2024年3月26日 星期二

感動 191 Dario Fo 說故事 。Bernard Jordan 開小差大轟動。 Flannery O'Connor。名科學家Erwin Schrödinger


“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.”

Flannery O'Connor

#BornOnThisDay, Flannery O'Connor was an American novelist and short story writer whose fiction examined developed questions of morality and ethics through her colorful regional characters. 

After attending Georgia State College for Women, she pursued her MFA at the State University of Iowa, where she enrolled in the now-famous Iowa Writers Workshop. O’Connor lived in New York and Connecticut before being diagnosed with Lupus and moving back to Georgia in 1951. She and her mother moved to Andalusia, the family farm outside Milledgeville, GA. 

At Andalusia, even as she struggled with lupus—the disease that killed her father and would cause her own death at 39—she remained prolific. She routinely wrote every morning until noon and spent her afternoons and evenings tending to her domestic birds or entertaining visitors. Informed by the community surrounding her Georgia home and her Roman Catholic faith, O’Connor’s short fiction is rich with complex anti-heroes and ironic moral turns.

#HappyBirthday #AmericanVoices #FlanneryOconnor


Physics laureate Erwin Schrödinger was born in Vienna but said the 17 years he spent in Dublin were “the happiest years of my life”.

He was born in Vienna, where he also attended university. During the 1920s, he worked at several German universities, but left Germany in 1934 because of his opposition to Nazism. 

From 1940 he was involved in the development and management of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. His unconventional private life made it difficult to obtain a permanent position. (In addition to his wife, he also lived with another woman.) But despite being socially conservative at the time, intellectuals in Ireland tolerated his alternative lifestyle. Fellow physics laureate Max Born wrote in his autobiography: “His private life seemed strange to bourgeois people like ourselves. But all this does not matter. He was a most lovable person, independent, amusing, temperamental, kind and generous, and he had a most perfect and efficient brain.”

Schrödinger said that Dublin was “the only place in the world where a person like me would be able to live comfortably and without direct obligations, free to follow all his fancies”.

His 'What is Life' lecture series in Dublin inspired his influential book.

Read more about Schrödinger’s remarkable life: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1933/schrodinger/biographical/

感動 191   Dario Fo 說故事 Bernard Jordan 開小差大轟動

"Believe me, this prize belongs to both of us." 

Literature laureate Dario Fo's wife, Franca Rame, was an actress who starred in many of his plays. He ended his Nobel Prize lecture by telling the audience how they both discovered he had been awarded the Nobel Prize.

"The day it was announced that I was to be awarded the Nobel Prize I found myself in front of the theatre on Via di Porta Romana in Milan where Franca, together with Giorgio Albertazzi, was performing 'The Devil with Tits'. Suddenly I was surrounded by a throng of reporters, photographers and camera-wielding TV-crews. A passing tram stopped, unexpectedly, the driver stepped out to greet me, then all the passengers stepped out too, they applauded me, and everyone wanted to shake my hand and congratulate me … when at a certain point they all stopped in their tracks and, as with a single voice, shouted “Where’s Franca?”. They began to holler “Francaaa” until, after a little while, she appeared. Discombobulated and moved to tears, she came down to embrace me.

At that moment, as if out of nowhere, a band appeared, playing nothing but wind instruments and drums. It was made up of kids from all parts of the city and, as it happened, they were playing together for the first time. They struck up “Porta Romana bella, Porta Romana” in samba beat. I’ve never heard anything played so out of tune, but it was the most beautiful music Franca and I had ever heard."

Here is a unique image of Dario Fo at the Nobel Prize award ceremony in 1997. Photo from the Lars Åström archive. 

#NobelPrize #ceremony #literature


2014年6月5日,身處英國,人稱「伯尼(Bernie)」的89歲老翁伯納德.喬登(Bernard Jordan,附圖)忽然跟松林老人安養院的護理師提亞哥.孔塞喬(Tiago Conceicao)說他要去一趟法國。提亞哥笑了,他以打趣地口吻對伯尼說:「不然你也帶我一起走吧!」


原來此時的伯尼搭上公車、再轉搭火車、趕上渡輪,已經下榻在法國諾曼第大區的維斯特雷阿姆的一處旅館,好整以暇地準備參與諾曼第登陸七十週年的紀念活動,期待一睹女王和美國總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)的風采,渾然不知大家都為了找他忙得雞飛狗跳。


當時在海軍服役的伯尼其實並未成年,為了上戰場謊報了年齡,後來的妻子艾琳(Irene Jordan)則在家鄉等待他的歸來。儘管有電工專業,伯尼在二戰期間都在前線執行任務。他曾在一艘驅逐艦上服役,負責襲擊納粹的U型潛艇。而在諾曼第登陸的當下,他則是負責將裝甲坦克送上海灘的水手之一,任務是必須確保船門打開,如果故障,就要立刻動手搶修。


等了好幾個鐘頭,院方終於接到電話,一個年輕的退伍軍人在渡輪上遇到了伯尼,所以主動播電話通報,大家頓時安了心。各大媒體聞之,都覺得這事太有戲:年近九旬的老人為了參加諾曼第登陸的紀念活動而溜出老人院,這事可不是天天有。報紙大字隨之刊出「偉大逃亡者(The Great Escaper」的響亮大字以形容伯尼的驚人之舉。




編劇威廉.艾弗里(William Ivory)讀完伯尼的故事,開始產生了靈感,不過他不想要只是單純放大這段故事的趣味性,他也想要從中找到一些不同的切入點。他想到了他的父親,從皇家空軍退伍之後就罹患了創傷後壓力症候群,不僅經常酗酒,脾氣也變得很差。艾弗里開始著手劇本創作,在他筆下的伯尼,也為戰場往事感到苦惱甚至自責。

英國導演奧立佛.派克(Oliver Parker)隨後接下了這個劇本,並找來老搭檔米高.肯恩(Michael Caine)與葛蘭黛.傑克森(Glenda Jackson)出演夫婦倆,在2023年完成了《一個人的逃亡 The Great Escaper》。儘管電影做出了戲劇化的處理,但仍然貼近真實的生命肌理,米高.肯恩的表演更是無懈可擊。



既然破例一次,似乎亦為著有可能再次破例?他不願把話說死,米高.肯恩自己確實走路都走不動了,但還是可能會考慮在一部新片中飾演進化論之父查爾斯.達爾文(Charles Darwin)。會不會成真?就讓我們期待吧!


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