2008年8月21日 星期四

The 'Bolt' Inspires Copycats, and Ire from the IOC

The 'Bolt' Inspires Copycats, and Ire from the IOC

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It's called the 'Bolt,' and it's fast replacing the 'V' sign and the Rafael Nadal-style 'medal bite' as the cheesy gesture of choice for Olympic photo taking.

Ever since Usain Bolt sizzled to victory in the 100-meter, his gesture — one arm pulled back, one arm extended forward, like an archer shooting upwards — has been copied by everyone from Estonian discus gold medalist Gerd Kanter to light-hearted spectators outside the Bird's Nest. Bolt even broke into his trademark pose (among others) before the start of the 200 meter race on Wednesday night, moments before the Jamaican went on to smash a second world record in this Olympics.

Usain Bolt's sponsor, could trademark that gesture, 'we'd be golden,' joked a spokesman at Puma's Beijing flagship store, who said Bolt's limited edition Theseus spikes have sold out. The Cell Meio golden shoes that Puma designed for Bolt, and which he posed with on the track, won't be in stores until next week.

But before everyone starts copying the many other moves in Bolt's flashy repertoire (which include dancing victory laps around the stadium, pounding his chest and shouting 'I'm number one!' into the cameras), the International Olympic Committee came out with a criticism of the athlete, quite a rare occurrence during these harmonious Games. Jacques Rogge, president of the IOC, said Bolt's unsportsmanlike showboating and his failure to congratulate his competitors were regrettable.

'That's not the way we perceive being a champion,' said Rogge, according to the AP. 'I have no problem with him doing a show. I think he should show more respect for his competitors and shake hands, give a tap on the shoulder to the other ones immediately after the finish and not make gestures like the one he made in the 100 meters.'

Mei Fong / Sky Canaves


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下﹐奧運會上最瀟洒的拍照姿勢已經不是V字手勢﹐不是拉菲爾•納達爾(Rafael Nadal)首創的“啃獎牌”﹐而是“博爾特式”。

自 從尤塞恩•博爾特(Usain Bolt)在男子100米決賽中以絕對優勢奪冠以來﹐他那彷彿射箭運動員拉弓動作般的一手後拉、一手前伸姿勢成了許多人模仿的對象﹐從愛沙尼亞的鐵餅金牌 獲得者戈德•坎特(Gerd Kanter)到鳥巢外輕鬆愉快的觀賽者﹐誰都想來上那麼一下。博爾特甚至在週三晚間的200米決賽開始之前就早早擺出了他的這個招牌姿勢﹐之後不久﹐這 位牙買加選手再次打破一項世界紀錄。

博爾特的贊助商可能會將這個姿勢申請成商標﹐“我們就是金牌”﹐彪馬(Puma)北京旗艦店一位發言人開玩笑說。他說﹐博爾特的限量版Theseus釘鞋已經售完。彪馬為博爾特專門設計的Cell Meio金色跑鞋要到下週才能上架﹐他奧運奪冠時穿的就是這款鞋。


border=0博 爾特的保留劇目還有其他多種姿態﹐包括獲勝後繞場一週邊舞邊跑、對著攝像機鏡頭捶打胸脯大喊“我是第一”等等。不過﹐在大家還沒來得及模仿他的這些花哨動 作之前﹐國際奧委會(IOC)已出面對他提出了批評﹐這在一向氣氛祥和的奧運會歷史上還是少有的事。奧委會主席羅格(Jacques Rogge)說﹐博爾特的炫耀行為和他不向同台競技的其他運動員表示祝賀的做法令人感到遺憾。


Mei Fong / Sky Canaves

(“中國日誌”(China Journal)關注全球第一人口大國的發展變化﹐《華爾街日報》獲獎團隊數十位記者傾情獻稿﹐Sky Canaves主筆。歡迎讀者發送郵件至chinajournal@wsj.com或在下面評論欄中發表評論和建議。)

