2007年11月19日 星期一

腦科學家 Ray Dolan

英國University College London教授得今年的 (德國) Max Planck Research Award.

Professor Dolan 接受德國之聲的 Spectrum 節目訪問時 談些腦部的化學作用 它與我們的情感和認知諸過程的關係 並談談那些領域可以受惠於腦科學......HC只是翻譯大要 以下英國Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging 他的簡介......

Professor Ray Dolan

Professor Ray Dolan

Cognition & emotion

Professor Dolan's research interests include the mechanisms of encoding and retrieval of episodic (autobiographical) memory and the neural organisation of human emotion.

In addition to demonstrating the differential involvement of the right and left prefrontal cortex at encoding and retrieval respectively we have also demonstrated that these applications reflect the engagement of specific executive processes at these stages.

The focus of our present work is to define the sub-processes that are operative during optimal encoding and retrieval of episodic memory. We are also studying the interaction of prefrontal and hippocampal regions, as a function of time, during encoding.

In studies of emotion our focus has been on fear using paradigms that involve processing of facial stimuli. From a theoretical point of view we distinguish between innate and acquired fear. We have shown that innate fear involves activation of the amygdala; acquired fear in response to salient visual stimuli involves an increased connectivity between the visual thalamus and amygdala.

Our on-going work involves exploring the neural mechanisms engaged during the covert and unconscious activation of a fear system.

