The invitation read: “As I have been given by my politburo of medical experts just a month or two to last, I thought the best way to go would be to give a party where we can see each other at least one time more, rather than at a memorial service where I shall be dead as a dodo.”
Sir David TangKBE (Chinese name: 鄧永鏘) (Cantonese pinyin: Tang6 Wing5 Cheung1; Mandarin pinyin: Dèng Yǒngqiāng) (born 2 August 1954-2017.8.30 ) is a Hong Kong businessman. He is best known for founding the Shanghai Tang fashion chain in 1994, which he sold in 1998 to Richemont.[1] Tang's grandfather, Tang Shiu Kin, "founded the Kowloon bus company and became one of Hong Kong's greatest philanthropists".[2]
香港書展有好幾年安排英倫作家來港,都是 Sir David 一手包辦。他不是隨便找些暢銷書作家過來,而是找和他有私人交情的猛人,像 Thatcher 女兒、Stephen Fry, Alain de Botton, Frederick Forsyth, Andrew Roberts等。大概由於是朋友邀來的,加上 Sir David 風格使然,這批作家表現毫不拘緊,不但妙語連珠,而且好玩得,真我個性盡流露(我見過很嚴肅的英國作家,名字就不提了,畢竟這也不是壞事)。那個英倫作家盛會是每年香港書展我唯一不會錯過的活動。
去年我在台,錯過了盛會。今年書展請來的英倫作家陣容已遜色得多,而且不像是 Sir David 主持,我已料不妙。
Sir David 這一生活得精彩,希望他走得痛痛快快。63歲雖然年輕,但生命並不在乎長短。有些國家的領導人就活得太久了。早死對自己和人民都是好事。
Born in Hong Kong and educated in Britain, David Tang also held the…
The renowned Hong Kong businessman Sir David Tang has died at the age of 63. Tang was well known as an entrepreneur, a socialite, and a columnist for the Financial Times; he was also a leading art collector and patron of the arts in Hong Kong and London. He was the chairman of China Exchange, London, a trustee of the Royal Academy of Arts, and had been chairman of the Tate’s Asia-Pacific Acquisitions Committee, and was a longstanding supporter of music organisations including the London Symphony Orchestra. In July 2008, he spoke to Susan Moore for Apollo, discussing his collection at home in Hong Kong and ‘dashing off a Messiaen impromptu and a bit of Bach (W.F.)’ for his interviewer. Extracts from that interview are republished below.
The renowned Hong Kong businessman Sir David Tang has died at the age of 63. Tang was well known as an entrepreneur, a socialite, and a columnist for the Financial Times; he was also a leading art collector and patron of the arts in Hong Kong and London. In July 2008, he spoke to Susan Moore for Apollo, discussing his collection at home in Hong Kong and ‘dashing off a Messiaen impromptu and a bit of Bach (W.F.)’ for his interviewer. Extracts from that interview are republished here:
Hong Kong businessman David Tang was known as an entrepreneur, a socialite, and a columnist; he was also a leading art collector and patron of the arts