She's on a #MeToo Mission in China, Battling Censors and Lawsuits
New York Times-Jan 4, 2019
BEIJING — On a sleepless night last summer, her siamese cat Star at her feet, Zhou Xiaoxuan, a 25-year-old screenwriter in Beijing, took out ...
#MeToo Movement in China began with Zhou Xiaoxuan Revelation
The News Skill-Jan 5, 2019
China at many stances, has come under the radar of suppression with very few voices that can be heard. In such an environment Zhou ...
Fan Bingbing, #MeToo, Sabrina Meng Wanzhou … the big stories that ...
South China Morning Post-Dec 23, 2018
The #MeToo movement continued to make waves in China in 2018, particularly against academics at various Chinese universities, as well as ...
Apple's Message To China: It's Not Me, It's You
Forbes-10 hours ago
But put me down as skeptical. China's economic growth rate might not be a major factor here, if at all. Here are four quick thoughts on the topic:.
2018 was the year Chinese internet users evaded censorship — briefly
The Verge-Dec 20, 2018
It's been a whirlwind year for China's internet culture — from trade wars ... In April, student activists posted a #MeToo open letter — written by a ...
Mulher que lidera o #MeToo na China enfrenta censura e processos
Jornal O Globo-4 hours ago
Em poucos dias, ela emergiu como a heroína do início do movimento #MeToo na China, um símbolo de esperança para jovens mulheres ...
Asia markets jump amid US-China trade talks
CNBC-12 hours ago
Asia markets jump amid US-China trade talks ... What slightly worries me is that at times when the U.S. administration delivers these ... after months of turmoil over concerns that the Fed could raise interest rates too quickly.
Joan Chen Talks Diversity in Hollywood, Welcomes #MeToo
Variety-Dec 9, 2018
Chinese-American actress, writer and director Joan Chen says that she was ... Chen took time this week to discuss the #MeToo movement, and ...
#MeToo in 2018: As long as we keep sympathising with abusers, there ...
Hong Kong Free Press-Jan 5, 2019
#MeToo in 2018: As long as we keep sympathising with abusers, ... from Malaysia to Indonesia, from Hong Kong to China, highlight that the ...
Hong Kong picks advocate of China-Vatican dialogue as bishop
CityNews Vancouver-8 hours ago
A year after the Globes were awash in a sea of black and #MeToo discussion replaced fashion chatter, the red carpet largely returned to more ...
2019年1月7日 星期一
弦子Zhou Xiaoxuan等人的“我也是”:She's on a #MeToo Mission in China, Battling Censors and Lawsuits
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