美國西雅圖支付公司 Gravity Payments 執行長普萊斯(Dan Price)去年 4 月自砍 9 成薪資,年薪由原本的 100 萬美元減少到 7 萬美元,希望藉此保障全公司員工年薪最少都有 7 萬美元(新台幣 229 萬元)。
當時的這個舉動震撼商界,也讓這位外貌酷似布萊德彼特(Brad Pitt)的 32 歲執行長成為鎂光燈焦點。
普萊斯近日接受 TODAY 訪問表示:「我並不是把錢丟進慈善事業,然後不計回報。」
Gravity Payments 全體員工加薪後,整體離職率降低,線上調查也顯示,員工的幸福感明顯提高。員工整體通勤時間縮短,因為大部分員工得以利用豐厚的薪水,在公司附近找住屋。
普萊斯目前則是在旅遊住宿網站 Airbnb 出租自己的房子,賺點外快,自己則是住在朋友家的客房。當初,他自願減薪,好幫全體員工加薪,但後來證實,即使他不這麼做,公司獲利還是得以支應員工薪資。但他仍自願減薪,與員工站在一起。
雖然,現階段與員工領同樣薪水的普萊斯,看起來像個為收入平等奮戰的鬥士,但事實上,他不會永遠都只賺 7 萬美元。
他解釋,決定要保障全體員工年薪最低都有新台幣 229 萬元時,他預期人事成本的增加,會大幅減少公司獲利,因此他自願減薪。
事實上,普萊斯宣布保障全體員工薪資後,Gravity Payments 的營收如火箭般向上衝,新客戶大量湧入。儘管人事成本增加 200 萬美元,但財報顯示,Gravity Payments 獲利幾乎翻倍,由 2014 年的 350 萬美元增加到 2015 年的 650 萬美元。
2016 年的財務報告則複雜得多,截至 4 月,Gravity Payments 新增 1643 名客戶,但客戶流失率也增加了 6.6%。第一季營收較一年前提高 33%,但獲利下滑約 7%,但普萊斯說,獲利下滑與公司投資一套 25 萬美元的軟體有關,屬於一次性的投資成本。
前面提到 Gravity Payments 離職率降低,但它確實失去兩名台柱員工。據報導,這兩位員工認為,原本年薪不到 7 萬美元的員工,獲得巨幅加薪是極為不公平的事。因為這麼一來,「加薪」並不是一種評估員工績效的報酬,這種齊頭式的加薪,看似公平,但對於自認對公司貢獻最大的人來說,卻變成是一種詆毀。
普萊斯並沒有對失去 A 咖員工多做回應,但留任員工今年 7 月的一個暖心舉動,或許會讓他有些寬慰。
普萊斯 7 月時在臉書上發表一張特斯拉(Tesla)新款汽車的照片,照片說明寫著「震驚,到現在還不敢相信,從沒想過這會發生。Gravity Payments 員工過去 6 個月存了錢,然後買下我心目中的夢幻車款送給我」。
Former millionaire who slashed his salary learns what it's like to live off of less
Dan Price, 31, hit headlines earlier this year by announcing he was cutting his own salary by 90 percent to set an annual minimum wage of $70,000 for all 120 workers at his firm Gravity Payments.
What happened at Seattle-based Gravity Payments, a credit-card processing firm, after its CEO, Dan Price, last April set a $70,000 minimum salary for all 120 of his employees, and took a huge pay cut for himself? According to the NY Times, a few higher-level employees have now left the firm because they didn’t get nearly as large a salary bump as those at the bottom. And Price, who cut his pay from $1 million to $70,000, admits he’s now struggling financially and being forced to rent out his home.
The story has become instant fodder for regressives who says the market knows best and any attempt to interfere in what people are “worth” on the market is bound to fail. Baloney. The market is a human creation. Hedge-fund managers aren’t “worth” nearly a billion dollars a year, and teachers are worth more than the $40,000 most receive. Dan Price may have gone a bit overboard, but even that’s not absolutely clear. Prior to the announcement his firm had been adding 200 clients a month. Since then, business has boomed. In June, it signed up 350. More importantly, his actions have catalyzed other business leaders to reexamine their employee compensation and added fuel to the political movement to raise wages.
I'm still saluting Dan Price. What about you?
解決貧富差距不是口號!信用卡支付公司「Gravity Payments」的執行長丹‧普萊斯(Dan Price)宣布,在2017年12月前會將所有員工的年薪調升到至少7萬美元(約台幣220萬元),
根據《abc NEWS》報導,今年30歲的「黃金單身漢」普萊斯於19歲創辦公司,提及為何要幫所有人加薪時解釋,看過普林斯頓大學的一份研究,內容說年薪7萬5000美元是人們達到幸福快樂的標準,「我有棟很棒的豪宅,平時富豪朋友會邀我搭乘他們的私人飛機及遊艇,過著大家難以想像的奢華生活,卻沒為此付出什麼,我認為這有點『怪』,這樣的現象需要改變。」
普萊斯說明,除了豪宅之外,他還擁有輛開了12年的奧迪,在有車有房的情況下減薪不會造成太大影響,「因為我是單身漢,只需要養一隻狗,而且我深信,過多的物質只會讓生活變得複雜。」報導也指出,「Gravity Payments」位於西雅圖,目前公司員工的平均年薪為4萬8000美元,預估有70人能被「加薪」,其中30人的薪水會加倍。
原文網址: CEO自行減薪93% 讓所有員工達年薪220萬「快樂標準」 | ETtoday國際新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 http://www.ettoday.net/news/20150415/492974.htm#ixzz3XRuxulUM
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The idea began percolating, said Dan Price, the founder of Gravity Payments, after he read ...
Employees at a Seattle company are still trying to wrap their minds around the news their boss just delivered. Some of them are getting a raise, a huge one.
"You might be making $35,000 a year right now but everyone in here will definitely be making $70,000 a year and I'm super excited about that," Dan Price, CEO of Gravity Payments, in Ballard, told his employees during a recent gathering.
The announcement caught everyone off-guard. Could it be true? $70,000 is the new minimum wage in this office?
"To hear those numbers is just, wow," said Alyssa O'Neal, who will more than double her salary. She came to Gravity from a career in the Army and is already making plans for her young family.
"House, absolutely, I have this goal of being a 21-year-old homeowner and I'm going to reach that now and I'm stoked," she said.
Price is taking a big pay cut to make the raises possible, but says it's worth it to make his employees happy and build loyalty.
"I think this is just what everyone deserves," he told employees.
In a growing city where the cost of living is only increasing, some competitive companies are no longer waiting for employees to ask for extra benefits, like a raise.
"I think you almost have to be proactive and take care of your employees," said Matt Ehrlichman, CEO of Porch, a company in Eastlake that developed an app to help people find reliable home improvement services.
While they applaud Gravity for its bold move, Porch executives say stock options could be a more valuable offering for their employees who stick around as the business grows.
"If you are trying to build a great long-term company, your employees by definition have to be with you in that journey," he said.
The Gravity raise will be phased in over the next few years, giving the company time to adjust its bottom line, and employees a chance to catch their breath.