2007年10月19日 星期五


よさ-ぶそん 【与謝蕪村】

(1716-1783) 江戸中期の俳人・画家。摂津の生まれ。本姓、谷口、のち与謝氏。別号、宰鳥・夜半亭、画号、長庚・春星・謝寅など。

池大雅と「十便宜図」を合作するなど日本文人画を大成する一方、俳諧は早野巴人(はじん)に 学び、「景気(叙景)」「不用意(即興)」「高邁洒落(離俗)」を柱に、写実的・古典趣味的・浪漫的な俳風を形成した。

晩年、中興俳壇にあきたらず、「俳 力(俳諧性)」の回復を唱え、「磊落(自在性)」の境地を志向した。編著「新花摘」「夜半楽」「此ほとり」「昔を今」など。


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

Yosa Buson, or Yosa no Buson (与謝蕪村, 1716December 25, 1784), was a Japanese poet and painter from the Edo period. Along with Matsuo Bashō and Kobayashi Issa, Buson is considered among the greatest poets of the Edo Period. Buson was born in the village of Kema in Settsu Province (now Kema-chō, Miyakojima Ward in the city Osaka). His real last name was Taniguchi.

Around the age of 20, Buson moved to Edo (now Tokyo) and learned poetry under the tutelage of the haikai master Hayano Hajin. After Hajin died, Buson moved to Shimo-Usa Province (modern day Ibaraki Prefecture). Following in the footsteps of his idol, Matsuo Bashō, Buson traveled through the wilds of northern Honshū that had been the inspiration for Bashō's famous Oku no Hosomichi (奥の細道 The Narrow Road to the Deep North). Buson published his notes from the trip in 1744, marking the first time he published under the name Buson.

After traveling through other various lands, including Tango (the northern part of modern Kyoto Prefecture) and Sanuki (Kagawa Prefecture in Shikoku), Buson settled down in the city of Kyoto at the age of 42. It is around this time that Buson began to write under the name of Yosa. There is speculation that Buson took this name from his mother's birthplace (Yosa in the province of Tango) but this has not been confirmed.

Buson married at the age of 45 and had one daughter, Kuno. From this point on, Buson stayed in Kyoto, writing and teaching poetry at the Sumiya. In 1770, he assumed the title of Yahantei (夜半亭), which had been the pen name of his teacher Hayano Hajin.

Buson died at the age of 68 and was buried at Konpukuji in Kyoto.

与謝蕪村直筆の俳句採点帳発見 京都・城陽の旧家から


 江戸時代の俳人、与謝蕪村(1716~83)が京都・南山城地方の俳句愛好者の作品を採点した帳面「点帖(てんじょう)」が、京都府城陽市の旧家から見 つかり、府立山城郷土資料館(木津川市)が18日、発表した。蕪村の指導ぶりがわかる資料で、同館は「ロマンチックで映像的な句が多い蕪村の文学観がうか がえる」と評価している。



 点帖は和紙22枚をとじた縦17.6センチ、横24センチの大きさで、南山城地方の俳句愛好者34人が詠んだ計136句が整然と並ぶ。随所に「路傍槿 (ろぼうのむくげ)」(7点)、「春盡鳥啼(はるつきとりなく)」(10点)などと文字や絵で点数を示す数種類のはんこが押されていた。最高点は15点 だった。また、蕪村の師匠の師匠にあたる晋子(しんし)が歌会のあった日の月について詠んだ句を引き合いに、「趣が似ている」などとした自筆の評もあっ た。



