2023年6月11日 星期日

49頁的川普(Donald Trump)起訴書 2023.6.11 白宮前朝眾生相22.8.22/23.1.26:美國前總統Trump: There Is No Happy Ending;社交平台帳號恢復。美國前國務卿 Mike Pompeo 回憶錄出版與前副總統 Pence 機密文件;陸徵祥

BBC News 中文 

【一周热点回顾】美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)将回归脸书(Facebook)和Instagram。
Meta全球事务总裁尼克·克莱格(Nick Clegg)在一份声明中表示,公众“应该能够听到他们的政客在说什么”。
1月25日,特朗普在自己的社交媒体“Truth Social”上发帖回应称,脸书在封杀“你们最喜欢的总统我”后“损失了数十亿美元”。
BBC北美科技记者詹姆斯·克莱顿(James Clayton)分析说,特朗普目前面临抉择。尽管Truth Social由他建立,但他与该公司达成了排他性协议,他在其他平台发布内容的时间必须晚于在该平台发布的六小时之后。该协议将于6月续签。

Donald Trump’s Facebook and Instagram access will be reinstated in the coming weeks, ending a two-year ban, Meta said.

Meta suspended Mr. Trump from its platforms on Jan. 7, 2021, the day after hundreds of people stormed the Capitol in his name, saying his posts ran the risk of inciting more violence.

There Is No Happy Ending to America’s Trump Problem


There Is No Happy Ending to America’s Trump Problem

By Damon Linker

We seem to be in a situation with no unambivalently good options.


As a proponent of freedom, enjoying some Taiwanese dried pineapple. Checkmate.

Michael R. Pompeo was sworn in as the 70th Secretary of State on April 26, 2018. He previously served as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency from ...


Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spearheaded the Trump Administration’s most significant foreign policy breakthroughs. Now, he reveals how he did it, and how it could happen again.

As the only four-year national security member of President Trump’s Cabinet, he worked to impose crushing pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran, avert a nuclear crisis with North Korea, deliver unmatched support for Israel, and bring peace to the Middle East. Drawing on his commitment to America’s founding principles and his Christian faith, his efforts to promote religious freedom around the world were unequaled in American diplomatic history. Most importantly, he led a much-needed generational transformation of America's relationship with China.

Blending remarkable and often humorous stories of his interactions with world leaders and unmatched analysis of geopolitics, Never Give an Inch tells of how Pompeo helped the Trump Administration craft the America First approach that upended Washington's wisdom—and made him America’s enemies’ worst nightmare. It is a raw account of what it took to deliver winning outcomes, including answers to questions like:

--Why Trump thought his Secretary of State was too tough on China

--What he said to Kim Jong-un that set him apart from other American negotiators

--How Mike Pence could have lost his spot on the 2020 ticket

--Who still has him high on their list of enemies

A road map of the trends and players shaping the world today, Never Give an Inch is more than a historical review of the Trump Administration's greatest victories. It is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the challenges of the future. And it is an inspirational story of leadership through dangerous times that will leave you with a greater appreciation for America.









Vice President Mike Pence had been sharply criticized for visiting the Mayo Clinic this week and violating its requirement to wear one.

 Former President George W. Bush called on Americans to put aside partisan differences, heed the guidance of medical professionals and show empathy for those stricken by the coronavirus and the resulting economic devastation. President Trump swiped at him in response.
“I think the whole world can see now, remember, China has a history of infecting the world and running substandard laboratories," he said.

 The U.S. secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, doubled down on President Trump’s assertions about the origins of the virus, saying on Sunday that “there’s enormous evidence” the coronavirus originated in a research laboratory in Wuhan, China. 

