晚 宴以「Titans and Tastemakers」為主題,劇作家黃哲倫(Henry Hwang)和電視主持人劉文思(Betty Liu)攜手主持。MOCA董事會主席唐貝洽(Patricia P. Tang)在致辭中稱,博物館在過去一年中從展覽、活動、到遊客、會員都有前所未有地增長,這離不開社區各界長期以來的幫助和支持,讓博物館可以履行使 命、服務至今。今年的晚宴旨在邀請大家一同慶祝文化、慈善和商界風向標人物的巨大成就,這其中活躍著很多華人的身影,他們用辛勤付出和可喜成績為各自的領 域及整個社會做了傑出貢獻,今年的獲獎人就是他們的一部分。
賈氏基金會董事長、前花旗集團副董事長賈培源生在香港、長在台灣,昨日喜獲終身 成就獎。1970年代他加入花旗銀行,負責研發花旗銀行自製的ATM自動存提款機,讓花旗銀行成為首個每周七日、每日24小時為消費者服務的銀行,對金融 服務業的現代化做出重大貢獻,長期負責全球消費金融事業也讓他成為花旗銀行塑造全球聯營必不可少的人物。中國銀行業監督管理委員會主席劉明康推崇他是「國 際銀行界職位最高的華人銀行家」。
雖然從金融界退休,但他轉而執掌起賈氏基金會的大舵,傾盡全力把自身之所學和積累的財富回報於社會,捐新 台幣數千萬元給母校東海大學推動博雅教育,成為東海大學博雅書院創院的主要推手。賈培源14日專程從加州趕到紐約,在親人朋友陪伴下領獎,他肯定博物館在 聯通華人和西方社會之間所做的工作,也鼓勵華人能夠積極融入社會,開創更美好的一片天。
彭博昨日也盛讚華人在建設城市、造福國家方面的巨大 貢獻,稱美國的華人越來越多、紐約的華人更是尤其多,「紐約因為華人的存在多元了起來,日後還會因為華人的存在變得更加多元。」而MOCA在不斷發展多種 文化和教育項目、提昇華人地位和知名度方面功不可沒,希望社區各界能夠繼續通過各種方式予以博物館支持。獲得傳承獎的王雁南和蔡明昊均感謝MOCA對自己 的認可,盼日後能和博物館一起在文化傳承、教育推廣等工作上共同努力。
Read more: 世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊
Keanu Charles Reeves (/keɪˈɑːnuː/ kay-AH-noo; born September 2, 1964)[2] is a Canadian actor. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keanu_Reeves
捐贈70%片酬給醫院治療白血病患者 奇洛李維斯平凡度日
而現在,已成為著名的明星,他仍然住很謙虛:他卻常穿著開口的破鞋趴趴走,他有沒有保鏢,他不會買昂貴的衣服和高檔住宅,生活在一個小公寓,平常搭的是很普通的地鐵,還被民眾拍到讓座給婦人,或是被發現像個流浪漢在公園內吃著三明治。 During his initial rise to stardom, Reeves preferred to live in rental houses and hotels. He was also a long-term resident of the Chateau Marmont. However, around 2003, Reeves bought his first house in the Hollywood Hills of Los Angeles. He has since purchased an apartment in Central Park West, New York City.[32]
Keanu Charles Reeves missed the first 20 minutes of the party dedicated to the end of filming of his new film in one of the clubs in New York.
He waited patiently in the rain to be let in.
No one recognized him.
The club owner said: "I didn't even know Keanu was standing in the rain waiting to be let in - he didn't say anything to anyone."
"He travels by public transport".
"He easily communicates with homeless people on the street and helps them".
- He is only 56 years old (September 2, 1964)
- He can just eat a hot dog in the park, sitting between ordinary people.
- After filming one of the "Matrix", he gave all the stuntmen a new motorcycle - in recognition of their skill.
- He gave up most of the fee for the salaries of costume designers and computer scientists who draw special effects in "The Matrix" - decided that their share of participation in the budget of the film was underestimated.
- He reduced his fee in the film The Devil's Advocate" to have enough money to invite Al Pacino.
- Almost at the same time his best friend died; his girlfriend lost a child and soon died in a car accident, and his sister fell ill with leukemia.
Keanu did not break: he donated $ 5 million to the clinic that treated his sister, refused to shoot (to be with her), and created the Leukemia Foundation, donating significant sums from each fee for the film.
You can be born a man, but to remain one..
Read More Stories 👉 Wonders You've Never Seen Before
而現在,已成為著名的明星,他仍然住很謙虛:他卻常穿著開口的破鞋趴趴走,他有沒有保鏢,他不會買昂貴的衣服和高檔住宅,生活在一個小公寓,平常搭的是很普通的地鐵,還被民眾拍到讓座給婦人,或是被發現像個流浪漢在公園內吃著三明治。 During his initial rise to stardom, Reeves preferred to live in rental houses and hotels. He was also a long-term resident of the Chateau Marmont. However, around 2003, Reeves bought his first house in the Hollywood Hills of Los Angeles. He has since purchased an apartment in Central Park West, New York City.[32]
Keanu Charles Reeves missed the first 20 minutes of the party dedicated to the end of filming of his new film in one of the clubs in New York.
He waited patiently in the rain to be let in.
No one recognized him.
The club owner said: "I didn't even know Keanu was standing in the rain waiting to be let in - he didn't say anything to anyone."
"He travels by public transport".
"He easily communicates with homeless people on the street and helps them".
- He is only 56 years old (September 2, 1964)
- He can just eat a hot dog in the park, sitting between ordinary people.
- After filming one of the "Matrix", he gave all the stuntmen a new motorcycle - in recognition of their skill.
- He gave up most of the fee for the salaries of costume designers and computer scientists who draw special effects in "The Matrix" - decided that their share of participation in the budget of the film was underestimated.
- He reduced his fee in the film The Devil's Advocate" to have enough money to invite Al Pacino.
- Almost at the same time his best friend died; his girlfriend lost a child and soon died in a car accident, and his sister fell ill with leukemia.
Keanu did not break: he donated $ 5 million to the clinic that treated his sister, refused to shoot (to be with her), and created the Leukemia Foundation, donating significant sums from each fee for the film.
You can be born a man, but to remain one..
Read More Stories 👉 Wonders You've Never Seen Before