王炳章- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - Wikipedia
Wang Bingzhang
Bingzhang is a political activist and founder of two Chinese
pro-democracy movements. He is considered a political prisoner of China. Wikipedia
Born: December 30, 1947 (age 65), Shijiazhuang, China
Education: McGill University
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被中国当局以“间谍”罪名判处无期徒刑政治犯王炳章, |
China Detains a Billionaire for Activism
Wang Gongquan, a venture capitalist who has been outspoken in his
liberal views, was detained by more than 20 officers from the Beijing
Multi-millionaire investor detained in China's crackdown on activists
Campaigners warn that Chinese police are cracking down on activists after 'gathering crowds' arrest of Wang Gongquan

Wang Gongquan, who was
taken into custody on Friday, said: 'Some have called my comments
radical. I don’t feel radical at all.' Photograph: Carlos Barria/Reuters
Chinese police have detained a multimillionaire investor in what human rights campaigners warn is a broadening crackdown on activists.
Wang Gongquan was taken into custody by up to 20 Beijing police officers on Friday on suspicion of "gathering a crowd to disrupt public order", according to supporters.
His friend Xu Zhiyong, a well-known lawyer and leading member of a grassroots grouping supporting civil society, was formally arrested on the same charge last month after weeks in detention.
"Wang was summoned at noon … it was because he has taken part in social activities, human rights activities with Xu Zhiyong," said lawyer Teng Biao.
Human Rights Watch said earlier this week that 17 members of the loosely organised New Citizens movement are among 55 people detained since spring for organising collective actions of various kinds, including protests. Sixteen of those have since been released, some on bail, but friends are increasingly concerned that others will be indicted, tried and jailed.
Activists fear the moves are part of a broader tightening of the political environment by the new leadership under Xi Jinping, including the curbing of online dissent.
"There is no doubt that this is a step up in the suppression of critical voices in China," said Nicholas Bequelin, a senior Asia researcher at Human Rights Watch.
"You have a twin push in the real world and the virtual world. Anywhere you look at the moment − it's the same direction.
"Suddenly people who were somewhat tolerated before find themselves vulnerable − and all of this is happening while China is seeking a seat on the human rights council at the United Nations," Bequelin added, saying that the current push was more than a cyclical crackdown on dissent.
Chinese scholars have also expressed concern about increased pressure on academics. Unusually, the state-run English news website China Daily also reported on Wang's detention, although it said police had taken him for "unknown reasons".
In an interview with the South China Morning Post in July, Wang said: "In today's China people are getting arrested every day. It's impractical for one to claim that he has no fears. But I may not be as scared as many others, because I have been involved in such matters for years − meetings and discussions."
The 51-year-old added: "For a long time I have been harshly criticising some problems in the government, including in the ruling party. Some have called my comments radical. I don't feel radical at all. I think some entrepreneurs fear too much."
Some think Wang is being punished in part for pressing for Xu's release and releasing a video showing his friend, speaking inside jail, urging citizens to pursue their rights. Sui Muqing, a lawyer acting for Guo Feixiong − another detained rights advocate − suggested the government might be seeking to discourage business people from financially supporting activists.
Guo was detained on the "gathering crowds" charge in mid-August but Sui's requests to meet his client have been rejected four times, the lawyer said.
Backers have said that the New Citizens movement operates within the constitution, but its popularity appears to have roused the concern of authorities. Hundreds of supporters turned up to its informal dinners.
Members also called on officials to publicly disclose their assets − a message clearly unwelcome to authorities despite the new leadership's pledge to root out corruption.
Liu Ping, an activist from Jiangxi who held a protest demanding such disclosure in April, has been indicted for illegal assembly, gathering a crowd to disrupt public order and using a cult to damage enforcement of the law, Human Rights in China reported last month.
Wang, a venture capitalist, is one of a number of business people who have become increasingly bold in their calls for reform and criticism of the government. But authorities this week underlined their determination to rein in "big Vs" − verified users with large followings − by issuing a new judicial interpretation warning people may be charged with defamation if they post rumours which are read by 5,000 users or forwarded more than 500 times.
Microbloggers also voiced intense scepticism after Chinese-born American investor Xue Manzi, or Charles Xue, was detained in Beijing last month on suspicion of soliciting prostitutes. Many suspected the decision to parade him on television was intended to deter other prominent figures from his brand of caustic commentary.
Wang Gongquan was taken into custody by up to 20 Beijing police officers on Friday on suspicion of "gathering a crowd to disrupt public order", according to supporters.
His friend Xu Zhiyong, a well-known lawyer and leading member of a grassroots grouping supporting civil society, was formally arrested on the same charge last month after weeks in detention.
"Wang was summoned at noon … it was because he has taken part in social activities, human rights activities with Xu Zhiyong," said lawyer Teng Biao.
Human Rights Watch said earlier this week that 17 members of the loosely organised New Citizens movement are among 55 people detained since spring for organising collective actions of various kinds, including protests. Sixteen of those have since been released, some on bail, but friends are increasingly concerned that others will be indicted, tried and jailed.
Activists fear the moves are part of a broader tightening of the political environment by the new leadership under Xi Jinping, including the curbing of online dissent.
"There is no doubt that this is a step up in the suppression of critical voices in China," said Nicholas Bequelin, a senior Asia researcher at Human Rights Watch.
"You have a twin push in the real world and the virtual world. Anywhere you look at the moment − it's the same direction.
"Suddenly people who were somewhat tolerated before find themselves vulnerable − and all of this is happening while China is seeking a seat on the human rights council at the United Nations," Bequelin added, saying that the current push was more than a cyclical crackdown on dissent.
Chinese scholars have also expressed concern about increased pressure on academics. Unusually, the state-run English news website China Daily also reported on Wang's detention, although it said police had taken him for "unknown reasons".
In an interview with the South China Morning Post in July, Wang said: "In today's China people are getting arrested every day. It's impractical for one to claim that he has no fears. But I may not be as scared as many others, because I have been involved in such matters for years − meetings and discussions."
The 51-year-old added: "For a long time I have been harshly criticising some problems in the government, including in the ruling party. Some have called my comments radical. I don't feel radical at all. I think some entrepreneurs fear too much."
Some think Wang is being punished in part for pressing for Xu's release and releasing a video showing his friend, speaking inside jail, urging citizens to pursue their rights. Sui Muqing, a lawyer acting for Guo Feixiong − another detained rights advocate − suggested the government might be seeking to discourage business people from financially supporting activists.
Guo was detained on the "gathering crowds" charge in mid-August but Sui's requests to meet his client have been rejected four times, the lawyer said.
Backers have said that the New Citizens movement operates within the constitution, but its popularity appears to have roused the concern of authorities. Hundreds of supporters turned up to its informal dinners.
Members also called on officials to publicly disclose their assets − a message clearly unwelcome to authorities despite the new leadership's pledge to root out corruption.
Liu Ping, an activist from Jiangxi who held a protest demanding such disclosure in April, has been indicted for illegal assembly, gathering a crowd to disrupt public order and using a cult to damage enforcement of the law, Human Rights in China reported last month.
Wang, a venture capitalist, is one of a number of business people who have become increasingly bold in their calls for reform and criticism of the government. But authorities this week underlined their determination to rein in "big Vs" − verified users with large followings − by issuing a new judicial interpretation warning people may be charged with defamation if they post rumours which are read by 5,000 users or forwarded more than 500 times.
Microbloggers also voiced intense scepticism after Chinese-born American investor Xue Manzi, or Charles Xue, was detained in Beijing last month on suspicion of soliciting prostitutes. Many suspected the decision to parade him on television was intended to deter other prominent figures from his brand of caustic commentary.
黃安偉 2013年09月14日
倡導組織「維權網」(Chinese Human Rights Defenders)估計,從3月份到8月份,已有50多名政治上活躍的中國人被拘留。
Patrick Zuo和Shi Da對本文有研究貢獻。翻譯:張亮亮
韓國前總統和軍事獨裁者全斗煥的長子10日代表家人向全國民眾道歉,並公佈將主動繳納罰款 1672億韓元(約合1.54億美元)的具體計劃。韓國大法院 1997年對全斗煥、盧泰愚二位前總統和軍事獨裁者所作出的貪腐罰款判決,時隔 16年終於有望得到徹底執行。
1980年代執掌韓國軍事獨裁政府的全斗煥和盧泰愚被指控在執政期間非法私匿挪用巨額公款。全斗煥 1979年通過軍事政變奪權,並於 1980年開始出任總統。在他和繼任助手盧泰愚執政的十多年期間,韓國經濟雖然經歷了高速增長期,也成功地舉辦了奧運會,但是政治上也經歷了反對派受到嚴酷打擊的「白色恐怖」時期。
全斗煥和盧泰愚被判在執政期間,通過威逼利誘手段從工商企業勒索巨額款項,建立秘密私用金庫,並大規模非法洗錢。在過去 16年中,全斗煥一家一直想方設法拒絕退還貪污的公款。韓國大法院曾因貪腐判處全斗煥死緩;最終因全國和解,韓國政府決定對他特赦。
9月9日,全斗煥一家的律師李京勳(音)曾經表示,全斗煥家族代表 ——長子全宰國會在首爾中央地方法院公佈主動繳納罰款的具體計劃。一位全斗煥身邊人士還表示,具體計劃中的繳納金額共約有 1700億韓元。如果扣押財產等的變賣金額不夠,甚至會出售前總統私宅。
據悉,全斗煥方面計劃用扣押財產抵償部分罰款,其餘部分由全宰國、全在庸、全宰萬、全孝善等子女和親家東亞元總裁李喜祥等人湊齊。全斗煥一家在主動交納罰款方案中和對國民的道歉書中表示,向檢方提交一次性繳納罰款有困難、只能分階段繳納罰款。( BBC中文網 2013/9/10報導)