In her essay, Ms. Rose wrote that without Mr. Hamilton’s supervision, Ms. O’Keeffe’s paintings were being turned into calendars: “Everything O’Keeffe feared has come to pass. Her images have been cheapened; her life has turned into a soap opera.”

Still, he refused to part with a painting she had done that had inspired his sculptures, as well as several of Mr. Stieglitz’s prints and drawings Constantin Brancusi that Ms. O’Keeffe had given him.
By the end of his life, Mr. Hamilton had trouble walking. From bed, he often had the same request, his wife said: for her to bring him the old works of art that he and Ms. O’Keeffe had loved so many decades before.
Georgia O'Keeffe and her 'OK' brooch by Alexander Calder. In ...
Georgia O'Keeffe and her 'OK' brooch by Alexander Calder. In ...
eorgia O'Keeffe was born on this day... - Calder Foundation ...
Georgia O'Keeffe Knocked Off Her Calder Brooch | The Adventurine
The Adventurine
The Problem of Old Art Lady Style - Racked
Georgia O'Keefe and the OK brooch In the late 1930s ...
喬治亞歐姬芙出生於 1887 年的今天。
Chen Cher
Georgia O’Keeffe was born on this day in 1887. Calder and O’Keeffe knew each other for many decades, and over the course of their friendship, Calder gifted two important artworks to her: a black mobile that O’Keeffe hung in her home in Abiquiú, New Mexico, and an initial brooch, featured in this photograph. The OK brooch quickly became one of her favorite pieces of jewelry, appearing in nearly every portrait taken of her. When Calder and O’Keeffe met for the last time at a dinner just a few weeks before his death, she exclaimed: “Oh, Sandy, how are you! It seems like we’ve known each other forever.”
Image: Georgia O’Keeffe wearing OK brooch (c. 1945), New Mexico, 1950. Photograph by Carl Van Vechten. © 2023 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; © Carl Van Vechten
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