Thanks to a longtime partnership with CMU, The HistoryMakers online database of more than 9,000 hours of interviews with more than 2,700 individuals is searchable and available for students and scholars at subscribing institutions including Carnegie Mellon, Harvard, Yale and Princeton, among many others.
- Gavin MacFadyen, 76, Mentor and Defender of WikiLe...
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- Tim Berners-Lee
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- In-Depth Stories of Black America
- 金玉均 Kim Ok-gyun 1851-1894
- The Warburg family
- 時代力量、 蔡英文、陳菊 (花媽) 2、
- LOU ANDREAS-SALOMÉ (1861-1937)
- Duterte: impetuous tilt to China. 'once killed man...
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- 吳澧培;辜濂松 Jeffrey Koo Sr( 1933-2012 ) , 辜仲諒,辜仲立,顏慶章
- 宋冬野(1987年11月10日-);劉明 (1902?-1993)
- 柯一正日本旅遊記;紙風車: 台灣動物昆蟲創意展 368鄉鎮市區兒童藝術工程/ 中正一分局
- Joi Ito, Antonio Guterres
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- 郭金發 1944-2016;Muhammad Ali, 1942-2016
- 李威傑,Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 陳國慈
- Subhash Chandra Bose (1897~1945):解密檔案證實印度國大黨領袖死於台北
- 小思,原名盧瑋鑾,邱俊榮 (1932-2016)
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