2021年4月30日 星期五

趙婷:對中國的判斷是正確的:那是一個遍地謊言的地方。法蘭西絲麥朵曼 (影后 )。Jessica Bruder, the author of “Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century:People who live in homes-on-wheels should not have to be in constant fear of “the knock.” . Chloe Zhao! 'Nomadland'《游牧人生 OR 浪跡天地》「這座獎座是屬於所有即使困難重重、但仍然秉持信念及勇氣行善的人。是你們啟發我一直前行。」

What ‘Nomadland’ Exposes About Fear in America

People who live in homes-on-wheels should not have to be in constant fear of “the knock.”

Ms. Bruder is the author of “Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century,” the basis of the Oscar-nominated film.

...Van dwellers had told me about “the knock” — usually three sharp raps at the door, often by the police. The risk of getting jolted awake and kicked off my patch of asphalt kept me uneasy and made it hard to sleep.

I was living in a van as a journalist, as research for my book “Nomadland.” Over the course of three years, I followed Americans who had been squeezed out of traditional housing and moved into vans, late-model RVs, even a few sedans. I drove more than 15,000 miles — from coast to coast, from Mexico to the Canadian border. And night after night, I bedded down in a new place, whether a truck stop or the Sonoran Desert. Sometimes I stayed on city streets or in suburban parking lots, which rattled me in ways I’d never expected.

For people whose only home is a vehicle, the knock is a visceral, even existential, threat. How do you avoid it? You hide in plain sight. Make yourself invisible. Internalize the idea that you’re unwelcome. Stay hypervigilant to avoid trouble. Apart from telling you to clear out, the police can harass you with fines and tickets or get your home-on-wheels towed away to an impound lot...


NOMADLAND | Official Trailer | Searchlight Pictures
YouTube · SearchlightPictures

NOMADLAND | Official Trailer 2 | In Theaters and on Hulu ...
YouTube · SearchlightPictures

Nomadland | Tráiler Oficial Subtitulado
YouTube · 20th Century Studios LA



Nomadland (2020) - IMDb
https://www.imdb.com › title

A woman in her sixties who, after losing everything in the Great Recession, embarks on a journey through the American West, living as a van-dwelling modern-day nomad. Director: Chloé Zhao. Writers: Jessica Bruder (based on the book by), ...
Release Date: 19 February 2021 (USA)
Director: Chloé Zhao
Motion Picture Rating (MPAA): Rated R for so...
Filming Locations: Arizona, USA

Chloé Zhao on Directing Oscar Front-Runner 'Nomadland'

https://www.vulture.com › article › chloe-zhao-nomadland

2021/02/16 — Chloé Zhao, the filmmaker behind the Oscar-favored Nomadland and the upcoming Marvel's Eternals, is now the most-sought-after director in Hollywood. Here, how a filmmaker born in China and obsessed with the American ...


Chloé Zhao, the writer and director of “Nomadland,” accepts the Academy Award for Best Director. She is the first woman of color to do so.
可能是一或多人和顯示的文字是「 THE NEW YORKER "This is for anyone who has the faith and the courage to hold on to the goodness in themselves, and to hold on to the goodness in each other." -Chloé Zhao 」的圖像



游牧人生Nomadland @movies【開眼電影網】

第93屆奧斯卡金像獎香港時間今早 8 點舉行,華裔導演趙婷(Chloé Zhao)率先憑著《浪跡天地》獲得最佳導演,成為首位亞裔女性獲得此項殊榮。
可能是 ‎2 個人、大家站著和‎顯示的文字是「‎立場新聞 STA STANDNEWS 奧斯卡金像獎 最佳導演 حدر 《浪跡天地》 趙婷 《浪跡天地》劇照‎」‎‎ 的圖像

Congrats, Chloe Zhao! 人之初, 性本善!

2021年4月29日 星期四

Pierre Schoendoerffer 1928~2012; 麥可·柯林斯 (Michael Collins, 1930~2021),太空人;Jill Corey, 85, Coal Miner’s Daughter Turned Singing Sensation, Dies

Film director Pierre Schoendoerffer dies aged 83

Pierre Schoendoerffer
image captionThe director worked as a war photographer and journalist

Oscar-winning French documentary-maker and journalist Pierre Schoendoerffer has died at the age of 83, the French military health service has confirmed.

Following military service, he volunteered to became a photographer during the first Indochina war, eventually becoming a war reporter.

His 1967 film The Anderson Platoon was presented with the Academy Award for documentary feature.

Paying tribute, President Nicolas Sarkozy said: "France will miss him."

Le Figaro newspaper said Schoendoerffer died in a hospital outside Paris on Wednesday after an operation.

Born in Born in central France in 1928, Schoendoerffer spent some time at sea before joining the army for national service in 1949.

During the 1950s, he volunteered to parachute into the besieged fortress of Dien Bien Phu to document the decisive battle of the French war in Indochina - which is now part of Vietnam.

After the battle, he was captured and spent four months as a Prisoner Of War.

Schoendoerffer first gained fame as a director for his 1965 film The 317th Platoon, which traced of a doomed group of French soldiers retreating through the jungles ahead of the final rebel offensive in 1954.

It won best screenplay at the Cannes Film Festival, where critics praised it as being among the best Vietnam War films ever made.

His Oscar-winning Anderson Platoon also won an Emmy award in 1967.

Schoendoerffer also made his mark as a screenwriter with his 1975 film Drummer Crab - which won three Cesar awards in France, including best actor for Jean Rochefort.

President Sarkozy, in a statement praised the "legendary filmmaker and novelist" for risking his life for France and "helping us better understand our collective history."

Jill Corey
Corey in 1955.
Corey in 1955.
Background information
Birth nameNorma Jean Speranza
BornSeptember 30, 1935
Avonmore, Pennsylvania, U.S.
DiedApril 3, 2021 (aged 85)
PittsburghPennsylvania, U.S.
GenresTraditional pop



麥可·柯林斯 (Michael Collins, ~2021)是1969年與阿姆斯壯(Neil Armstrong)、艾德林(Buzz Aldrin)一同執行「阿波羅11號」任務

DW 中文 - 德國之聲

麥可·柯林斯是1969年與阿姆斯壯(Neil Armstrong)、艾德林(Buzz Aldrin)一同執行「阿波羅11號」任務的第三名太空人,但他沒能和同伴一起踏上月球,而是獨自駕駛指令艙在距月球60英里的繞月軌道上飛行近28個小時,等待著登月艙返回。柯林斯4月28日去世,享年90歲。

President Biden said of Colonel Collins in a statement on Wednesday: “He may not have received equal glory, but he was an equal partner, reminding our nation about the importance of collaboration in service of great goals. From his vantage point high above the Earth, he reminded us of the fragility of our own planet, and called on us to care for it like the treasure it is.”

Colonel Collins, who had begun flying in 1952, had hurtled through the skies as a test pilot and orbited the Earth 43 times in the Gemini 10 capsule.

From left, Col. Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Colonel Collins. As Colonel Aldrin and Mr. Armstrong made their historic landing, Colonel Collins piloted the spacecraft Columbia in orbit 60 miles above the moon.Credit...Associated Press

Mr. Collins in 2019. “I have been places and done things you simply would not believe,” he wrote in his memoir.Credit...Charles Krupa/Associated Press

Indeed, as Mr. Collins sought to capture the wonder and beauty of space, he wrote in that book: “I have been places and done things you simply would not believe. I feel like saying: I have dangled from a cord a hundred miles up; I have seen the earth eclipsed by the moon, and enjoyed it. I have seen the sun’s true light, unfiltered by any planet’s atmosphere. I have seen the ultimate black of infinity in a stillness undisturbed by any living thing.

“I do have this secret,” he added, “this precious thing, that I will always carry with me.”

2021年4月28日 星期三

彭明輝(吳鳴),彭博 父子


The Functional Ecology JBS Haldane Early Career Researcher Award is given is given each year to the best paper in the journal from an early career author. In the absence of extenuating circumstances, 'early career' is defined as less than 5 years post- Ph. D. or -D.

......讀到博兒入圍英國生態學會Haldane Prize新進生態學家,仍感動不已。......

  今年英國生態學會Haldane Prize 入圍的11位新進生態學家中首次有兩位來自台灣,他們分別是目前在澳洲墨爾本大學的彭博博士跟美國賓州州大的譚景文博士。Haldane Prize是英國生態學會從每年發表在該學會期刊「功能生態學」(Functional Ecology)的文章中,選出主要作者為取得博士學位五年內的新進學者所發表的最佳論文。這兩位來自台灣的優秀新進學者,彭博與譚景文,分別畢業於東海大學與中興大學,在接受該獎項提名的訪問中,不約而同都提到了在台灣念大學時的研究經驗,對他們日後從事生態學研究有著重要的啟發。

今天見識了。去年聽吳鳴兄 (彭明輝,東海歷史,約1980級,政大教授)談他寶貝兒子,大意如下:
吳鳴自述: 博兒大三以前功課不好,大學讀東海生科系,很多家長可能要罵死了,我只在他大二上時問他,如果念不下去,要不要去學個手藝,因為連續三個學期都有科目被當。兒子說他們系都這樣,俺也就一笑置之。大三跟卓逸民教授做專題,引導他走向學術之路。念東海生科研究所時獲得世界蜘蛛年會最佳研究生論文獎(Oral),退伍後當了兩年教學助理,申請墨爾本大學動物系博士班,獲得澳洲政府四年全額獎學金,一個平凡小科青努力打拼的故事。
彭博 蜘蛛行為專家http://pansci.tw/archives/58815 東海大學生命科學系碩士,專長為蜘蛛行為生態,曾於世界蜘蛛年會上獲生態與行為組口頭報告第一名,研究成果於2013年發表在《Current Biology》。

關於政大校史的編寫 彭明輝教授


2021年4月26日 星期一

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畫面曝光!印尼潛艦罹難53士兵 生前「高唱再見」 | 聯合新聞網:最懂你的新聞網站
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