2019年1月5日 星期六

Celebrated war correspondent Marie Colvin 1956~2012

Marie Colvin
American journalist


Marie Catherine Colvin was an American journalist who worked as a foreign affairs correspondent, for the British newspaper The Sunday Times from 1985 until her death. She died while covering the siege of Homs in Syria. Wikipedia
DiedFebruary 22, 2012, Homs, Syria

Chen Windson
台灣片商在「冷門片」廣告費是省到不見報⋯幸虧晚報的「悅讀影視」有短評才沒失之交臂*這片是真人實事「戰地記者」忠於職責極緻,拍攝英報「Sunday Times」在2012年2月22日折損兩位記者的令人感到震撼寫實片,女主角深入車臣、阿富汗、伊拉克、利比亞⋯最後在敘利亞內戰中被炮火「鎖定」而犧牲(因在遇難前ㄧ天接受 CNN 越洋連線直播曝露行蹤)*這影片應鼓勵新聞同業觀看,ㄧ位能兩度獲選為大英國協頒贈外籍記者獎的美國戰地女記者是如何「跑新聞」!感觸甚深,闖蕩新聞圈40載還ㄧ事無成,愧哉⋯電影看後有了新的覺悟*
A Private War
2018 ‧ Drama/War ‧ 1h 50m
Image result for 私人戰爭
85% liked this film
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Celebrated war correspondent Marie Colvin is a woman who is as comfortable downing martinis with high society's elite as she is brazenly staring down warlords and fleeing from gunfire. Driven by an enduring desire to bear witness and give voice to the voiceless, Colvin charges into danger, constantly testing the limits between bravery and bravado.
Initial releaseNovember 16, 2018 (USA)
Box office2.4 million USD

