2023年6月8日 星期四

Nike 公司"喬丹( Jordan )品牌長" Larry Miller是個更生人的故事:教育的重要;做事的機會..... 2022年營業額約40億美金

 Nike 公司"喬丹( Jordan )品牌長" Larry Miller是個更生人的故事:教育的重要;做事的機會..... 2022年營業額約40億美金 


Air Jordan is a line of basketball shoes produced by Nike, Inc. Related apparel and accessories are marketed under Jordan Brand.
Introduced: November 17, 1984; 38 years ago
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This Nike executive's ascent to the C-suite began in a prison cell

VIDEO: From Prison Cell to Nike’s C-Suite: The Journey of Larry Miller

Before shaping one of the world’s largest sports brands, Nike executive Larry Miller spent years of his youth and early adulthood behind bars for several crimes, including murder. After giving up the street, his past continued to haunt him, costing him an important job offer. Desperate for a fresh start, Miller hid his prison record for 40 years. However, his career took off and he eventually rose to lead Nike’s Jordan brand, as well as the Portland Trail Blazers NBA team.

In this interview, Miller shares how education helped him escape a life of crime, how keeping his secret came at a huge personal price, and why employers should give the formerly incarcerated a chance to succeed.

飛人喬丹Air Jordan,簡稱AJ),是經由美國NBA籃球巨星麥可·喬丹授權的,耐吉公司旗下的運動鞋品牌。飛人喬丹運動品牌的標誌為喬丹跳起騰空單手扣籃,即常說的「Jumpman」。

第一對 Air Jordan I 於1984年11月17日發行給仍是 NBA 新星的麥可·喬丹穿著,經歷了接近30年,現時除了主線「Air Jordan」外,還有其他支線產品,包括Air Jordan Force、6 rings、Air Jordan Spiz'ike等、亦出過不少套裝、特別版或限量款式。

過往,Air Jordan 都是麥可·喬丹的專用球鞋,除了他以外,其他球星並沒有穿著來比賽。首次有其他球星穿著 Air Jordan 比賽的是斯科蒂·皮蓬,他當時穿著了 Air Jordan X 比賽,並在鏡頭前抬起腳上的球鞋,做出手勢,貌似要求當時退休去打棒球的喬丹回歸NBA。自此,其他球星亦開始陸續地穿著。2001年起,耐吉透過 Jordan Brand,開始招攬一些運動員作為旗下代言人,稱為「Team Jordan」(喬丹團隊),亦不只限於籃球員,例如就有棒球手德瑞克·基特、賽車手丹尼·夏文林(Danny Hamlin)、傷殘田徑運動員埃普里·霍姆斯(April Holmes)等。

Hear Larry Miller's story

