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Sharing Stories of a Man Who Loved Big Challenges
Celebrities and former colleagues of the diplomat Richard C. Holbrooke gathered to reflect on the life and accomplishments of a cherished friend and demanding boss.
Richard Holbrooke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- [ 翻譯此頁 ]Richard Charles Albert Holbrooke (April 24, 1941 – December 13, 2010) was a top-"美國與中華民國斷交時的國務院東亞助卿郝爾布魯克(Richard Holbrooke),十三日因主動脈剝離急救無效逝世,享年六十九歲。他曾調停波士尼亞戰火而獲國際稱道, ....."
"歐巴馬政府阿富汗與巴基斯坦的特別代表理察.郝爾布魯克(Richard Holbrooke),是當今美國外 交界最有能力、最具才華但也是最自大、跋扈的傳奇人物。他從事外交工作將近半世紀,從甘迺迪時代到歐巴馬政府,其間凡是民主黨執政,他一定會出來做外交 官。從六○年代的的越戰到今天的阿富汗戰爭,他都是親歷者和見證人,他的最大成就是在一九九五年促成解體後內戰不已的南斯拉夫(波士尼亞)達成德頓停火協 議。 "
Profile: Richard Holbrooke
![]() Richard Holbrooke has served under presidents since Jimmy Carter |
In a career alternating between financial executive and diplomat, Richard Holbrooke is perhaps best known as the architect of the 1995 Dayton peace accords that ended three years of war in Bosnia.
He is also credited with averting a possible military confrontation between Greece and Turkey in a dispute over an uninhabited Aegean Sea islet a year later.
Nicknamed "the Bulldozer", Mr Holbrooke gained a reputation for confronting warring leaders to get them to come to the negotiating table.
These skills were to be tested again in his final role as US envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan.
First name terms
Mr Holbrooke was born in New York in 1941, and is of German-Jewish descent. He was educated at Brown University and was married to writer Kati Marton.
He began his diplomatic career in Vietnam, and served as assistant secretary of state for Asia as well as US ambassador to Germany.
It was while he was assistant secretary of state for European and Canadian affairs, between 1994 and 1996, that he went to Bosnia as part of a peace-seeking delegation.
![]() | ![]() ![]() ![]() Richard Holbrooke in 1999 |
Over the course of various protracted and often difficult negotiations, Mr Holbrooke developed a rapport with then Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. They were said to have been on first name terms.
There were stories of Holbrooke sipping a mid-morning pear brandy with Mr Milosevic at the peace talks in Dayton, Ohio.
Mr Milosevic also reportedly hosted the US diplomat for an 11-hour dinner near Belgrade at the former hunting lodge of long-time Yugoslav President Tito.
Mr Holbrooke said he had no moral qualms about "negotiating with people who do immoral things".
"If you can prevent the deaths of people still alive, you're not doing a disservice to those already killed trying to do so," he said in 1999.
"And so I make no apologies for negotiating with Milosevic and even worse people, provided one doesn't lose one's point of view."
His success at Dayton saw him nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize - one of several such nominations he received over his career.
Although his 1999 mission to persuade Mr Milosevic to remove his troops from Kosovo failed, it did not damage his reputation as one of the best and toughest US diplomats.
UN role
While admired for his first-class intellect, Mr Holbrooke's robust and combative style made him enemies in the US government.
In 1997, he was widely tipped to become secretary of state, but lost out to Madeleine Albright.
A year later, he was nominated by then President Bill Clinton as US ambassador to the United Nations.
But his appointment was delayed for more than a year while a federal ethics probe was carried out over his lucrative second career on Wall Street.
After stepping down from his role at the UN in 2001, Mr Holbrooke served as vice-chairman for a private equity firm.
He also advised Senator John Kerry during his presidential campaign in 2004, as well as Hillary Clinton in her bid for the Democratic nomination in the 2008 campaign.
As US special envoy under Barack Obama, Mr Holbrooke continued to work with Secretary of State Clinton, trying to get Kabul and Islamabad to effectively fight the region's resurgent Taliban and al-Qaeda militant groups.