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臺大美育講座 (系列十九),趙琴(皓明)博士主講。96學年度第一學期 (下列時間週一中午12:30~14:20)在臺灣大學管理學院 (一號館)B1會議廳舉行。歡迎
150講 11/05 《挪威音樂之旅》2007葛利格逝世百年紀念 Music Tour of
Norway ,The 100th Year Anniversary of Edvard Grieg’s Death
EDVARD GRIEG葛利格 1.Peer Gynt Suite No.1 op.46「皮爾金」組曲第一號,作品46 ...
Grieg : Holberg Suite (with Piedmont Hills High School strings)
葛利格(E. Grieg)--索爾維格之歌 作品55號(選自"皮爾金"第二組曲) ...
2007/09/04 逝世百年紀念hc的資料
Edvard Grieg adapted many Hardanger folk tunes into his compositions, and composed tunes for the Hardanger as part of his score for Ibsen's Peer Gynt. For example, it is widely believed that the opening phrase of "Morning" from Grieg's Peer Gynt music is derived from the tuning of the sympathetic strings of the Hardanger fiddle: A F# E D E F# and so on. The main theme from Grieg`s piano concerto is said to be inspired of a version of the tune Fanitullen, played by a fiddler from Hallingdal .
In recent years the instrument has gained recognition in the rest of the world. Japan has been one of the countries that has found an interest in the hardingfele and Japanese musicians travel to Norway just to learn to play this instrument.
Composer's influence continues to resonate
In the opening scene of the novel "Norway no Mori" (Norwegian Wood) published 20 years ago by Haruki Murakami, a jumbo jet lands at Hamburg Airport with the protagonist on board muttering in resignation that he was back in Germany again.
The aircraft's PA system is piping soft background music, and the protagonist notes that it was some sentimental orchestral rendition of the Beatles' "Norwegian Wood."
This classic Beatles number, which became the title of Murakami's novel and is evocative of the scent of northern coniferous trees, is also oriental in atmosphere. That's because the sitar, a musical instrument indigenous to India, is used.
Norway has its own indigenous instrument, too, and, together with its folk music, it was much favored by the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg (1843-1907), who loved to incorporate Norway's music and instrument into his pieces. Tuesday marks the centennial of his death.
The instrument is called the hardingfele, or Hardanger fiddle. In addition to four regular strings, it has understrings or sympathetic strings that resonate to create a rich echo-like effect that reminds one of the Scottish bagpipe.
Rio Yamase, Japan's only professional hardingfele player, said, "Thanks to Grieg, the indigenous Norwegian sound has come to influence the entire world of classical music."
In the opening phrase of "Morning" from Peer Gynt, Grieg's well-known suite, the understrings of a hardingfele are plucked from the highest note down the scale.
The suite formed the musical accompaniment to the play of the same title by Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), and the symbolist painter Edvard Munch (1863-1944) later created a theater poster for the play. With the talents of three great Norwegian artists, one could say the play is like the ultimate embodiment of Norwegian culture.
Folk music is said to be handed down from generation to generation without the benefit of sheet music, and that accounts for its depth and character.
The official Web site of the Norwegian government quotes Grieg. The quote goes: "Life is just as strange as folk music tunes: You never know whether it unfolds in a major or minor key."
The "Norwegian wood of culture" is deep.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Sept. 3 (IHT/Asahi: September 4,2007)
《挪威之歌》 | |
趙琴台大美育八講(8-6) 91年5月13日午時12:30 | |
講 座 音 樂 流 程 | |
音樂/資料來源 | 主題/曲目/內容/演出者 |
1 影碟 | 【挪威的歷史遺蹟、湖光山色等自然景觀】 |
NAXOS 3.110053 | ﹝峽灣是冰河時期殘留至今的遺跡,它曾是人們難以克服的障礙,每個山谷、每個峽灣形成一個小國,各自為政。如今藉著便捷的交通工具,人們可以翻山越嶺,通 過群山、斷崖、瀑布、深淵,欣賞大自然的鬼斧神工。挪威西海岸的峽灣特別多,包含世界最長、最深、最壯觀的的蘇格納峽灣(Sogunefjord)。﹞ |
E. GRIEG:Ingrid's Lament 葛利格:《英格麗德的悲嘆》 | |
【挪威是北極圈內的“午夜陽光之地”】 | |
2 影碟 NAXOS 3.110053 | ﹝ 挪威人生活在連草木都不由得縮成一團的嚴酷自然環境中,激發更積極的求生慾望,擁有的只是不毛之地及海洋,驅使其發揮無比韌性,掙扎求生。昔日曾以海上搶 劫為生,維京海盜與大海搏鬥是過往的一頁歷史。大雪紛飛的冬季,中午時份好不容易太陽露臉,穿過雲層射出一線曙光,不久即沉入地平線,消失蹤影。潛藏的熱 情,凝聚的活力,挪威人開發出何等樣的藝術文化?﹞ |
E. GRIEG:Ase's Death 葛利格:《阿塞之死》 | |
【挪威的傳統民俗藝術】 | |
3 影碟 NAXOS 3.110053 | ﹝ 傳統民俗藝術在挪威非常強勢,木雕、繪畫、鮮艷的民族傳統服裝,維京人的這些遺產依然在數不清的形式中呈現。上個世紀交替之際,知名作家胡妲‧嘉伯格 (Hulda Garborg)在奧斯陸建了民族舞蹈團,與舞者克拉拉‧山博(Klara Semb) 成功的推動了穿著民族傳統服裝,表演民族舞蹈的運動。﹞ |
E. GRIEG:Anitra's Dance 葛利格:安妮特拉之舞 | |
【原住民薩米人 (Sami, 拉普人) 之歌】 | |
4. CD BBCD 2002 | ﹝薩米人在挪威出現的痕跡,可回朔自八千多年前,薩米人居住地區涵蓋北歐四國,挪威薩米人分為“山地”、“溪流”、“海洋”薩米人,在他們的世界中,哼唱(yoik) 這種素樸的吟唱十分重要,它雖曾被傳教的基督教所禁止,但古老旋律依舊存在。薩米歌手瑪莉‧波依娜(Mari Boine )名聞全歐,為薩米音樂文化注入新生命。﹞ |
A、Floating Earth Tone Hulbakmo 《漂浮的大地》演唱 / 瑪莉‧波依娜 (Mari Boine) | |
B、I Hear You 《我聽到了》 演唱 / 瑪莉‧波依娜 (Mari Boine) | |
【冰凍世界中蓬勃發展的挪威傳統民間音樂‧當地素材製成的各類特殊樂器】 | |
5. CD | A、Nils and Jens and the Girl Gjeidaug 《尼爾、 強斯和嘉棠女孩》 |
NOR | Vocal / Kirsten Braten Berg Hardenger Fiddle / Hallvard T. Bjorgum |
101-2 | 女聲 / 克絲婷‧布拉登‧貝格 哈登格提琴 / 賀瓦‧伯貢 |
B、The Devils Tune 《魔鬼之音》Jew's Harp / Bjorgulv Straume 口簧琴吹奏/史特勞梅 | |
C、Won't You Come to Rinden Farm Willow bark flute / Heidi Lovlund | |
《你不到倫登農場嗎?》 柳木笛 / 海迪 魯夫隆 | |
D、I'm Out of Flour/ My Girl Ram's horn /Eilif Gundersen 公羊號角/艾利弗‧耿德森 | |
E、Running DanceTune Sheeps'-Leg Pipe / Bjorn Aksdal | |
《流行舞調》 羊腳風笛 / 畢勇‧阿克斯達 | |
【十三世紀起唱開的各類歌謠‧從古老敘事歌、勞動歌到宗教歌】 | |
6 CD | A《挪威中世紀的敘事曲》 |
GRAPPA | The Water Sprite's Betrayal 《水妖的背叛》 絲妮卡‧藍潔蘭 / 女聲獨唱 挪威揚琴伴唱 |
GRCD 4136 | ﹝位於斯堪地那維亞半島西部的挪威,十三世紀起即有古老的敘事曲留傳至今。有關水妖的歌謠,常敘說他轉化成俊美的男子或白馬,勾引年輕女子並將她帶往湖底的故事﹞ |
《文學氣息濃厚的挪威傳統經典歌謠》 | |
7 CD | B、Come Here Now Tone Hulbakmo 《來吧!就在此刻》 賀巴克摩歌調 |
NOR | ﹝中世的挪威,民間已有多種樂器留傳,此曲由古老彈撥樂器豎琴伴唱﹞ |
103-2 | C、Sylfest Mork's Tune 寺院修士歌調 |
Vocal / Pernille Anker 女聲/ 培妮爾‧安可 Fiddle / Hans Brimi提琴/漢斯‧布里米 | |
D、Wedding Song from Solor 所羅地區的婚禮之歌 | |
Kantele & Vocal / Sinikka Langeland 絲妮卡‧藍潔蘭 / 女聲獨唱 挪威揚琴伴唱 | |
E、 Old Hopes 《昔日的希望》 男聲領唱 / 德弗格摩 (Dvergmal) | |
【挪威似的抒情‧葛利格(E. Grieg, 1843~1907)為民族樂派注入清流】 | |
8. 影碟 | A 、戲劇音樂“皮爾金”(PEER Gynt)《序曲》 |
VICTOR VILC-33 | ﹝葛利格31歲這年,榮獲政府的終身年俸,也是這年,與大文豪易卜生結成莫逆之交,並受委託將易卜生五幕幻想劇《皮爾金》寫成32首劇樂,一八七六年首演於首都國民劇院,獲空前讚賞,後再將其中優美樂段,編成兩套膾炙人口的組曲。﹞ |
B 、Piano Konsert A小調鋼琴協奏曲 Op.16 | |
﹝自幼習琴,葛利格是技冠群英的名演奏家;他寫作無數的鋼琴小品,終其一生卻只有一首鋼琴協奏曲,是與妮娜婚後次年(1868),攜愛妻與愛子旅居丹麥時所作,充滿幸福、洋溢朝氣之作。1870,葛利格曾帶此曲前往羅馬,李斯特試奏後讚賞有嘉,鼓勵有餘。播出《音樂大師葛利格》影片,樂音迴盪於北國峽灣的無限風光中。﹞ | |
C、Lyriske smastykker 《抒情小曲集》第八集 第六首 《特羅德豪根的婚禮之日》 | |
﹝此曲是整個抒情小曲集中最著名的一首,曲調描繪婚禮場地,聚集賓客,充滿喜悅。﹞ | |
【以上三段葛利格作品,均由莫斯科交響樂團演奏,配合播出傳記影片、作曲家繪畫肖像、手稿等珍貴圖片、史料以及葛利格的故居特羅德豪根的風光景致及今日博物館的展覽文物。】 | |
9 影碟 | Three Orchestral Pieces from Sigurd Jorsalfar, Op. 56《十字軍戰士兵席格爾》作品56 |
NAXOS | Homage March 《效忠進行曲》 |
3.110053 | Czecho-Slovak State Philharmonic Orchestra(kosice) / Stephen Gunzenhauserg |
指揮 / 斯蒂芬‧耿曾毫瑟 捷克斯拉夫國家愛樂管弦樂團演奏 | |
【播出《葛利格與挪威》( GRIEG AND NORWAY)影片,首都奧斯陸的主要歷史遺蹟一一呈現】 | |