2023年10月14日 星期六




Louise Glück, the Nobel Prize-winning poet, died on Friday, at 80. Read her poem “A Village Life,” from 2007: http://nyer.cm/FAKTxFl.
可能是顯示的文字是「 In the window, the moon is hanging over over the earth, meaningless but full of messages. It's dead, it's always been dead, but it pretends to be something else, burning like a star, and convincingly, so that you feel sometimes it could actually make something grow on earth. If there's an image of the soul, I think that's what it is. Louise Glück "A Village Life" NEOKER NEW YORKER THE 」的圖像


Tien-en Kao

"Ten More Years!”(再十年!)的次日黃昏:

相交四十一年的康士林修士(Brother Koss), 昨晚在台北市天廚餐廳,歡慶他的八十大壽,席開十桌,冠蓋雲集。當時我便當眾表示,我跟他至少還要再喝十年!

