永不退讓、不屈服》 “He never grew up; but he never stopped growing.”


128) 多少難忘的墓誌銘: SUMMUS FINIS。 這裡睡著一個無可隱而隱的老人。《努力、探尋、發現、永不退讓、不屈服》 “He never grew up; but he never stopped growing.”

 128) 多少難忘的墓誌銘: SUMMUS FINIS。 這裡睡著一個無可隱而隱的老人。《努力、探尋、發現、永不退讓、不屈服》 “He never grew up; but he never stopped growing.”


126) 銘:木魚銘 (東海1959;蕭繼宗;吳福助:木魚銘考釋);案銘 (王世襄;三則/四則,約2000之前,「世好妍華,我耽拙樸」);胡適讀《金冬心硯銘》一卷 (1910)、金冬心硯 (施蟄存)



  1. a phrase or form of words written in memory of a person who has died, especially as an inscription on a tombstone.

Boswell's The Life of Johnso中,Johnson 解釋為何墓誌銘 須採用穩定的語言,即拉丁文來書寫。然而,為了方便溝通,了解,使用譯文也可以。

"Oliver Goldsmith: A Poet, Naturalist, and Historian, who left scarcely any style of writing untouched, and touched nothing that he did not adorn. Of all the passions, whether smiles were to move or tears, a powerful yet gentle master. In genius, vivid, versatile, sublime. In style, clear, elevated, elegant."
Johnson: Epitaph for Oliver Goldsmith. (The original is in Latin.)
Quotes on Oliver Goldsmith - Samuel Johnson
https://www.samueljohnson.com › golds...

Johnson: Epitaph for Oliver Goldsmith. (The original is in Latin.) 

"The Dean of Wall Street"
有意思的是,該文給胡適下的不朽處,竟不是胡先生的三不朽(楊聯陞先生在給《陳世驤選集》作序敬輓,就是用胡適的話來破題的,該文功力不凡),或是像我們在《華爾街大老》(The Dean of Wall Street)中了解的,傳主 Benjamin Graham的墓誌銘是刻了丁尼生詩歌Ulysses 的句子--他與胡適都極喜愛此詩。(詳《努力、探尋、發現、永不退讓、不屈服》)

當然,也有墓誌銘採用墓主一生最得意的學術發現,如某經濟學定律 (數學式等)


旅德青年名作家陳思宏──在 Kloster Andechs ( 德國安德希斯

) 給我們發一則通信,圖文並茂:

Kloster Andechs是德國非常知名的修道院,出產的啤酒跟優格跟奶製品暢銷全德國。
這裡也是《布蘭詩歌》作曲者Carl Orff的長眠地。墓誌銘:SUMMUS FINIS,拉丁文,德文翻譯:das höchste Ziel,中文翻譯:最崇高的目標。
字面義,SUMMUS FINIS可能雙關:highest end......


Paul Samuelson, R.I.P.
Oh, my. Paul Samuelson has died. He had a long, good life; yet he will be sorely missed.

The Latin phrase "Requiescat in pace" (singular) or "Requiescant in pace" (plural) is a short epitaph that typically appears on headstones, often abbreviated "RIP" which is then often given in English as Rest in peace. The expression means "may he / she rest in peace" (singular) or "may they rest in peace" (plural) as the Latin verb is used in the optative sense.[1] It is commonly found on the grave of Catholics,[2] as it is derived from the burial service of the Roman Catholic church, in which the following prayer was said at the commencement and conclusion:[3]
Anima eius et animae omnium fidelium defunctorum per Dei misericordiam requiescant in pace

In “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968), which he co-wrote with Stanley Kubrick, ape-man evolved into Star Child.
His epitaph for himself would have well suited man as he wanted him to be. “He never grew up; but he never stopped growing.”

