2016年10月13日 星期四

Joi Ito, Antonio Guterres

伊藤 穰一(いとう じょういち、1966年昭和41年6月19日 - )は、日本ベンチャーキャピタリスト実業家で、MITメディアラボ所長[1]である。Joiを愛称としている。

伊藤穰一(1966年6月19日),通常稱為Joi Ito,是一個日本活動家企業家風險投資。現為MIT媒體實驗室主管。
伊藤穰一做為企業家,關注網際網路和科技公司,並成立一些公司,如日本PSINetDigital Garage和日本Infoseek[1]。他還有成立部落格維基IRC頻道。伊藤穰一是創作共用的執行長和Neoteny實驗室的共同合夥人。



京都市出生,4歲至14歲時在美國密西根州居住。曾就讀塔夫茨大學計算機科學系,學習過程中,發現計算機科學的教育過於僵化而休學。在塔夫茨大學時遇到後來的eBay創辦人的Pierre Omidyar。其後於芝加哥大學物理學系就讀,也因為發展方向與學校不符而休學。曾經入讀一橋大學的博士課程,後來也中途退學。




紐約時報報導伊藤穰一成為MIT媒體實驗室主管。這一任命是不同尋常的,因為伊藤穰一曾在兩所院校學習,但都沒有完成學業。Calit2的主管Larry Smarr說:「這一選擇是很有挑戰的,但很明智。」[2]伊藤穰一在2011年9月1日正式上任。[3][4]MIT媒體實驗室的創辦人兼前任執行總監尼古拉斯·尼葛洛龐帝認為這一選擇會把媒體融入到伊藤穰一的世界。[5] 亞洲科學雜誌報導,伊藤穰一展望他在MIT媒體實驗室的未來,相比起「教育」而言,他更加喜歡用「學習」來概括。[6]

Joichi "JoiIto (伊藤 穰一 Itō Jōichi?, born June 19, 1966) is a Japanese activistentrepreneurventure capitalist, Professor, and Director of the MIT Media Lab.[1]
Ito has received recognition for his role as an entrepreneur focused on Internet and technology companies and has founded, among other companies, PSINet Japan, Digital Garage and Infoseek Japan. Ito is the chairman of the board of PureTech Health.[2] Ito is a board member of Sony Corporation,[3] The New York Times Company,[4] the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation,[5] the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation,[6] and General Partner of Neoteny Labs.[7]

The New York Times reported in April 2011 that Joi Ito was named to be the director of the MIT Media Lab. His appointment was called an "unusual choice" since Ito studied at two colleges, but did not finish his degrees. "The choice is radical, but brilliant," said Larry Smarr, director of Calit2.[58] Ito officially began his role on September 1, 2011.[1][59] He was appointed Professor of the Practice of Media Arts and Sciences at MIT, effective July 1, 2016.[60]
Nicholas Negroponte, Media Lab's co-founder and chairman emeritus, described the choice as bringing the media to "Joi's world".[61] In an interview with Asian Scientist Magazine, Joi Ito discusses his vision for the MIT Media Lab, and how he likes the word “learning” better than the word “education”.[62]

Barack Obama talks AI, robo-cars, and the future of the world with MIT Media Lab Director Joi Ito: mitsha.re/EzGR30570s9 via WIRED

The president in conversation with MIT's Joi Ito and WIRED editor-in-chief Scott Dadich.

