2015年9月11日 星期五
Bon Jovi; Elvis Presley 1935-1977
Bon Jovi觸"雷區"中國巡演遭當局叫停
原定於下週在中國展開巡演的美國著名搖滾歌手Bon Jovi演唱會被迫取消。原因是他幾年前在台灣的一次演出,無意間挑戰了中國當局的政治敏感度。
(德國之聲中文網)英國《金融時報》消息稱,美國老牌搖滾樂隊Bon Jovi(邦喬維)突然取消了下週將在北京和上海舉行的兩場演唱會。演唱會的票價在480元到3880元不等。
文章稱,Bon Jovi無意間挑戰了中國當局的政治敏感度。報導援引知情者消息稱,中國文化部在對Bon Jovi進行資格審查時發現,2010年他在台灣舉行的演唱會上,曾使用達賴喇嘛的照片。因此叫停演唱會。
今年被迫取消中國演唱會的還包括:冰島歌手比約克Bjork和美國流行樂團Maroon 5。原因是一名樂隊成員在社交媒體Twitter上向西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛祝賀生日。
為抓住中國樂迷的心,Bon Jovi此行還苦練了多首中國流行歌曲,如《月亮代表我的心》和崔健的《一無所有》等。
Bon Jovi大聲唱“月亮代表我的心”
即將來中國巡演的著名搖滾樂隊Bon Jovi(邦喬維)在七夕節之際,為中國粉絲獻上了一份視頻大禮。(21.08.2015)
The New Yorker
See intimate portraits of a young, unguarded Elvis Presley, who died on this day in 1977.
Ten Days with Elvis Presley
Alfred Wertheimer was a twenty-six-year-old freelance photographer when he was asked to take pictures of a relatively unknown singer from Memphis.
Elvis Presley 基金會在他身後賺更多的錢,大發利市。
British Museum
Elvis Presley died #onthisday in 1977. Here’s a portrait of the King by artist David Oxtoby http://ow.ly/AhSjB
Elvis Presley: A Life (A Penguin Life) Paperback – July 31, 2007
by Bobbie Ann Mason
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Penguin Books; Reprint edition (July 31, 2007) 貓王 北京:三聯,2014
A vibrant, sympathetic portrait of the once and future king of rock ?n? roll by the award-winning author of Shiloh and In Country
To this clear-eyed portrait of the first rock ?n? roll superstar, Bobbie Ann Mason brings a novelist?s insight and the empathy of a fellow Southerner who, from the first time she heard his voice on the family radio, knew that Elvis was ?one of us.? Elvis Presley deftly braids the mythic and human aspects of his story, capturing both the charismatic, boundary-breaking singer who reveled in his celebrity and the soft-spoken, working-class Southern boy who was fatally unprepared for his success. The result is a riveting, tragic book that goes to the heart of the American dream.
Written by fellow Southerner Mason (In Country; Clear Springs), this abbreviated biography suffers fromthe series' length limitation but makes up for it by hitting the significant points. Mason credits Elvis with inventing rock and youth culture and "[puncturing] the balloon of 1950s serenity and conformity." She posits that the result of his stint in the army "was to erase his rock-and-roll rebel image and turn him into a mainstream all-American boy next door," and that in 1969, after almost a decade spent making bad films, "he was genuinely invigorated by making good music again." It's when Mason offers her insight into Southern culture that the biography turns superficial, like her attempt to contextualize the bloated figure of the drug-addled singer's late years by noting that "in the deep-fried South, his shape was a familiar sight, typical of his age group." On the other hand, she does intrigue, stating that Elvis "was innocently authentic, but he craved the inauthentic, as country people, who are so close-uncomfortably close-to what is starkly real, often do." Unfortunately, Mason doesn't have the room to explain because she has to get back to zooming through the rest of Elvis's life before her space is up. As such, this intro to Elvis will be useful, but is still no substitute for Peter Guralnick's definitive two-volume biography (Last Train to Memphis, Careless Love), which Mason praises in her acknowledgments along with many other sources.
Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Reissues, Spotify lists celebrate Elvis Presley's 80th birthday
A Gibson J200 guitar from Elvis Presley's 1968 TV special is displayed during a media event for "Elvis at the O2, The Exhibition of His Life" on Dec. 11, 2014, in London. (Dan Kitwood / Getty Images)
By RANDY LEWIScontact the reporter
Elvis Presley
Elvis Aaron Presley was an American singer and actor. Regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century, he is often referred to as "the King of Rock and Roll", or simply, "the King". Wikipedia
Died: August 16, 1977, Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Spouse: Priscilla Presley (m. 1967–1973)
Children: Lisa Marie Presley
"Elvis Presley is the greatest cultural force in the 20th century... He introduced the beat to everything and he changed everything--music, language, clothes, it's a whole new social revolution--the Sixties come from it."
--Leonard Bernstein, 1966 ( TIME Magazine)
Happy Birthday to the King of Rock and Roll, ELVIS PRESLEY!
Photograph: Ken McKay/REX/Ken McKay/REXhttp://gu.com/p/44kh3/fb
A 1960 article in LIFE quotes Elvis on his experience in the Army: “If I say the Army made a man of me...it would give the impression I was an idiot before I was drafted. I wasn’t exactly that.” The King, who spent two years in the service, would have turned 80 today.
See more: http://ti.me/1zV4Du3
(James Whitmore—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)
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