2.18 漢清講堂 我負責:
紀念John Berger (1926-2017) :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Berger 0. 奇人 1. 社會關懷: Fellow Prisoners 監獄與高牆 (vs WED's) 2.藝術-文學:
John Berger 的題目是"Pull the other leg, it's got bells on it"*,
譯成:你要吹牛 就繼續吹吧 (收入【另類的出口】 ,128-133。這篇談的是 Raymond Mason的關於市井小民的大型雕塑 (長3米*高3米),陳列在巴黎的St.Eustace 聖猶士坦教堂內.....)
我以前編過Raymond Mason的詞條,讀了John Berger的,更深入了解。
由於John Berger 和 Raymond Mason都是長期旅法的英國人,所以Berger 採用此英國日常幽默語 "Pull the other leg, it's got bells on it"當市民不相信"教堂中有您們的雕像,回說,別蓋了!)
*pull the other leg/one (it's got bells on)!
uk informal humorous used when you do not believe what someone has just said: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caspar_Weinberger
Ex-defence chief Weinberger dies
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He joined the Reagan administration in 1981 and went on to preside over a period of massive military spending. Mr Weinberger resigned as defence secretary in 1987, amid claims he had been involved in selling arms to Iran to fund pro-US rebels in Nicaragua. He was pardoned by President George Bush Snr in 1992, weeks before he was to have stood trial over his alleged role in what came to be known as the Iran-Contra affair. 'Cap the Knife' Mr Weinberger shared with President Reagan a conviction that the Soviet Union was the biggest threat to the US and he oversaw the biggest peacetime increase in defence spending in US history.
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell also paid tribute to Mr Weinberger, describing him as "an indefatigable fighter for peace through strength". During his time in office, Mr Weinberger persuaded Congress to fund the so-called "Star Wars" programme - a system for defending the US against incoming missiles from space and by land. Mr Weinberger was a divisive figure who clashed with other key players in the Reagan cabinet, but was widely regarded as a close ally of the president himself. An earlier stint in Washington saw Mr Weinberger managing the federal budget for President Richard Nixon - a period during which he earned the nickname "Cap the Knife" for pushing through a series of cuts. Friend of Thatcher Mr Weinberger, the son of immigrants to the US, had trained as a lawyer at Harvard University and served as a soldier during World War II. After the war, he worked for Ronald Reagan while he was governor of California, gaining a reputation for tight fiscal spending that eventually led to an invitation to work in Nixon's Cabinet in Washington. Mr Weinberger resigned in 1975 to work for the construction and engineering giant, Bechtel. He returned to politics to run President Reagan's election campaign, going on to become his defence secretary in 1981.Mr Weinberger was also an ally of the former UK Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, promising her US support during the Falklands War with Argentina in 1982.
2017年1月31日 星期二
John Berger (1926-2017) 、 Caspar Weinberger
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