2016年5月1日 星期日

Fred Rogers 1928-2003

2016.4.30 敬贈孫康宜教授。她跟我們介紹Mr. Rogers....
馬龍‧白蘭度 過世
Paul Newman 
Bringing intense emotion and raw improvisation to his performance, Brando's talent was said to have outshone his classmates, who included Marilyn Monroe, Shelley Winters and Rod Steiger.
Paul Newman, who was also learning to act at that time, said: "I'm angry at Marlon because he does everything so easily.
"I have to break my ass to do what he can do with his eyes closed."
影星保羅紐曼:「我很氣他(馬龍‧白蘭度),因為他演什麼都易如反掌。他閉著眼也做得到的,我要拼了命才做到。」 這最讓我想到:
「……(Fred) Rogers請著名的音樂家馬友友來演奏大提琴,馬友友一開始就閉著眼睛在拉琴,好像很陶醉的樣子;女兒於是拍手叫道:『真好,他在睡覺也能演奏,Good for him!』。」(p.432;孫康宜《「童化」與「教化」》載《慶祝施蟄存教授百歲華誕文集》pp.430-34)

47 years ago, ‪#‎MrRogers‬ testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Communications to save funding for public media.‪#‎ItsABeautifulDay‬ to thank him for his contributions.
Neighborly folk took to social media Friday to pay tribute to Fred Rogers, by…

Fred Rogers
Television personality
Fred McFeely Rogers was an American television personality, educator, Presbyterian minister, composer, songwriter, author, and activist.Wikipedia
Born: March 20, 1928, Latrobe, Pennsylvania, United States

Died: February 27, 2003, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Spouse: Sara Byrd (m. 1952–2003)
Children: James Byrd Rogers, John Frederick Rogers

Fred Rogers 的節目,台灣的電視轉播過一小陣子。

今天孫康宜老師分享了 1 條連結

10 Mr. Rogers Quotes You Need to Read
On what would have been his 87th birthday, a few thoughts from our favorite neighbor.

並說,"Actually I wrote an article about Mr Rogers several years ago!"

我說:2003年讀孫老師的 {"童化"與"教化"} (收入{我看美國精神},2006;《從北山樓到潛學齋》,施蟄存、孫康宜著,沈建中編,2014,pp.164-72),但覺得是"施先生百歲華誕文集"中的突出之文。這或許是社會文化之隔閡,希望現在的人更能體會孫老師介紹的仁心、禮樂之心。

今天才注意到 {"童化"與"教化"}可能是孫老師做為"鄰里"一份子寫的訃聞、謝詞。正如Rogers先生在終生成就獎的答謝辭中,要大家靜思10秒:自己的恩人......


Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people.

Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.

How sad it is that we give up on people who are just like us.


image: http://cdn1.relevantmediagroup.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_header/public/field/image/Mr_Rogers.jpg?itok=7ZVQTG6M

10 Mr. Rogers Quotes You Need to Read

On what would have been his 87th birthday, a few thoughts from our favorite neighbor.


image: http://cdn1.relevantmediagroup.com/sites/default/files/styles/node_author/public/user/tyler.jpeg?itok=2e8K-OCa

By Tyler Huckabee

March 20, 2015

Tyler is something else. He's a writer who loves blue jeans, camping, hamburgers and rock and roll. You can read about his fascinating life at The Unbearable Lightness of Huckabeing, or read every... Read More

If you haven't seen it, Fred Rogers' acceptance speech for a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 1997 Emmys is a fascinating watch. After being introduced as "the best neighbor any of us has ever had," by Tim Robbins, Mr. Rogers takes the stage amidst uproarious applause. A humble, gray Presbyterian minister being heralded as a hero on television's flashiest night—he sticks out, not just by virtue of his age, but also a sort of sheepish grace. This man does not have a false bone in his body.

What happens next is probably singular among award shows. Mr. Rogers steps up to the microphone, and issues an order. "Would you just take, along with me, 10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are? Those who have cared about you and wanted what was best for you in life. I'll watch the time."

At first people chuckle a little—is he serious? But as he looks down at his watch, you can see that he clearly is, and the hall falls silent. And then, as the camera pans the room, you see that he's working that old magic of his. People are biting their lips. Mascara is running. It took this gentle, kindly host of a children's program a mere 10 seconds to strip a television award show of its pomp and circumstance, injecting a moment of real, beautiful feeling into it. Speedy delivery, indeed.

Eleven years ago today, Fred Rogers passed away quietly in his Pittsburgh home, and America lost its favorite neighbor.

It's hard to know how to approach Mr. Rogers' legacy without bursting into fanboy gushing. Nostalgia is big these days, and it's easy to prattle on about Space Jam or Pokemon and how much they meant to you when you were a kid, and there's nothing wrong with it. But for people of a certain age, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood remains in its own stratosphere of childhood memories. Other shows may have been more educational, funnier or more creative, but none of them had Mr. Rogers. He was, in every way, the real deal; a genuinely warm presence who spoke to you as if you were sitting on his knee. There wasn't a hint of marketing sheen or focus groups in the show—just an elderly man who loved children. It was not in any way an act. "One of the greatest gifts you can give anybody is the gift of your honest self," he once said. He lived that out every second of his show.

There's been a recent backlash against how frequently this generation has heard that it's "special," and maybe some of that is deserved. But when Mr. Rogers called you special, it didn't feel like entitlement or mindless praise. It felt more like a responsibility—like he was reminding you to live up to something. And even when you didn't live up to it, he was still there with those simple words that, even now, carry an awful lot of emotional heft: "I like you just the way you are."

"One of the greatest gifts you can give anybody is the gift of your honest self"

When asked why he started the show, he famously told CNN "I went into television because I hated it so, and I thought there's some way of using this fabulous instrument to nurture those who would watch and listen," which is something many of us would do well to think on still today. The show took root and became one of the most acclaimed children's shows of all time.

In the years since his death, his legend has grown. Some people say he wore cardigans to cover up his tattoos (false.) Some say he started every morning by skinny dipping (true.) Instead of adding to the myth, we'll turn the microphone over to him. Here are a few of his own thoughts on love, community and being a neighbor.
In His Own Words

"We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It's easy to say, 'It's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.' Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes."

—Spoken in 1994, quoted in his obituary in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

“You know, I think everybody longs to be loved, and longs to know that he or she is lovable. And, consequently, the greatest thing that we can do is to help somebody know that they're loved and capable of loving.”

—America's Favorite Neighbor (television documentary), 2003.

"I believe that appreciation is a holy thing, that when we look for what's best in the person we happen to be with at the moment, we're doing what God does; so in appreciating our neighbor, we're participating in something truly sacred.

—Commencement Address at Middlebury College May, 2001

“What do you think it is that drives people to want far more than they could ever use or need? I frankly think it's insecurity. How do we let the world know that the trappings of this life are not the things that are ultimately important for being accepted?”

From The World According to Mister Rogers:

"There is no normal life that is free of pain. It's the very wrestling with our problems that can be the impetus for our growth.”

“Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.”

“Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle."

