2008年8月10日 星期日

Mahmoud Darwish

Mahmud Darwish 的 The Music of Human Flesh.是 HAROLD BLOOM'S WESTERN CANON群書之一

Mahmoud Darwish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


  • 2008年08月10日 12:35 発信地:ワシントンD.C./米国

8月10日 AFP】パレスチナを代表する詩人、マフムード・ダルウィーシュ(Mahmud Darwish)氏が9日、入院していた米テキサス(Texas)州ヒューストン(Houston)の病院で死去した。67歳。心臓切開手術の後、合併症を起こした。病院関係者が明らかにした。



Under The Holly Tree: Mahmud Darwish 1941-2008

My Mother

I long for my mother's bread
My mother's coffee
Her touch
Childhood memories grow up in me
Day after day
I must be worth my life
At the hour of my death
Worth the tears of my mother.

And if I come back one day
Take me as a veil to your eyelashes
Cover my bones with the grass
Blessed by your footsteps
Bind us together
With a lock of your hair
With a thread that trails from the back of your dress
I might become immortal
Become a God
If I touch the depths of your heart.

If I come back
Use me as wood to feed your fire
As the clothesline on the roof of your house
Without your blessing
I am too weak to stand.

I am old
Give me back the star maps of childhood
So that I
Along with the swallows
Can chart the path
Back to your waiting nest.

