2011年4月25日 星期一

Muir, John

Muir, John, 1838-1914, American naturalist, b. Dunbar, Scotland, studied at the Univ. of Wisconsin. He came to the United States in 1849 and settled in California in 1868. In recognition of his efforts as a conservationist and crusader for national parks and reservations, Muir Woods National Monument was named for him. He made extended trips throughout the country, often on foot; he also traveled in Alaska (discovering Muir glacier) and in Russia, India, and Australia. His books include The Mountains of California (1894), The Story of My Boyhood and Youth (1913), Steep Trails (1918). John of the Mountains (1938; ed. by L. M. Wolfe) contains his journals.


See biographies by W. F. Bade (2 vol., 1924, repr. 1972), L. M. Wolfe (1945, repr. 2003), and D. Worster (2008); study by R. Silverberg (1972).

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......鐵黑的按鍵上,插立了一張美國國家公園之父繆爾 ( John Muir ) 夫婦在多年前拍攝的照片,店主把它們當成是鎮店之寶。因為,打字機雖然不是 繆爾用過的,但看到了打字機和照片,喜愛大自然的店主就會想到繆爾不但走過了自然,還把對於自然的觀察寫了下來的熱誠,令他有說不出的安慰。......

