2023年10月6日 星期五

Jon Fosse 【挪威作家福瑟獲得諾貝爾文學獎】A Guide to Nobel Laureate Jon Fosse’s Books and Plays 這位挪威作家最著名的身份是劇作家,作品曾在世界各地上演。 他的代表作之一是一部關於藝術與上帝的1250頁單句小說。

2023年诺贝尔文学奖揭晓。挪威作家、剧作家和诗人约恩·福瑟(Jon Fosse)被授予该桂冠。
瑞典学院(Swedish Academy)周四(10月5日)表示,这一奖项是为了表彰福瑟“以创新的戏剧和散文为那些无法言说的事情发声”。他还将获得1100万瑞典克朗(730万人民币)的奖金。
福瑟称其对这一消息感到“受宠若惊”。挪威首相约纳斯·加尔·斯特勒(Jonas Gahr Støre)写道:“今天,整个挪威都为之祝贺和自豪!”
福瑟于1959年出生于挪威西海岸的海于格松,在斯特兰德巴姆长大。 七岁时,他差点死于一场事故,他说这是他童年“最重要的经历”,也“造就了”他成为一名艺术家。
福瑟的作品包括40部在世界各地演出的戏剧,以及小说、散文、诗集、儿童读物和翻译作品,例如《七部曲》(Septology)系列小说、《火中的爱丽丝》(Aliss at the Fire)、《忧郁症》(Melancholy)和《有人将至》(Someone Is Going to Come)等。
他因此成为挪威的国宝级剧作家,也是当代欧美剧坛作品被搬演最多的剧作家之一,有着“新易卜生”(the new Henrik Ibsen)之称。
诺贝尔奖委员会主席安德斯·奥尔松(Anders Olsson)说,他“在许多方面都是一位了不起的作家”。 他说:“当你读他的作品时,他会深深打动你,当你读过一部作品时,你就会继续读下去。”
诺贝尔文学奖没有公开的候选名单,但萨尔曼·拉什迪(Salman Rushdie)、残雪、玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood)和村上春树曾被认为是有力的竞争者。
可能是 1 人和文字的圖像

Norwegian author Jon Fosse was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature on Thursday for his extensive body of work that spans multiple genres, from plays and novels to poetry collections, essays and children’s books that "give voice to the unsayable.”

"While he is today one of the most widely performed playwrights in the world, he has also become increasingly recognized for his prose," the Nobel committee said in a press release.

The work of the 64-year-old writer, a master of Nordic literature who writes in Norwegian Nynorsk, has been translated into more than 50 languages. He has produced more than 30 plays that have been performed on stage "over a thousand times around the world," according to his publishing house, Samlaget.

“I am overwhelmed and grateful," Fosse said in a statement. "I see this as an award to the literature that first and foremost aims to be literature, without other considerations."

In 1983, Fosse's first novel called "Red, Black" was published. Several other works followed before his breakthrough novel came in 1989 with the publication of "Boathouse." In 1992, after solidifying his status as a novelist, he wrote his first play, "Someone Is Going to Come," which would bring him international acclaim.

The Nobel Prize in literature is awarded by the Swedish Academy in Stockholm.

Tap the link in our bio for more. This post was produced and edited by Molly Finnegan, Dan Cooney and Michael Regan. Image: NTB/Hakon Mosvold Larsenvia via Reuters

Initium Media 端傳媒 

10月5日,諾貝爾文學獎公布得獎名單,挪威當代劇作家約恩・福瑟(Jon Fosse)因「以創新戲劇和散文,為難以言喻的事物發聲」摘得桂冠,成為第四位獲獎挪威作家。
現年64歲的福瑟著有劇作《我是風》(I Am the Wind)、The Dead Dogs、散文 Melancholy、Boathouse 等作品,是劇場搬演最多的作家之一。《世界》雜誌稱其為「21世紀的貝克特」。
Norwegian author Jon Fosse wins Nobel
Prize in Literature 2023
The Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded
to Norwegian author Jon Fosse this year, the
Nobel Prize committee announced today. Fosse has been awarded for "his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable".
Jon Fosse is a Norwegian playwright and author who is known for his contributions to contemporary Norwegian literature and theater. He was born on September 29, 1959, in Norway. Fosse's works often explore themes of isolation, introspection, and the human condition. He has received numerous awards for his writing, including the Nordic Council's Literature Prize. Fosse's writing is characterized by its spare and poetic style, and he is considered one of Norway's most important contemporary writers.
Jon Fosse is a prolific writer, and he has written numerous works, including plays, novels, poetry, and essays. Here are some of his notable works:
1. "Someone is Going to Come" (1995)
2. "Night Sings Its Songs" (1997)
3. "A Summer's Day" (1999)
4. "The Guitar Man" (1999)
5. "Nightsongs" (2001)
6. "Death Variations" (2003)
7. "Dream of Autumn" (2005)
8. "I Am the Wind" (2010)
9. "Sleep" (2012)
10. "A Summer's Day" (2015)
1. "Melancholia I" (1995)
2. "Melancholia II" (1996)
3. "Melancholia III" (1997)
4. "Melancholia IV" (1999)
5. "The Other Name: Septology I-II" (2019)
1. "The Stone Chair" (1996)
2. "A Shadow in the Snow" (2006)
These are just some of Jon Fosse's notable works, and he has written more plays, novels, and poems throughout his career. His works have been translated into numerous languages and have received critical acclaim for their distinctive style and exploration of existential themes.
有人將至:約恩·福瑟戲劇選 《有人將至:約恩·福瑟戲劇選》(挪)福瑟(Jon Olav Fosse)著 鄒魯路譯2014/11/01 上海譯文出版社出版。 1. 作者簡介 約恩·奧拉夫·福瑟(挪威語:Jon Olav Fosse,1959年9月25日—),挪威小說家、譯者、劇作家,曾獲2023年諾貝爾文學獎。 其作品涵蓋70多部小説、詩歌、兒童文學、散文與戲劇,並被譯為50多種語言。其戲劇語言富有詩意,接近抒情散文與詩歌,內省深刻極簡,被認爲代表了亨里克·易卜生在19世紀建立的戲劇傳統的現代延續。 2. 譯者簡介 鄒魯路,女。上海裕德進修學院(上海外國語大學繼教院徐家匯分部)上海英語中高級口譯證書考試培訓特約講師。擁有十餘年中高級口譯課程教學經驗,以及豐富的大型國際會議和藝術節等口譯經歷,多次承擔出訪歐美各國口譯任務,深受好評和讚譽。曾任職聯合國教科文組織國際劇協亞太局翻譯。 除口譯外,亦有多部筆譯作品發表或在國內外演出。歷年來與多位世界頂級藝術家和教育家合作,其出色表現廣受稱讚。 3. 內容簡介 首次出版中譯本,其中選取了作家最具代表性的五部作品:1996年易卜生文學獎獲獎作品《名字》,講述了一個同一屋檐下相互疏遠的家庭的故事。 一個懷孕的女孩和這個孩子的父親無處可去,他們回到了女孩的父母家,城外一個離海很近的地方。但是女孩的父母從未見過這個准爸爸男孩,並且對懷孕的事也一無所知。這個懷孕的女孩其實非常不想住在這里,這個男孩也感覺到了他不受歡迎。 這是一個功能缺失的家庭,對話幾乎無法進行;所有必要之事都變為習慣性的姿態,每個人都感到孤獨。本劇也討論了如何給這個未出生的孩子起名的問題,以及我們如何運用語言來創造一個對我們來說有特殊含義的更加深刻的內涵。 2000年和2002年北歐國家戲劇獎獲獎作品《一個夏日》和《死亡變奏曲》,以及《有人將至》都探討了死亡、記憶與孤獨對生者的糾纏。在《一個夏日》中,丈夫在某一天毫無預兆的選擇了死亡。他離開家走向大海,從此再也沒有回來。而妻子則自此日復一日地站在窗前,面對着大海,無法擺脫記憶的糾纏。在另一部作品《死亡變奏曲》中,大海吞噬了他和她的女兒,迫使愛情早已死去多年的他們重新面對彼此,面對記憶和過往,為這場突如其來的悲劇困惑着,卻無從尋找答案。 而則《吉他男》是福瑟作品中唯一的一部獨角戲,也是福瑟作品中在全世界被學生搬演最多的一部。 有新易卜生之稱的約恩.福瑟是當代歐美劇壇最富盛名、作品被搬演最多的在世劇作家。其作品迄今已被譯成四十多種文字,並曾多次獲得各類國際藝術大獎。此外,他也是近兩年來諾貝爾文學獎的熱門人選。他筆下那蘊含着巨大情感張力的極簡主義洗練語言,對白中強烈的節奏感與音樂感,並置的時空,交纏的現實與夢幻,都彰顯了他獨特的福瑟式美學與戲劇風格。最令人難忘的,是他的劇作中那無處不在的詩意的暗涌,是他對人生的傾聽,是他字里行間對所有在時間荒原上相遇的人們所懷有的無限悲憫之情…… 目錄 作者序 致中國讀者 譯本序 「世界盡頭與冷酷仙境」——約恩·福瑟戲劇作品中的關鍵意象 挪威是一個面積不大的北歐國家,但它的戲劇在中國卻並不陌生,那是因為挪威有世界戲劇大師易卜生。上世紀,易卜生的劇作不僅令中國戲劇家傾倒,而且對中國政治生活社會變革都產生過重要的影響。不過,挪威的戲劇在中國又有些陌生,如與易卜生同時代並獲得過諾貝爾文學獎的比昂遜的劇作,中國的讀者和觀眾就所知並不多。而當代挪威戲劇在中國就傳播更少了。事實上,挪威當代戲劇又出現了一位國際著名的大劇作家,他就是生於1959年9月29日的約恩·福瑟。這位剛年過50的作家被譽為“新易卜生”,至今已出版了28個劇本,14部小說,9部詩集,2部論文集,9部兒童文學作品。更重要的是,他的作品以兼有詩意和荒誕意味的特色贏得了國際文學和戲劇界的高度讚譽,產生了很大的影響。他的作品被譯成40多種文字,在國際和挪威先後獲得了40多項大獎。2010年5月,他奪得了“易卜生國際藝術大獎”,此前,這項大獎只頒發給過兩位戲劇大師,一位是當代最出色的戲劇家、導演,英國人彼得·布魯克(Peter Brook),一位是法國當代最傑出的導演、女戲劇家阿麗亞娜·姆努什金(Ariane Mnouchkine)。可見他在當代世界劇壇的地位。然而,在這本福瑟戲劇集出版前,國人對他的瞭解幾乎是空白的,不要說一般讀者和觀眾,戲劇界也鮮有人熟悉他。所以這本戲劇集確實有填補空白的意義。 這本戲劇集的譯者與主編鄒魯路執教於上海戲劇學院,並正在我的名下攻讀博士學位。兩年多前,她把福瑟研究定為她的博士學位論文題目。自此,她開始了扎實而細緻的研究工作,搜集和閱讀了福瑟的全部作品,逐一翻譯了福瑟的代表劇作,又特地到挪威造訪福瑟本人,與他作了多次長談,並與許多挪威戲劇家評論家討論對福瑟的評價,還實地感受了福瑟所表現的社會生活與自然環境的氛圍。這本福瑟戲劇集是她研究的階段性成果,也是她兩年心血的結晶。在學界浮躁之風日盛的當下,我對鄒魯路持如此認真嚴謹的治學態度十分欣慰。凡真正的學人都知道,要做好一門學問,無所謂的捷徑可言。遺憾的是眼下許多人都忙於爭項目,填表格,搶速度,甚至視潛心鑽研為守舊。鄒魯路能沉得住氣,不容易。 這本福瑟戲劇集出版的同時,中國首次的福瑟國際學術研討會將在上海戲劇學院舉行,福瑟的《有人將至》也將進行中國的首演。此後,鄒魯路即要完成她的博士論文的最後定稿,相信她有了踏實的研究基礎,定會拿出有學術分量的成果。我期待著。 名字 有人將至 吉他男 一個夏日 死亡變奏曲 版本說明 致謝而二與而得到2Books: https://amzn.to/3F5emsN )

 Most aficionados had never heard of the winner of this year’s award. Jon Fosse writes mainly in the Nynorsk language, which is, even among Norwegian writers, a minority pursuit



The 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature is awarded to the Norwegian author Jon Fosse “for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable.”

Jon Fosse was born 1959 in Haugesund on the Norwegian west coast. His immense œuvre written in Norwegian Nynorsk and spanning a variety of genres consists of a wealth of plays, novels, poetry collections, essays, children’s books and translations. While he is today one of the most widely performed playwrights in the world, he has also become increasingly recognised for his prose. His debut novel ‘Raudt, svart’ (1983), as rebellious as it was emotionally raw, broached the theme of suicide and, in many ways, set the tone for his later work.

Fosse’s European breakthrough as a dramatist came with Claude Régy’s 1999 Paris production of his play ‘Nokon kjem til å komme’ (1996; ‘Someone Is Going to Come’, 2002). Even in this early piece, with its themes of fearful anticipation and crippling jealousy, Fosse’s singularity is fully evident. In his radical reduction of language and dramatic action, he expresses the most powerful human emotions of anxiety and powerlessness in the simplest everyday terms. It is through this ability to evoke man’s loss of orientation, and how this paradoxically can provide access to a deeper experience close to divinity, that he has come to be regarded as a major innovator in contemporary theatre.

In common with his great precursor in Norwegian Nynorsk literature Tarjei Vesaas, Fosse combines strong local ties, both linguistic and geographic, with modernist artistic techniques. He includes in his Wahlverwandschaften such names as Samuel Beckett, Thomas Bernhard and Georg Trakl. While Fosse shares the negative outlook of his predecessors, his particular gnostic vision cannot be said to result in a nihilistic contempt of the world. Indeed, there is great warmth and humour in his work, and a naïve vulnerability to his stark images of human experience.

In his second novel ‘Stengd gitar’ (1985), Fosse presents us with a harrowing variation on one of his major themes, the critical moment of irresolution. A young mother leaves her flat to throw rubbish down the chute but locks herself out, with her baby still inside. Needing to go and seek help, she is unable to do so since she cannot abandon her child. While she finds herself, in Kafkaesque terms, ‘before the law’, the difference is clear: Fosse presents everyday situations that are instantly recognisable from our own lives. As with his first book, the novel is heavily pared down to a style that has come to be known as ‘Fosse minimalism’.

In ‘Sterk vind’ (2021), referred to as ‘a dramatic poem’, Fosse’s increasing use of imagery and symbolism in his plays becomes apparent. From as far back as the 1986 publication of his first poetry collection ‘Engel med vatn i augene’, lyrical language has always served as a great resource in his writing. The recent edition of his collected poetry, ‘Dikt i samling’ (2021), testifies to the important role poetry has played for him over the years in providing the basis for his elementary diction and sense of the limits of language. 

Learn more: https://bit.ly/3ZtJCeu 

Anders Olsson

Chairman of the Nobel Committee

The Swedish Academy

This year’s literature laureate Jon Fosse writes novels heavily pared down to a style that has come to be known as ‘Fosse minimalism’. 

This can be seen in his second novel ‘Stengd gitar’ (1985), when Fosse presents us with a harrowing variation on one of his major themes, the critical moment of irresolution. A young mother leaves her flat to throw rubbish down the chute but locks herself out, with her baby still inside. Needing to go and seek help, she is unable to do so since she cannot abandon her child. While she finds herself, in Kafkaesque terms, ‘before the law’, the difference is clear: Fosse presents everyday situations that are instantly recognisable from our own lives.

At the same time, there is a sense of trepidation and a powerful ambivalence. This later comes to feature in his dramatic work, in which he is able to make use of pauses and interruptions to express this uncertainty – and moreover charge them with emotion. In his plays, we are confronted with words or acts that appear incomplete, a lack of resolution that continues to preoccupy our minds.

It is the human condition that is Fosse’s central theme, irrespective of genre. Fosse’s courage in opening himself up to the uncertainties and anxieties of everyday life lies behind the extraordinary recognition he has received.

The 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature is awarded to the Norwegian author Jon Fosse “for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable.”

Learn more about his literature: https://bit.ly/3ZtJCeu


這位挪威作家最著名的身份是劇作家✍️,作品曾在世界各地上演。 他的代表作之一是一部關於藝術與上帝的1250頁單句小說。


Norwegian author, playwright and poet Jon Fosse has won the Nobel Prize in Literature. The Swedish Academy said on Thursday it was for his "innovative plays and prose which gives voice to the unsayable".
Last year, he spoke to Weekend about his writing process and influences.
"I'm just a writer," he laughed, when asked about being one of the world's most performed playwrights.
📻 Listen to the full interview: https://bbc.in/48IcuE8

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【2023年諾貝爾文學獎】 羅珊珊/以詩為基本語彙的劇作家:庸.佛瑟

2023年諾貝爾文學獎得主為挪威作家庸.佛瑟(Jon Fosse,1959-),「表彰他以創新的戲劇和散文,為難以言喻的事物發聲。」


佛瑟如今是世界上劇本被演出最廣泛的劇作家之一,但他的散文也愈來愈受到認可。他的處女作小說《紅、黑》(1983)既叛逆又充滿原始的情感,並觸及自殺主題,在許多層面上為他後來的作品定下了基調。他的第一部戲劇《我們永遠不會分開》於 1994 年上演並出版劇本。

庸.佛瑟在歐洲的突破是克勞德.雷吉(Claude Régy)於1999年在巴黎將其劇本《有人將至》搬上舞台。在這早期作品中,以恐懼的期待和強烈的嫉妒為主題,明顯展現佛瑟的獨特性。其中語言和戲劇動作皆盡量減少,取而代之是以最簡單的日常用語表達人類最強烈的焦慮和無力感,因此被視為當代戲劇的主要創新者。與他在挪威文學中的偉大先驅塔爾吉.維薩斯(Tarjei Vesaas)一樣,佛瑟運用語言,將地理上的聯繫與現代主義藝術技巧結合起來。也常有人將他和貝克特(Samuel Beckett)或托馬斯.伯恩哈德(Nicolaas Thomas Bernhard)相提並論。雖然佛瑟和他的前輩們一樣傾向消極,但其獨特觀點並非完全是虛無主義或蔑視感,事實上,他的作品充滿溫暖和幽默,同時也將人類經驗的鮮明形象刻畫出脆弱的天真。佛瑟呈現的日常情境緊繫於一般人的生活,就像他的處女作一樣,被稱為「佛瑟極簡主義」風格。

而在被稱為「一首戲劇詩」的《Sterk vind》(2021)中,佛瑟愈見頻繁地使用意象和象徵主義。早在1986年他的首本詩集《Engel med vatn i augene》,抒情語言就一直是他寫作的重要資源。他最近重出的詩選集《Dikt i samling》(2021)更證明了詩歌在他創作中的重要性,詩,多年來一直為他提供著創作的基本語彙,以及劃分出語言所能到達的界限。


