2024年6月29日 星期六

傑出慈善家的護士Ann Lurie,「慈善事業的字典定義是熱愛和關心人類,是關於你對那些生活在貧困環境中的人的熱情。」


傑出慈善家的護士Ann Lurie,「慈善事業的字典定義是熱愛和關心人類,是關於你對那些生活在貧困環境中的人的熱情。」

「慈善事業的字典定義是熱愛和關心人類,」她在 2004 年接受《太陽時報》採訪時說道。 「即使人們從來沒有花過錢,他們也可以成為慈善家。這是關於你對那些生活在貧困環境中的人的熱情。

“The dictionary definition of philanthropy is to love and care about mankind,” she said in a 2004 interview with The Sun-Times. “People can be philanthropists even if they never hit their checkbooks. It’s about the passion you feel towards those who are living in deprived circumstances.”

成為傑出慈善家的護士安·盧裡 (Ann Lurie) 去世,享年 79 歲


Ann Lurie, Nurse Who Became a Prominent Philanthropist, Is Dead at 79

A former hippie who chafed at wealth, she married a Chicago real estate titan and, after his death, donated hundreds of millions in her adopted city and beyond.

成為傑出慈善家的護士安·盧裡 (Ann Lurie) 去世,享年 79 歲


Ann Lurie, Nurse Who Became a Prominent Philanthropist, Is Dead at 79

A former hippie who chafed at wealth, she married a Chicago real estate titan and, after his death, donated hundreds of millions in her adopted city and beyond.

A woman standing before a microphone at a transparent lectern that appears blue in the lighting. She has turned to look at the camera and has a half smile.
Ann Lurie speaking at a gala benefit for the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago in 2012. She supported its founding with a $100 million gift.Credit...Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images for Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago

