2020年3月4日 星期三

Michael Bloomberg (5):suspending his presidential campaign 已經花了4.09億美元要買下總統寶座 (Robert Reich)?將全力以赴“打敗特朗普,重建美國

4日.3月BREAKING: Michael Bloomberg is suspending his presidential campaign and endorsing Joe Biden after failing to persuade Democratic voters he was the best choice to defeat Trump.

彭博(Michael Bloomberg,見圖)的競選團隊表示,他在1月份花費2.204億美元用於他的民主黨內競選,是有史以來候選人單月支出的最高紀錄。自2019年11月下旬啟動競選以來,他總共已經花了4.09億美元,讓其他民主黨候選人相形見絀。
The billionaire's campaign must overcome a problem: voters dislike him more than any of the other serious contenders ~The Economist

Robert Reich
Michael Bloomberg says he could pour $2 billion into buying the presidency. It’s hardly a sacrifice for him, but it’s a huge sacrifice for American democracy.
In January alone Bloomberg spent more than $300 million on advertising for his campaign. That’s more than Hillary Clinton spent on advertising during her entire presidential run in 2016. It’s multiples of what all other Democratic candidates have spent, leaving even Tom Steyer, another billionaire, in the dust.
Make no mistake: the frustrations and insecurities that fueled Trump’s rise – and are still the basis of his support – have their origin in this power shift, which has left most Americans with a small slice of the nation’s prosperity and almost no voice in its politics.
But as power and wealth have moved to the top, everyone else – whether on the old right or the old left – has become disempowered and less secure. Today the great divide is not between left and right. It’s between democracy and oligarchy.
Bloomberg is indubitably part of that oligarchy. That should not automatically disqualify him but it should set off alarms. If the only way we can get rid of the sociopathic tyrant named Trump is with an oligarch named Bloomberg, we will have to choose the oligarch. Yet I hope it doesn’t come to that. Oligarchy is better than tyranny. But neither is as good as democracy.
What do you think?


PBS NewsHour
New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg is rolling out plans to spend an estimated $15 million to $20 million on a voter registration drive designed to weaken President Trump’s reelection chances in five battleground states. https://to.pbs.org/2OoJicI

Michael Bloomberg Pushed ‘Stop-and-Frisk’ Policing. Now He’s Apologizing.
Michael Bloomberg Pushed ‘Stop-and-Frisk’ Policing. Now He’s Apologizing.
Ahead of a possible Democratic run for president, the former mayor of New York City reversed himself before an important party constituency: black voters.

