紀念劉暁波 2017-07-15
因推動中國民主、發起《零八憲章》,被中國當局判處「煽動顛覆國家政權」罪成入獄的諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波,在服刑期間罹患肝癌,瀋陽市司法局晚上公布,劉曉波已離世,終年 61 歲。
【劉曉波病重 ‧ 不斷更新消息】
20:40 今日晚上有多個消息傳出,指諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波已經離世。不過有關消息尚待證實。
20:40 今日晚上有多個消息傳出,指諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波已經離世。不過有關消息尚待證實。
16:51 劉曉波好友、流亡作家廖亦武,今日再度公開與德國中間人的書信,引述劉曉波家人指劉曉波曾親口說「死也要死在德國」。廖亦武形容,劉曉波此舉是「要以最後的生命護送劉霞和劉暉到德國」。報道:http://bit.ly/2ucn5GQ
14:35 野渡在下午二時許再於twitter發帖,指昨夜憂心不能成眠。中午又被資訊驚醒得知在十一點多曉波再次進入彌留狀態。他引述一醫生朋友分析認為,劉曉波會醒過來,反覆,間隔會越來越長,直至醒不來。報道:http://bit.ly/2tgD1U1
12:30 人權民運信息中心今日十一時許發佈有關劉曉波的最新消息,指劉今早肝中毒嚴重,但仍是半清醒狀況,對親人的說話有反應。劉曉波大哥劉曉光今早在病房,但通話一分鐘就被切斷電話。北京,瀋陽,長春六名親屬很想見劉曉波最後一面但至今未獲當局批准。報道:http://bit.ly/2vfcw2O
07:55 劉曉波友人野渡今天凌晨三時許,在twitter發帖,表示「沈痛!曉波現在彌留之際了」及「悲痛無以言表!!」。他向傳媒表示已聯絡到劉曉波的家屬,指劉曉波處於彌留。到今早七時半左右,野渡再在twitter發帖,指「曉波昨夜好像是挺過來了,謝天謝地」。報道:http://bit.ly/2tgD1U1
21:15 諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波患末期肝癌,瀋陽中國醫科大學附屬第一醫院今日指其病情垂危。德國總理默克爾透過發言人表明,德方已準備好治療劉曉波,促請北京放人。報道:http://bit.ly/2vccuZu
21:15 諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波患末期肝癌,瀋陽中國醫科大學附屬第一醫院今日指其病情垂危。德國總理默克爾透過發言人表明,德方已準備好治療劉曉波,促請北京放人。報道:http://bit.ly/2vccuZu
17:10 治療諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波的瀋陽中國醫科大學附屬第一醫院,今天下午再發佈通報,指劉曉波病情「進行性加重」,腎、肝及呼吸功能衰竭,需要氣管插管機械通氣維持生命,家屬瞭解後拒絕氣管插管。劉病情垂危,醫院正在全力搶救,家屬已知情並簽字。報道:http://bit.ly/2tHyCgt
11:55 治療諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波的瀋陽中國醫科大學附屬第一醫院,今日上午在網站發布,劉曉波仍在積極搶救中,肝臟功能進一步惡化,在持續性腎臟替代治療(CRRT)下總膽紅素繼續上升至114μmol/L,經輸注血漿後凝血酶原時間(PT)29.2s,仍存在休克及器官功能衰竭。
19:40 公民黨議員郭家麒與醫學界議員陳沛然發起了醫學界聯署,要求中央政府基於人道立場,讓劉曉波按意願出國接受治療。聯署已獲逾六百醫護人員參與,簽名稍後將交予中聯辦,爭取盡快轉交至中央。報道:http://bit.ly/2udK58Q
19:40 公民黨議員郭家麒與醫學界議員陳沛然發起了醫學界聯署,要求中央政府基於人道立場,讓劉曉波按意願出國接受治療。聯署已獲逾六百醫護人員參與,簽名稍後將交予中聯辦,爭取盡快轉交至中央。報道:http://bit.ly/2udK58Q
19:30 劉曉波肝癌保外就醫的消息傳出兩日後,美國華盛頓舉行了一場展覽,陳示 176 名社運人士的馬賽克肖像,包括李旺陽,也有劉曉波。圖輯:http://bit.ly/2u3WVGg
18:30 患上末期肝癌的劉曉波早前獲美國及德國專家會診。大陸官媒之後發放相關影片,但就被德國駐華大使館批評影片似是選擇性流出,並且違反德方意願。大陸官媒今日再流出一段較完整的三分鐘影片,強調要澄清事實以正視聽,並對德國專家帶來的不便深表遺憾。報道:http://bit.ly/2t9mr8q
17:35 中國醫科大學附屬第一醫今日下午再次通報諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波病情,通報稱患者目前在「積極搶救中」,並有腹腔感染、腹膜炎、感染性休克、器官功能不全。
12:20 諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波囚禁下被確診癌症末期,卻仍不能到國外治療。《環球時報》英文版刊登專欄文章,指德方專家已承認不能提出比中方現時更佳的治療方法,質疑某些國外勢力堅持要劉曉波出國治療,亦向中國政府施壓。文章強調,劉目前雖然獲保外就醫,但仍受獄方監管,「他的治療是中國主權之事,外國政府及機構無權干預,中國政府拒絕劉曉波到海外治療的呼籲,決定是合法的。」報道:http://bit.ly/2sK5VfH
11:09 早前參與會診劉曉波的美國及德國專家周日發表聲明,表示可以安全地把劉曉波轉到國外,而且其所屬醫療機構均準備好接收劉曉波,向其提供最佳治療。代表劉曉波的美國律師Jared Genser昨晚發聲明,促國家主席習近平讓劉曉波及其妻劉霞按其意願出國,並表示已安排好醫療專機及醫療團隊待命。Genser又認為,中方不讓劉曉波出國,是刻意加速他的死亡。
10:22 行政長官林鄭月娥出席行政會議前,被問有否向中央施壓,促請對方釋放劉曉波。林鄭以英文回應時稱,有關劉曉波受到關注,「不希望對中央用『施壓』字眼」,因行政長官的有責任建立特區與中央的正面關係,關係是建立在互信之上。
林鄭稱,劉曉波事件是內地司法管轄,相信中央政府會以「合法、合情(legal and compassionate way)」方式處理。報道:http://bit.ly/2v5Y5xF
21:50 患上末期肝癌的劉曉波早前獲美國及德國專家會診,之後大陸官媒隨即發放影片,可見美德專家對中方的治療表示肯定。不過德國駐華大使館今日發聲明,指德方並不同意發布影片,聲明又批評整個過程似是由保安部門,而非醫療專家主導,又批評流出影片有違醫生與病人之間的保密原則。報道:http://bit.ly/2t5D8Si
21:50 患上末期肝癌的劉曉波早前獲美國及德國專家會診,之後大陸官媒隨即發放影片,可見美德專家對中方的治療表示肯定。不過德國駐華大使館今日發聲明,指德方並不同意發布影片,聲明又批評整個過程似是由保安部門,而非醫療專家主導,又批評流出影片有違醫生與病人之間的保密原則。報道:http://bit.ly/2t5D8Si
21:00 諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波患末期肝癌,至今仍未獲安排出國就醫。支聯會今日起於中聯辦外舉行接力靜坐,並表明會靜坐至劉曉波獲安排出國為止。
20:49 諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波患末期肝癌後,官方疑多次流出影片,以證明劉曉波受到適切照顧。不過大陸知名維權人士胡佳今日在Twitter發文,指在其中一段影片中,劉曉波在接受電腦斷層掃描時竟沒有除下眼鏡,認為影片是明顯違背常識。報道:http://bit.ly/2tZZDg0
19:20 諾貝爾和平獎得主的劉曉波,病情繼續惡化,但內地當局並無就會否准許他出國就醫表態。多次要求當局讓劉曉波夫婦到海外的八九學運領袖王丹在facebook指出,已經討論出十幾項行動方案,目前可以公佈的一項是,會努力遊說美國國會,重新表決將中國大使館前的路名改名為「劉曉波路」的提案。報道:http://bit.ly/2sHgSi1
16:52 中國醫科大學附屬第一醫院在網站公布,劉曉波腹脹加重、腹膜炎、血壓下降、急性腎功能不全、有腸梗阻等情況。中共前總書記趙紫陽秘書鮑彤之子鮑樸認為,通報正好説明中國當局讓然拒絕採納兩位外國專家的建議,及早送劉曉波出國治療,報道:http://bit.ly/2t5bZim
11:00 據中國人權民運信息中心指出,劉曉波大哥劉曉光夫婦正被公安看守,劉曉光夫婦無法向其它親屬說明會見劉曉波情況。中心指出,當局昨晚仍在逼瀋陽的親屬發表書面聲明去支持出國治療「轉運不安全」的說法,但家屬沒有妥協,報道:http://bit.ly/2sVzVta
21:38 瀋陽中國醫科大學附屬第一醫院,晚上在官方網站引述參加會診的知情人士指,美國和德國專家提出劉曉波希望出國治療,中國專家則指他轉運過程不安全,詢問外國專家還有何更好的治療辦法,外國專家回應指沒有更好的辦法,稱中方專家已經做得非常好。
17:56 醫院下午再公布,美國及德國的專家已到醫院對劉曉波病情進行會診,都充分肯定目前的治療方案與措施,醫院又指出,若果肝功能改善,可以考慮進一步試用免疫等治療。詳看:http://bit.ly/2tsrqV2
11:00 人權民運信息中心引述劉曉波一名親屬今指,昨天有一名德國專家探望過劉曉波。遼寧瀋陽中國醫科大學附屬第一醫院於昨晚上8時發布「劉曉波病情通報」指出,「今日,患者進食較差,腹水增加,行腹腔穿刺放腹水治療。為了維持正常容量,便於輸液(打點滴),留置中心靜脈通路,進行支持治療。」詳看:http://bit.ly/2sQuxaR
1900 中國人權民運信息中心今日引述劉曉波家屬稱,中國當局拒絕讓劉曉波嘗試「PD-1免疫療法」。其中一位有份就療法發表論文的港大醫學院內科腫瘤科臨床助理教授邱宗祥,今日向《立場新聞》表明願意為劉曉波提供協助。
邱宗祥今日向《立場新聞》記者解釋,他們的研究已在權威醫學雜誌《The Lancet》上發表,該療法其實是綜合了PD-1以及NTCDLA4兩種藥物,兩者皆為免疫治療。最新的研究顯示,即使是末期肝癌的病人,過半數病人都對治療有良好的反應。詳看:http://bit.ly/2sTQOjh
18:32 劉曉波友人野渡向傳媒表示,人權民運信息中心披露的訊息有誤。野渡引述劉曉波所在的瀋陽中國醫科大學附屬第一醫院內部人士稱,劉曉波今午出現險情,院方要求預案中的搶救小組全員待命。(詳看:http://bit.ly/2tYOXyD)
17:05 中國人權民運信息中心引述劉曉波家屬稱,中國今天決定不向劉進行「PD-1免疫療法」。家屬又指劉曉波今天病情穩定,可與人交談、進食,攙扶下可以走路。詳看報道:http://bit.ly/2tYOXyD
13:00 八九學運領袖王丹facebook批評中共,僅是因為劉曉波主張中國應當有民主自由,僅是因為他說了一些話,寫了一些文章,「中共當局就要把劉曉波整死,把無辜的劉霞逼瘋。這個政權的邪惡,卑鄙和內心的怯懦,已經超乎正常人的想像。」他又說,劉曉波與劉霞曾經是「一對神仙伴侶」,如今卻「一個肝癌晚期,另一個得了憂鬱症。」詳看報道:http://bit.ly/2tnKVOV
23:50 劉曉波所在的中國醫科大學附屬第一醫院,晚上發布一封宣稱是劉霞弟弟劉暉所寫的聲明。聲明澄清,劉曉波不是停止用藥,而是因為病情嚴重,腫瘤進展快,經國內專家會診後調整用藥,並取得家屬同意。
另外,歐洲議會則在今日召開的全會,通過緊急決議,呼籲中國大陸當局允劉曉波出國就醫,並盡快釋放被拘的台灣 NGO 工作者李明哲。
18:30 劉曉波所在的中國醫科大學附屬第一醫院,今日下午公告稱,劉曉波「肝功能惡化,膽紅素水平逐漸增高,左側下肢小腿肌間靜脈可疑血栓形成」。
17:40 中國人權民運信息中心引述劉曉波一名家屬今天下午表示,劉曉波大哥劉曉光,劉曉波弟弟劉曉暄正在商量去瀋陽探望劉曉波的日期,但劉曉波今天沒有即時生命危險,沒有病危。中國人權民運信息中心稱獲知,劉曉波如果「病危」的,參加G20的領導人就不好提「讓劉曉波出國治病」。
13:48 劉曉波友人野渡:「醫生已要求家屬24小時standby,我們可能就要失去曉波了」。相關報道:友人野渡指劉曉波病情急轉直下 已停中西醫抗癌藥 http://bit.ly/2tOmTwW
對於是否讓劉曉波出國治療,美聯社昨引述分析人士指,北京面臨兩難,因為讓他離開,可能在海外發表不利北京的言論,但若在中國病逝,中共勢必被拿來跟納粹對待德國記者奧希特斯基(Carl von Ossietzky)作法相較,甚至比納粹更糟。奧希特斯基因發表反對希特勒擴軍的言論於1933年被囚於集中營,1935年獲得諾貝爾和平獎,成為首位在獄中的諾獎得主。1936年他罹患肺結核後送醫,諾獎委員會到醫院授獎,1938年5月病逝,年僅48歲。
對於是否讓劉曉波出國治療,美聯社昨引述分析人士指,北京面臨兩難,因為讓他離開,可能在海外發表不利北京的言論,但若在中國病逝,中共勢必被拿來跟納粹對待德國記者奧希特斯基(Carl von Ossietzky)作法相較,甚至比納粹更糟。奧希特斯基因發表反對希特勒擴軍的言論於1933年被囚於集中營,1935年獲得諾貝爾和平獎,成為首位在獄中的諾獎得主。1936年他罹患肺結核後送醫,諾獎委員會到醫院授獎,1938年5月病逝,年僅48歲。
The love that survived a Chinese labour campBy Celia Hatton
BBC News
9 July 2017
Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has spent years in prison for calling for political change in his country. For more than half of his marriage to Liu Xia, he has been imprisoned, and now he is dying of cancer. The BBC's Celia Hatton looks back at how the couple's love survived.
They fought to be allowed to marry each other. But when the government in Beijing finally backed down, permitting one of its unrelenting critics to marry his love, problems remained.
The camera that was supposed to take the couple's official marriage picture wouldn't work. The photographer was left scratching his head. Chinese marriage certificates aren't valid unless they contain an official portrait snapped at the scene.
So, Liu Xiaobo and and his would-be wife, Liu Xia, improvised. They found single photos of themselves and stuck them side by side. The makeshift photo was stamped and finally, they were married.
That was in 1996.
Getting married was a small victory for the couple. It gave Liu Xia the right to visit her new husband in the grim labour camp in north-eastern China where he had recently been imprisoned. Liu Xia made the 1,600km (1,000 miles) return journey from Beijing every month.
"The train to the concentration camp," she wrote in a poem. "Sobbing pass and running over my body/ Yet I still couldn't hold your hand."
- Read more: Who is Liu Xiaobo?
- Hospital says Xiaobo's health is worsening
- Human rights: What is China accused of?
Their wedding banquet was in the labour camp's cafeteria, a scenario that would prove to be symbolic. Throughout their intense romance, the Chinese government was a relentless and interfering third wheel, the uninvited partner providing a constant backdrop to their interactions.
By all accounts, Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia were inseparable, except when they were forcibly parted.

Liu Xiaobo started as a brilliant writer and a beloved professor who was often invited to speak and study abroad.
In the spring of 1989, he was in New York City when he heard about the pro-democracy protests making their way to Tiananmen Square. He returned home to China at once.
Xiaobo helped spur on the protesters, as their calls for political reform rose to a crescendo, and then helped to negotiate with Chinese soldiers for many of the students to leave without harm.
It is still a state secret how many were killed by government forces in June 1989, but most agree the death toll would have been far higher without Liu Xiaobo.
That made little difference to the government.

Days after the silence fell on Tiananmen, Xiaobo was placed in a secret detention centre. He stayed there for almost 20 months. When he was released, he had lost nearly everything, including his prestigious teaching job and his home.
It was then that Liu Xiaobo connected with the light of his life: an exuberant young poet named Liu Xia.

"I found all the beauty in the world in this one woman," he reportedly told a friend.
Six years younger, she was already recognised as a gifted writer. Her close friend, the writer Liao Yiwu, said that back then, she was always giggling. Xia's high tolerance for alcohol was also legendary; she could drink her friends under the table. Xiaobo adored large meals, but would only drink Coca-Cola.
Liu Xia came from a privileged background, the daughter of a high-ranking banking official. She was expected to become a civil servant too, but had recently given up that stable life in favour of writing.
Against all odds, Xia's parents encouraged her relationship with Xiaobo, despite his political troubles.
'If someone is in jail, their family's life ends too'
In the early days, the couple tried to establish the semblance of a normal life. Xiaobo moved into Xia's apartment, not far from Tiananmen Square, and they made a life together.
Liu Xiaobo was under near-constant surveillance by security agents, who pressured him to stop writing about the need for democracy, to stop criticising China's one-party state.
"You must understand: If the government persecutes someone, the first thing they try to do is disturb their private life" explains the couple's friend, Tienchi Martin-Liao.
"They will separate the couple. If someone is in jail, their family's life ends too."
The couple never seriously considered having children, Tienchi says.
"I asked him once, 'Hey, why don't you have a child with Liu Xia?'" Tienchi continues.
"Xiaobo told me: 'I do not want that child, a son or a daughter, to see their father be taken away by the police'.
"He told me that. That is the reason why the couple never had children."
'I have never had a peaceful day since I am with you'
Tienchi worked as Liu Xiaobo's editor, spending hours on the phone with him. Xia would sometimes bring him soup while he was on the phone, and Tienchi would listen to him happily slurp it down.
Later, when Xiaobo was handed his final prison sentence, the one that would put him behind bars for 11 years, Tienchi switched to speaking with Xia, who often sobbed on the phone.
"Of course she loves him and she is willing to do everything for him," Tienchi explained. "And sometimes she complains. Not really complains but still she says, 'Well, I have never had a peaceful day since I am with you together.'
"Which is true, which is totally true. Which doesn't mean that she wants to leave him or anything like that. She just wants to emphasise how difficult and under what hard conditions their love connection to each other has survived."
Even when Liu Xiaobo was out of prison, the couple were rarely left alone for long.
"Because he has written so many socially critical articles, a lot of underprivileged people would go to his house," Tienchi Liao remembers.
"He doesn't even know them. They just knock at his door and ring the bell at his house and say, 'please help me, some injustice has happened to me'. And mostly, he would help those people."

Liu Xiaobo once recalled that even the pleasures of a birthday party were sometimes impossible.
He once told a Hong Kong newspaper, "at Liu Xia's birthday, her best friend brought two bottles of wine but they were blocked by the police from my home. I ordered a cake and the police also rejected the man who delivered the cake to us. I quarrelled with them and the police said, "it is for your security. Bomb attacks are common these days."
But Xiaobo didn't ever decide to stop his work, even when it interfered with his home life with Xia. And some of that drive he blamed on his concern for her future.
"Liu Xiaobo frankly explained that he wanted to take advantage of the energy that he still has," his biographer and close friend, the writer Yu Jie, wrote.
"So he could save up more money for Liu Xia, just in case one day something happened to him. At least Liu Xia would still be able to live without worrying about food and clothing."
Some intellectuals said he wrote too many articles, and some of them lacked polish.
Everything changed when Liu Xiaobo helped to draft and circulate Charter 08, the document calling for an end to China's one-party rule that would land him in prison.
Xia had always stayed away from Xiaobo's political commentary, but she told the filmmaker Ai Xiaoming that she knew Charter 08 heralded trouble.
"I saw it coming early on," she explained. "'From the time that the first draft of Charter 08 appeared in my home, to when Xiaobo threw himself into revising it, I just knew that something terrible was going to happen."
"Did you read it?" Ai asked her.
'You wait in the intangible prison of the heart'
"I had no interest in doing so," she answered. "But I knew there'd be big trouble. I tried to tell Xiaobo, but it was no use. I could only do what I'd done in the past - patiently wait for calamity to descend."
Before Charter 08 was officially released, Xiaobo was taken away. At his trial almost a year later, he was found guilty of trying to overthrow the state.
His last public statement, made to the court in 2009, ended with an acknowledgement to his wife.
He said: "Throughout all these years that I have lived without freedom, our love was full of bitterness imposed by outside circumstances, but as I savour its aftertaste, it remains boundless.
"I am serving my sentence in a tangible prison, while you wait in the intangible prison of the heart. Your love is the sunlight that leaps over high walls and penetrates the iron bars of my prison window, stroking every inch of my skin, warming every cell of my body, allowing me to always keep peace, openness, and brightness in my heart, and filling every minute of my time in prison with meaning.
"My love for you, on the other hand, is so full of remorse and regret that it at times makes me stagger under its weight."
It's unclear how much Liu Xiaobo knew about Xia's living conditions after he began his final prison sentence.
Shortly after he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 she was placed under strict house arrest, confined to her small apartment in Beijing.
- China 'steals Liu Xia's freedom' to put pressure on husband
- The Nobel Peace Prize: China's PR disaster
When speaking with the BBC in 2010, Liu Xia said she couldn't give Xiaobo any detailed information about her house arrest. "We were not allowed to talk about these things. We couldn't talk about these things. Anyhow, I thought he could understand me. I just told him, 'I live a life similar to yours'."

"Originally I thought, when it just happened, that I would just be locked in for about a month or two. Time flies, now I've been locked for two years."
As the years under house arrest dragged on, Xia became clinically depressed.
She had intermittent access to a phone, but could only phone a few close family members. A group of police would take Xia to see Xiaobo on occasions, but those visits were closely watched by the authorities, who would halt conversations if too much was shared.
Liu Xiaobo was finally reunited with his wife only after it was clear that he was dying of liver cancer. After he received medical parole and was transferred to a hospital in northern China, he pushed to leave China for overseas treatment. For Xia's sake, sources told the BBC.

"He worries what will happen when he's gone," one friend explained. "He wants to take her out of China, and her brother too."
Tienchi's voice drops when asked about the future for Liu Xia after her beloved Xiaobo passes away. "We know that she is very ill, physically and psychologically. We are all worried he doesn't have much time to live and we are all worried afterwards what happens to her."
When Xiaobo is gone, Xia will have little left of him. In 2009, she admitted that even Xiaobo's poems and letters to her have all but gone.
"During Xiaobo's re-education through labour for three years from 8 October 1996 to 8 October 1999, I wrote him more than 300 letters and he wrote me 2-3 million words. After our home was raided several times, his writings generally disappeared.
"This is our life."

BBC NewsLiu Xiaobo and his love Liu Xia, inseparable. Until they were forced apart.

The love story of China's dying Nobel Peace winner will make you cry
'You wait in the intangible prison of the heart.'