2016年11月1日 星期二

Raoul Wallenberg (1912-1952); Robert Langer

Prof. Robert Langer, one of the world's most accomplished engineers, knows that bumps in the road are a part of life. He recently connected with MIT students as part of a new "Failures in Graduate School" event series.

Institute Professor and world-renowned engineer shares his experiences as…

Raoul Wallenberg
Raoul Gustaf Wallenberg was a Swedish architect, businessman, diplomat and humanitarian. He is widely celebrated for saving tens of thousands of Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary during the Holocaust from ... Wikipedia
DiedJuly 31, 1952, Moscow, Russia

Image for the news result
Raoul Wallenberg, who rescued thousands of Jews from the Nazis, is declared dead by ...

中央社斯德哥爾摩31日綜合外電報導)曾於二戰時期拯救數以萬計猶太人性命的瑞典外交官瓦倫伯(Raoul Wallenberg),1945年在蘇聯(Soviet Union)手中失蹤後,瑞典政府今天終於宣布瓦倫伯已不在人世。
英國廣播公司(BBC)和法新社報導,瑞典政府的聲明只能為這個冷戰時期最大謎團之一畫下不完美的句點,「瑞典辛德勒」(Swedish Schindler)瓦倫伯的遺體從未交還給他的家人。

