2019年12月17日 星期二

Humans of New York. 段崇智(中大校長)

//中大校長段崇智,在上月中大反修例衝突中親自落場,在示威者和警方之間斡旋,此舉動令他獲英國泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education,THE)選為2019年高等教育界的年度人物。

“I moved from Texas three years ago. I was way too nice at first. I was out here in New York trying to exemplify Christ, and people were taking advantage of me. I was getting run over. So I had to get more stern. Don't get me wrong-- I’m the same nice person, just more firm in my actions. Especially in the work environment. My first job was working as a recruiter for a retail company. And one day I’m on the computer, you know, recruiting people, which is my job-- when ⋯⋯

