


安格拉.默克爾(Angela Merkel)擔任德國總理,至今已九年了。她是德國歷史上首位女性總理,也是兩德統一後首位出身前東德地區的聯邦總理。2011年,她獲頒授美國總統自由勳章,在國宴餐單上寫着:「默克爾博士是自由勝利的象徵,因為她是第一位,在統一德國的總理府上任職的德東人。」去年,她領導的基民黨獲選連任,讓她成為德國在二戰後,首位三連任的總理。十二年任期將超越戴卓爾夫人的十一年半,成為歐洲任期最長的女性領導人。
近日讀到台灣繙譯柯內留斯(Stefan Kornelius)著的《默克爾傳》,從默克爾對重要國際事件的應對,深入她的內心世界,其中一節的題目是:「自由是她內心的主旋律」。由於她在不自由的東德生活了35年,而在統一後的德國得到自由發展,因而能深刻體會自由的可貴,以及對失去自由的時刻警惕。
2005年,丹麥刊登嘲諷穆罕默德的漫畫,引起全球穆斯林民眾的抗議,部份極端主義分子更作出恐怖威脅。冒着被恐嚇的風險,默克爾2010年頒發鼓勵言論自由的「媒體獎」給丹麥漫畫家韋斯特伽德(Kurt Westergaard),並以「自由的秘密是勇氣」為題發表演說。她認為自由包含責任、包容與勇氣。相信自己的價值判斷,對自己的一切言行負責,但最重要的是,為堅持自己的價值觀、忠於自己而有勇氣承擔任何由此而須付出的代價。


2014-07-10 16:30

《德國之聲》(Deutsche Welle)7月9日引述多家德媒報導指出,德國總理梅克爾(Angela Merkel)為期3天的訪中國行程,不但簽下數千億元的貿易訂單,臨別前夕還在清華大學以「永續性發展」為題,針對學生群眾,公開談論民主、獨立思考、個人價值,並讚揚公民社會的好處,文中還多次提到身為東德出生地的自己,如何目賭了德國在二戰後反省,提醒現代人不重蹈過往歷史覆轍。這類與中國學生進行的民主對話,可謂稀鬆平常,不過聽在中國領導耳裡,倍感刺耳高亢,因而中國媒體全面封鎖了該場民主演講的報導。
《新蘇黎世報》(Neue Zürcher Zeitung)經濟版位上一篇專文指出,梅克爾認為,保障個人自由是社會「永續性發展」的基礎。文章中並讚譽,即使跟中國長期進行經貿交易,梅克爾是少數西方政界,會強調價值走向的政治家。梅克爾指出,主張自由、民主,法治國家,以及尊重人權,在中國可不容易。梅克爾屬於另類人物,即使跟中國進行經貿交易時,仍會強調價值走向的少數西方政治家;正因為對於自我獨特性的堅持,使她贏得尊重。
《柏林日報》(Berliner Zeitung)於政治版的專文指出,梅克爾認為與(中國)政府 討論人權議題,對她個人而言非常重要。這是她訪中行程的最後一天(7月8日),也藉此對北京清華大學學生演講,強調了該議題重要性。梅克爾的演講,將綠色內涵定位為「永續性發展」,並將該主題與社會政策的發展,結合起來。梅克爾強調,自己在東德長大,因之深刻體驗,公開意見交流,以每一位個人擁有自由,是何等幸福的美事。
《法蘭克福匯報》(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)記者,北京發出的一篇報導強調說,梅克爾演講,鼓勵中國未來菁英,為建立真正的公民社會做出貢獻,其演講內容就像在「為民主做廣告」。也是在為西方的「獨立思考」、「民主付出」做宣傳。報導中也指出,這是梅克爾第7次訪問中國 ,她在中國菁英搖籃之一北京清華大學發表演講,主題雖是「可持續發展」,著墨較多的卻是屬於人權的公民獨立精神,以及民主的奉獻。
梅克爾傳出版 「永遠不反美」
海珊有會飛的化武實驗室? 嗤之以鼻
梅克爾從頭到尾都屬於議會黨團的謹慎派,希望不計代價阻止與美國發生衝突,維護歐洲的完整和團結。日後她在諸多訪談中提及,她嘗試藉立場一致的歐洲陣線,阻止小布希在二○○三年初入侵,或者至少把軍隊進駐延後半年。這樣應該可以爭取時間,在不動武的情況下把海珊逐出伊拉克。她論據中的第二個重點是,她一直都不懂,為什麼美國僅憑不可靠的證據,就想證明伊拉克擁有大量毀滅性武器。國務卿鮑威爾(Colin Powell)在聯合國安全理事會上的爭辯,她認為並不足取。鮑威爾還用一種很奇特的方式,說海珊坐擁一間可航行的化武實驗室。
Vote for Merkel Seen as Victory for Austerity
For months, Europe waited for German elections, hoping that a
re-elected Chancellor Angela Merkel would ease austerity measures. The
wait is over, and so, too, is any hint of a new approach.
German Vote Puts Merkel Tantalizingly Close to a Majority

Johannes Eisele/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Chancellor Angela Merkel took the stage at the headquarters of the Christian Democratic Union in Berlin.
Published: September 22, 2013
BERLIN — Chancellor Angela Merkel scored a stunning personal triumph in
Germany’s national elections on Sunday, as voters handed her a clear
validation of her leadership — and an all but certain third term — by
giving her conservative party its best showing in 20 years, teetering
even on the brink of an absolute majority, exit polls indicated.
News Analysis: German Campaign, Amid Fiery Debate Abroad, Shuffles Toward Consensus (September 22, 2013)
Anti-Euro Party Gaining Steam in Germany (September 21, 2013)
Merkel Faces Tough Questions While Campaigning in Former East Germany (September 20, 2013)
As German Vote Nears, No Guarantees for Merkel’s Coalition (September 20, 2013)
Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters
Members of the Christian Democrats reacted to the results of the first exit polls.
Projections from both main German television networks showed Ms.
Merkel’s Christian Democrats, together with their sister party in
Bavaria, falling tantalizingly close to an absolute majority, which
would make her the first chancellor since Konrad Adenauer in 1957 to win
one. Still, projections indicated that Ms. Merkel would probably fall
two or three seats shy, and a collapse of her coalition partner, the
pro-business Free Democrats, meant that the chancellor would probably
have to build a new coalition.
The result was likely to mean more paralysis for Europe as its most
important country engages in weeks of horse-trading to form what was
likely to be a grand coalition with her main opponents on the left, the
Social Democrats, who did not perform as well as they had hoped Sunday
and who may prove to be reluctant partners for fear losing further
luster in a government dominated by Ms. Merkel.
President François Hollande of France was swift to congratulate the
chancellor on “success in the federal election” and invited her to Paris
as soon as possible — a clear indication of the eagerness with which
Germany’s most important partners awaited the election result.
Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, who with Ms. Merkel has guided
Germany and thus Europe through the euro crisis, was swift to go on
television and assure European partners that the government in Berlin
would continue to play a leading role. But what no one knows is exactly
how much fiscal and political unity a new Merkel government would want.
For the moment, however, the exceptionally strong showing left the
chancellor and her party exuberant. Rarely has Ms. Merkel looked as
buoyant as she did when she appeared onstage at her party headquarters
after projections were announced. Her supporters wildly cheered “Angie!
Angie!” and applauded solidly for two minutes, before she thanked party
workers, particularly young volunteers, her campaign manager, aides in
the chancellery and — most unusually — her husband, Joachim Sauer, a
quantum chemist who generally shuns the limelight. He stood quietly to
the side of the stage, shyly acknowledging the jubilation of his wife’s
“It was a super result,” Ms. Merkel said. “It is too early to say what
we will do. We will discuss it tomorrow when we know the final result,
but we can already celebrate tonight. Because we were great!”
Projections tallied by the ARD public network and based on exit polls,
which in Germany have proved exceptionally accurate in the past, showed
Ms. Merkel’s Christian Democrats winning more than 42 percent of the
vote, a gain of more than 8 percent, followed by the Social Democrats
with nearly 26 percent of the vote. An exultant Ursula von der Leyen, as
employment minister the most powerful woman in Ms. Merkel’s Cabinet,
told German television, “this is our best result in 20 years.”
The biggest surprise of the evening was the upstart, anti-euro
Alternative for Germany party, which exit polls showed just shy of the 5
percent needed to enter into the lower house of Parliament. A classic
protest party, it appeared to have drawn enough support from both the
chancellor’s conservatives and the Free Democrats, possibly costing the
latter their place in Parliament.
Projections from the exit polls showed the Free Democrats falling just
short of the 5 percent hurdle, meaning they would be ousted from the
lower house for the first time in postwar Germany, a crushing loss after
having won nearly 15 percent four years ago.
Mr. Schäuble, who together with Ms. Merkel has guided Germany and to a
large extent Europe through the euro crisis, told German television that
Europe had no need to worry about Germany continuing to shoulder its
responsibility in the continent’s affairs.
“We will continue to play our part reliably,” he said, praising the
bonds to a united Europe as the best thing his country has had in
Asked whether he would remain finance minister, Mr. Schäuble, who has
been in a wheelchair for 23 years since being wounded in an
assassination attempt on former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, demurred, noting
that many discussions lie ahead.
Nearly 62 million eligible voters were called upon to determine the
makeup of the next German Parliament. The race was closely watched
abroad, given that Germany’s leadership role in Europe will influence
the Continent’s ability to shake its debt crisis, chronic unemployment
and sluggish growth. The next government in Berlin will also play a key
role in finalizing the ambitious trans-Atlantic trade agreement between
the European Union and the United States.
On Saturday, Ms. Merkel wound up her campaign of countless interviews
and almost 60 rallies nationwide since mid-August in her home district
around Stralsund, a pretty medieval Hanseatic port on the Baltic Sea.
Feisty and upbeat as she delivered her usual stump speech, the
59-year-old Chancellor almost forgot that she was the local candidate
the crowd should choose when casting the first of their two votes on
Sunday. The second vote, which is for parties, should also go to her
Christian Democrats, Ms. Merkel said.
“By putting your cross there, you are doing something which will enable
me to continue as your chancellor, which I really want to do,” she told a
seafront crowd of hundreds.
“Tomorrow is your day,” she said, adding her voice to the many urging
all 61.8 million eligible Germans to cast ballots, reflecting the
emphasis on duty, as well as rights, in this post-Nazi, post-Communist
Roughly a third of all voters described themselves as undecided just day
election, adding to the uncertainty in what has proved to be one of the
tightest elections since Germany reunited in 1990.
“Germany has had four good years,” Ms. Merkel said on Saturday, looking
back on her second term, dominated by a robust economy and low
unemployment, currently at 6.8 percent. “When we look around in Europe,
we know that is anything but automatic.”
Ms. Merkel had vowed to continue the reflective leadership style that in
turns infuriates and befuddles the country’s partners abroad, but has
been embraced by Germans at home. Many fondly cheered the chancellor as
“Mutti,” or “Mommy” throughout her campaign.
The chancellor’s main challenger, Peer Steinbrück, 66, who served as
finance minister in her government from 2005-2009, however has sought to
cast her carefully weighed decision making as plodding and her
government with the Free Democrats as crippled by in-fighting.
“In 28 hours you can get rid of them, you can get rid of the most
backward-looking, incapable, loud-mouthed German government since
reunification,” Mr. Steinbrück told a crowd of several thousand on
Saturday in Frankfurt, the country’s financial capital and home to the
European Central Bank. He has campaigned on closing the widening gap
between Germany’s rich and poor by raising taxes on top earners and
introducing a minimum wage.
The Social Democrats preferred partners had been the Greens, but exit
polls showed them also suffering losses to reach only about 8 percent
support. That would mean that only by including the far-left Left party,
formed in 2005 from the former East German Communist Party and western
leftists who broke with the Social Democrats, would a left-leaning
coalition be possible. Both center-left parties have repeatedly rejected
a coalition with the Left, charging the party remains fractured by
in-fighting and differences over policy.
Should the chancellor seek a coalition with the Social Democrats, the
negotiations are sure to be difficult and drawn out. Horse-trading
between the two parties took until the end of November in 2005, in
forming her government that led until 2009.
#onthisday in AD 800: Charlemagne was crowned as Holy Roman Emperor. Find out more about his legacy in this BBC Radio 4#MemoriesOfANation episode http://ow.ly/GbuNM
查理大帝(法語:Charlemagne、德語:Karl der Große、英語:Charles the Great、拉丁語:Carolus Magnus,742年或747年-814年1月28日)(查理為名,曼為大帝,所以正確應該說查理曼,或查理大帝,而非查理曼大帝)也譯作卡爾大帝,法蘭克王國加洛林王朝國王(768年—814年)。
The Economist 周刊當初選歐洲專欄名稱時選 Charlemagne
- EUROPE: Charlemagne
Going Dutch
How the Netherlands fell out of love with Europe May 1st 2008
Wikipedia article "Karlspreis".The Karlspreis (full name originally Internationaler Karlspreis der Stadt Aachen, International
Merkel Receives Award for Promoting European Unity
French President Nicolas Sarkozy praised Germany's Chancellor Angela
Merkel as she received the prestigious Charlemagne Prize for European
leadership. He said she had taught him patience.
To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
internet address below:
Charlemagne Prize 2008: Angela Merkel
German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel is the Charlemagne Prize laureate of 2008. This has been announced by Aachen Mayor Dr. Jürgen Linden and Prof. Dr. Walter Eversheim, spokesman of the Charlemagne Prize Board of Directors. The prize will be awarded on 1 May, Ascension Day.
Merkel is awarded the prize "in tribute to her outstanding contribution to overcoming the crisis of the EU and in recognition of decisions pointing the way to the advancement of the European unification process". The citation adds that the Board is honouring "a convinced European for her pioneering contribution to the European basic treaty, her negotiating style – integrative, accenting the human side, at the same time decisive and purposeful – for her wise diplomacy and her active dedication to the deepening of European integration".
Prof. Dr. Eversheim described Merkel as a European of outstanding merit, able to inspire the hearts of many people in Europe, especially the youth, for Europe once more. "She has led the European Idea out of the depths it was in". Aachen Mayor Linden pointed to her championing not only of Europe but also of human rights and the climate alliance. She was, he added, a politician who was different from many members of the political caste. As a scientist she had a different approach and was endowed with special analytical ability. "She is unequivocal, clear and purposeful, possesses great negotiating skill and shows human warmth. That is indeed a new style and approach."
Angela Merkel is the fourth woman – following Simone Veil, Gro Harlem Brundtland and Queen Beatrix – to be awarded the Charlemagne Prize. The last German laureate was the then President of Germany, Roman Herzog, in 1997. Last year's laureate was Dr. Javier Solana Madariaga.
The Charlemagne Prize carries a token cash award of 5000 Euro. Besides the certificate, a medal is conferred bearing on the front the oldest extant Aachen city seal dating from the 12th century and showing Charlemagne enthroned; the reverse is inscribed with a dedication to the laureate.
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