the times
The Times view on China: the West should not bend to this pressure
China challenges the US presence in Asia by isolating and threatening democratic Taiwan

China has tried for decades to suffocate Taiwan’s attempts to assert independence. These efforts have intensified under President Xi Jinping, who has now set out red lines to any outside power, notably the United States, contemplating support for the self-governed democracy.
Mr Xi, speaking on the 40th anniversary of a key Taiwan policy statement yesterday, strongly hinted that Beijing was ready to go to war if there is resistance to the eventual formal merger of China and Taiwan. It would, he said, not tolerate any “external interference”, nor would it promise to renounce the use of force. The Taiwanese people had to understand the inevitability of becoming part of the sovereign state of China and any attempts to build up an independent existence would end…
中共又用破產的"一國兩制"自我催眠/陶醉: 川普年終簽署亞洲再保證法鼓勵定期對台軍售
// 台灣的國號是中華民國;台灣符合學術上所有關於主權國家的定義。台灣是一個主權獨立的國家,是對客觀事實的陳述,並不等於「支持台獨」。正視台灣作為一個主權國家的事實,本身就是抵制獨裁者謊言的行動… //
《告台灣同胞書》40 周年 習近平:中國人不打中國人,但不承諾棄動武,一國兩制最佳
回應習近平講話 蔡英文:台灣是民主國家 絕不會接受一國兩制
凌志軍的 《變化(1990-2002年中國實錄)》,是記者眼中的中國大事記。
川普年終簽署亞洲再保證法鼓勵定期對台軍售| 國際| 重點新聞
中央社即時新聞·1 day ago
We look at President Xi Jinping’s quest to absorb Taiwan...: |
Mark Schiefelbein/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images |
President Xi Jinping urges unification with Taiwan |
The Chinese leader called Taiwan’s autonomy “a wound to the Chinese nation” and demanded greater progress in Beijing’s decades-long quest to win control of the disputed island. |
Details: Mr. Xi gave Taiwan two options: He could use military force if the self-ruled territory grasped for independence, or he could offer a “one country, two systems” deal, similar to the framework used in Hong Kong. But the president didn’t lay down a timetable for either path. |
Reaction: People in Taiwan are unlikely to be receptive to Mr. Xi’s offer, especially as they watch Beijing squeeze Hong Kong’s political freedoms. |
Context: China and Taiwan have been in conflict over the island’s status since 1949, when forces defeated by Mao Zedong retreated to the island. Tensions increased when the island moved to democratic elections in the 1990s. Today, only 3 percent of Taiwan’s population favors immediate unification with China, according to a recent survey. |