2024年3月19日 星期二

Mario Molina (19 March 1943 – 7 October 2020) 發現南極臭氧洞的主要人物之一。他成功解釋了氯氟碳化合物(CFCs)破壞地球臭氧層的機理 倡導合作保護地球 ozone layer,禁用CFCs --或許稱得上人類/地球的拯救者 "If we work together we all end up having a better world."

感動 184 Mario Molina(19 March 1943 – 7 October 2020) 發現南極臭氧洞的主要人物之一。他成功解釋了氯氟碳化合物(CFCs)破壞地球臭氧層的機理
倡導合作保護地球 ozone layer,禁用CFCs --或許稱得上人類/地球的拯救者 "If we work together we all end up having a better world."

 "If we work together we all end up having a better world."

Mario Molina was awarded the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for demonstrating that CFC gases were damaging the ozone layer.

After showing the damage that CFCs cause, Molina helped develop the Montreal Protocol which banned their use worldwide. Today, thanks to his work, we have managed to reverse this depletion and the ozone layer is recovering.

Molina was passionate about working together to find solutions to better look after our Earth: "We realised, 'If it is not us then who? If it is not now, when?'"

Learn more: https://bit.ly/3b7kekt

